Code du cours PedaP095

Crédits 3

La quantité totale d'heures en classe81

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant81

Date de l'approbation du cours21.05.2013

Auteurs du cours


Vija Dišlere


Regīna Baltušīte


1. Karjeras attīstības atbalsts. Izglītība, konsultēšana, pakalpojumi. Rīga: VIAA, 2008. 182 319 lpp.
2. Kidd M. Understanding Career Counselling. Theory, research and Practice. Sage Publications, 2006. 139 p.
3. McLeod J. An introduction to counselling. New York: Open University Press, 2005. 234 p.
4. Zunker V. Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach. International Edition. Wadsworth, 2009. 624 p.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Andersen P., Vandehey M. Career Counseling and Development in a Global Economy. Cengage Learning,Brooks/Cole, 2011. 381 p.
2. Sampson J. P., Reardon R. C., Peterson G. W., Lenz J. G. Career Counseling and Services. Belmont, CA: Thomson / Brooks/Cole, 2004. 360 p.
3. Savickas M.L. Career Counseling. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2011. 186 p.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. Psiholoģijas pasaule. Rīga : Daro Cēsis, 2003- ISSN 1691-0435. Ir LLU FB (līdz 31.12.2006.)
2. Psiholoģija Mums. : starpnozaru žurnāls. Rīga : Juristu Ģilde. ISSN 1691-0982.
3. Journal of Counseling and Development. [tiešsaiste]. ISSN 0748 - 9633 [skatīts 31.05.2013.]. Pieejams EBSCO datubāzēs: