Course code Soci6014
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation06.10.2020
Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Dr. oec.
Soci5041, Social Research Methods
Soci5042, Social Welfare
Soci5043, Sociological Theory
The aim of the study course is to provide master students with in-depth knowledge of the theoretical framework of quality of life, the theoretical and methodological potential of its research in the social sciences, as well as to provide master students with knowledge on current issues in quality of life research.
During the course the master students acquire in-depth knowledge on conceptualization of quality of life and research specificity in social sciences: on factors influencing quality of life, research levels, objective and subjective indicators, theoretical and methodological approaches. During the course the students are introduced with experience and topical studies in the field of life quality research emphasizing national and international sociological studies and its role in the process for improvements of social policy.
Knowledge. Knows the essence of the concept of quality of life, development, research levels, paradigms, methodological problems and the importance of quality of life research in public administration (tests). Skills. Can evaluate and apply practically the explanatory theoretical approaches of the quality of life in the empirical research of aspects related to the quality of life (independent work). Able to plan and execute assigned tasks, argue one's opinion in group discussions, participate in group work (independent work). Can independently search in the database and critically evaluate information about one of the paradigms of the study of the quality of life and present it to the group (independent work).
Competence. To understand in depth the application possibilities of quality of life measurements in the development of social policy and an independently developed design about one of the factors affecting quality (independent work).
Full-time studies (16 hours):
1.Historical development of quality of life as a field of research (1 hour).
2.Quality of life: human needs and opportunities (1 hour).
3.Definitions of quality of life (1 hour).
4.Conceptualization of quality of life in social sciences (1 hour).
5.Sociological perspectives on quality of life (1 hour).
6.Possibilities of measuring quality of life (1 hour).
7.Description of different aspects of quality of life research (1 hour).
8.Description of quality of life models (2 hours).
9.Theory of integrated research model for quality of life (1 hour).
10.The role of quality of life research in social policy (1 hour).
11.Experience of quality of life research (1 hour).
Practical work and seminar topics (12 hours)
1. Conceptualization of quality of life research (1 hour).
2. Needs and opportunities as elements characterizing the well-being of different social categories (1 hour).
3. Quality of life as an interdisciplinary research subject (1 hour).
4. Subjective assessments of the quality of life in sociological studies (1 hour).
5. Test: Characterization of subjective well-being and objective living conditions and their application in quality of life studies (1 hour).
6. Presentation of independent work No. 1: Methodological aspects of the study of the quality of life of different social categories in foreign studies (1 hour).
7. Application of theoretical models of the quality of life of Denis Rafael and Eric Allart in sociological research (1 hour).
8. Construction of the research tools for the quality of professional life (1 hour).
9. Methodological aspects of quality of life research in the context of aging society (1 hour).
10. Constructing the "good life" of families in Latvian social media (1 hour).
11. Identification of measures to increase the quality of life in national and municipal level planning documents (1 hour).
12. Presentation of independent work No. 2: Research design of an important aspect affecting the quality of life in the administration of organizations and society (1 hour).
In part-time distance learning studies:
All topics indicated for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the number of hours indicated.
Formal test. The final assessment is cumulative on the following topics and tasks: 1) Characterization of subjective well-being and objective living conditions and their application in quality of life research (test performance); Methodological aspects of researching the quality of life of different social categories in foreign studies (1st independent work presentation); 2) Research design of an important aspect affecting the quality of life in the management of organizations and society (presentation of the 2nd independent work)
Study process in part-time distance learning is organised in accordance with the Order of the Vice-Rector of Studies No. 2.4.-5/59 On distance learning procedures at LBTU. Study courses are scheduled for each semester according to the study plan. The students learn the topics included in the study course independently, using the materials created and placed by the lecturer in the e-studies (Moodle). Feedback on the learning of lecture and seminar topics in distance learning is organised in the form of self-assessment tests, discussion forums and independent work, as well as in face-to-face or online consultations, lectures and final examinations according to the timetable.
During the study course, master's students develop the following independent works: 1) Literature studies to prepare for the test; 2) 1st independent work - Quality of life research experience in foreign countries, preparation of research report; 3) 2nd independent work - Research of an important aspect affecting the quality of life in the management of organizations and society, development of research design.
Master's students must complete a test on the theoretical aspects of the quality of life and perform two independent works: prepare a presentation on the experience of researching the quality of life in one of the foreign studies and develop a research design on one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life in modern society.
The test and both independent works must have at least 60% correspondence - the correct answers of the test and the set criteria of the independent work task.
1.Abbott L.Ferris. (2004). The Quality of Life Concept in Sociology, The American Sociologist/Fall.
2.Phillips D. (2006). Quality of Life: Concept, Policy and Practice. London and New York: Routledge, 288 p.
3.Rapley M. (2003). Quality of Life Research: A Critical Introduction. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 286 p. eBook. Pieejams elektroniski LBTU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
4.Mira G.R., Uzzell L.D., Real J.E., Romay J. (Eds.) (2017). Housing, Space and Quality of Life. London and New York: Routledge, 185 p.
5.Sirgy M. J. (2001). Handbook of Quality-of-Life Research: An Ethical Marketing Perspective by Social Indicators Research Series, Volume 8., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
6.Ivaldi E., Soliani R., Bonatti G. (2016.) The Measurement of Well-Being in the Current Era. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 168 p. eBook. Pieejams elektroniski LBTU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
7.Stiglitz E.J. (2019). For Good Measure: An Agenda for Moving Beyond GDP. New York: The New Press, 427 p. eBook. Pieejams elektroniski LBTU EBSCOhost datubāzē:
1. Bunge M. What is a quality of life indicator? Social Indicators Research, Vol. 2, 1975, p. 65–79. DOI
2. Social Ouality: A Vision for Europe. W. Beck et al. Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001.
3. Ventegodt S., Merrick J., Andersen N. J. Quality of Life Theory I. The IQOL Theory: An Integrative Theory of the Global Quality of Life Concept. The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 3, 2003, p. 1030-1040.
4. Veenhoven R. Quality-of-Life Research [tiešsaiste]. 2007. [Skatīts 11.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
1. Eurostat. Quality of life indicators - measuring quality of life. Pieejams:
2. Centrālā statistikas pārvalde. Dzīves kvalitātes rādītāji. Pieejams:
3. Quality of Life Research. ISSN 15732649. Pieejams:
4. Bela B., Tisenkopfs T. Dzīves kvalitāte Latvijā. Stratēģiskās analīzes komisija. Rīga: Zinātne, 2006.
5. Latvijas iedzīvotāju dzīves kvalitātes indekss. Stratēģiskās analīzes komisijas darba grupas atskaite. Pieejams:
Compulsory study course in the ESAF academic master’s study programme “Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration”.