Course code Peda5034
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation22.11.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Dr. paed.
Mg. ed.
Students acquire knowledge on the basic principles of scientific research, research ethics and measurements, develop necessary skills. Theoretical and empirical research methods are acquired. Course content reflects the logic of research, study course begins with formulating of research problem and ends with the preparation and presentation of research paper. During practical works, students acquire experience on formulation of research problem and purpose statement, learn how to select appropriate research design and improve data collection and processing skills.
• Knowledge - will be able to identify and evaluate the potential research problems, to realize content and necessity of ethical and normative requirements of the research work, will be aware about characteristics of research designs, will be able to characterize data collection and processing methods.
• Skills - will be able to formulate and evaluate critically research problem and purpose statement, will be able to choose an appropriate research design and corresponding data collection and data processing methods, will be able to explain the data results and draw conclusions, will be able to write his/her research paper properly.
• Competence - will be able to carry out and to make available to public his/her research work, will be able to evaluate critically and use the results of other studies, will be able to supervise general education and Bachelor level researches.
1. Ievads pētniecībā: stratēģijas, dizaini, metodes. Sastādītāja Kristīne Mārtinsone. [Rīga]: RaKa, 2011. 284 lpp.
2. Creswell J. W. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Boston: Pearson, 2012. 650 p.
3. Kroplijs A., Rasčevska M. Kvalitatīvās pētniecības metodes sociālajās zinātnēs. Rīga: RaKa, 2004. 178 lpp. 2004.g.
4. Kristapsone S. Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā. Rīga: SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 352 lpp.
1. Tomsons V. Pedagoģisko pētījumu metodoloģija: mācību līdzeklis. 1.daļa Pētījuma pamatjautājumi. Jelgava: LLU, 2009. 35 lpp.
2. Geske A., Grīnfelds A. Izglītības pētniecība: mācību grāmata augstskolu izglītības un pedagoģijas profesionālo un akadēmisko studiju programmu studentiem. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006. 261 lpp.
3. Paura L., Arhipova I. Neparametriskās metodes: SPSS datorprogramma: Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLKC, 2002. 148 lpp.
1. Abonētās datubāzes LLU tīklā.
2. Pārresoru koordinācijas centra pētījumu un publikāciju datu bāze.
3. LR Izglītības ministrijas publikācijas un statistika.