Code du cours PedaP104

Crédits 18

La quantité totale d'heures en classe486

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant486

Date de l'approbation du cours22.11.2016

Auteur du cours


Vija Dišlere


1. John McLeod. An introduction to counselling. New York: Open University Press, 2005..
2. Sampson J.P., Jr., Robert C. Reardon, Gary W. Peterson, Janet G. Lenz. Career counseling and Services. London, Thomson Learning, 2004
3. Hawkin P., Shonet R. Supervision in the Helping Professions: an individual, group and organizational approach. 2.ed. Buskingham Philadelfia: Open University Press, 2000.
4. Rodžers M. Sociālā darba supervīzijas lomas, funkcijas un mērķis. No: Dzīves jautājumi, VI, Rīga, SDSPA “Attīstība”. 2001, 117.-141.lpp.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Gibson R., Mitchell M. Introduction to Career Counselling for the 21 st Century. NewJersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2006. 288 lpp.
2. Hawkins P. The ART of building WINDmills. Career tactics for the 21st century. University of Liverpool, 2004.
3. Ozoliņa Nucho A., Vidnere M. Intervēšanas prasme. Rīga: RaKa, 2003. 84 lpp.