Course code Peda6037
Credit points 30
Total Hours in Course810
Independent study hours810
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. paed.
Master's work to demonstrate student's competence in solving of current problems of guidance provision, career information, career education, career counselling and research work. This is a self-study conducted by a postgraduate student, which confirms the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, methodological and research skills in the field of career guidance and counselling in a certain amount of the study program (20 CP) and results in a study with elements of novelty, theoretical and practical input, as well as conclusions based on science. The scientific erudition and creative potential reflected in the Master's thesis should be at a level that is traditionally associated with a Master's degree of education in the world.
Knowledge - in-depth, structured and analytical knowledge at the level of understanding and use in the field of career guidance and counselling, according to the chosen research problem and its specificity.
Skills - is able to summarize, systematize, critically evaluate bibliographic sources, choose and use appropriate research methods. The student is able to analyze and synthesize, as well as to develop valid conclusions and real proposals. Able to approbate the results of the study.
Competences - a set of academic, systematic, analytical and instrumental competences that result in the ability to deliver a real creative and innovative contribution to the analysis and evaluation of complex and dynamic career development processes. The ability to forcefully and convincingly to present and defend the results of the study.
1. Identifying the problem; choosing a topic.
2. Reflection of personal experience on the problem of research in the field of career guidance.
3. Preparation of conception of Master's Thesis.
4. Finding of information sources; exploration of identifying approaches, theories, models and scientific cognitions; those choice and evaluation.
5. Preparation of the manuscript of of theoretical part. Development of the theoretical part.
6. Identification, assessment and selection of research methods.
7. Development of career guidance Methods / Programs / Model, etc.
8. Identification of analogous studies (Master's Thesis, etc.) and developed methodologies / programs / model, etc. benchmarking.
9. Pilot studies.
10. Correction of methodology and coordination with the supervisor of Master's Thesis.
11. Conducting research (experiment, etc.).
12. Data processing: compilation, selection of images, mathematical processing, analysis, etc.
13. Evaluation of research results.
14. Preparation of the draft of the Master's Thesis according to the requirements of the Institute; its alignment.
15. Making out of Master's Thesis.
16. Pre-defence of Master's Thesis, handing over to reviewers; defence of Master's Thesis.
The Master's thesis is developed in several stages:
1) Determination of the concept of Master's thesis, in which the Master's student chooses the field of study, specifies the topic, identifies and compiles the list of sources and literature, chooses research methods, develops the concept of work (plan), coordinating it with the supervisor of the Master's thesis.
2) Methods / programs / model, etc. development, appraisal and approbation of the research problem in the field of career guidance.
3) Conducting an empirical or experimental study
4) Compilation of theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the research.
Final exam with mark. The Master thesis conform of with TF methodological guidelines for the development and presentation of the Master thesis.
Reports for the master's thesis supervisor in each semester. Test without mark according to the amount of work done.
Test in full-time studies: 1st semester (3 ECT), 2nd semester (6 ECT), 3rd semester (6 ECT) and 4th semester (15 ECT).
Test in part-time studies in 2nd semester (3 ECT), 3rd semester - (3 ECT), 4th semester - (9 ECT) and 5th semester (15 ECT).
Supervisor's reference with suggestion for defence of master's thesis; two reviews; defence of master's thesis at state examination commission.
Master thesis is evaluated on a 10-point scale.
The evaluation of the study course (mark) is the successful defense of the Master's thesis in the MEK (Master's Examination Commission).
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1. Cohen L., Manion L., Morrison K. Research Methods in Education. 7th Edition. London; New York: Routledge, 2011. 784 p. 2. Greenhaus J.H., Callanan G.A. (2006). Encyclopaedia Career Development. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE, 2006. – vol. 3. Kristapsone S. Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 4. Ядов В.А. Стратегия социологического исследования. Описание,объяснение, понимание социальной реальности. 3-е изд., испр. Москва: Омега-Л, 2007. 567 с..
1. A Guide to APA Referencing Style: 6th Edition. Student Success UCOL. 2017. 35 p. [Skatīts 12.12.2018.] Pieejams:
2. Scopus. [Skatīts 12.12.2018.] Pieejams:
3. EBSCO Research Databases. [Skatīts 12.12.2018.] Pieejams: