Course code PārZ1012
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures10
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.02.2014
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
PārZ1011, Fundamentals of Food Science I
The aim of the study course is provide knowledge the basic principles of study research work development, their content and visual representation, formatting and presentation.
Students gain skills in working with various sources of information and preparation of large format documents, as well as gain insight into the mathematical and statistical processing of data in food science and production, and also get acquainted with the possibilities of presentation tools.
After mastering the study course students get:
• Theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of study research papers, as well as in the arrangement, design and presentation of information in the field of food production, quality management and innovation.
• Acquires skills to develop study research papers and design them in accordance with the requirements; arrange data, correctly display, interpret and present the results of various works using various methods and application software.
• Competence to apply the most appropriate way of displaying and presenting data,
to evaluate and reasonably choose the mathematical, statistical and graphical processing of data, to form a connection with the knowledge acquired in the study course with its application in the study process.
1. Structure of the study course, conditions for obtaining competences and assessment. Basic principles of research work development, content of chapters and guidelines for their development. Execution of study research work in accordance with LLU PTF methodological instructions (2 hours).
2. The possibilities offered by the software to perform formatting and characteristics of the interface (1 hour). Homework - Preparation of the title page (2 hours).
3. Creation and arrangement of large-scale works. Formatting of textual information. Paragraph indents, spaces, numbering, marking, levelling. Creating and applying document styles. Automatic table of contents (4 hours). Homework - Tables creating in MS Word (2 hours).
4. Caption style. The indexes of tables and figures (1hour). Homework - Multi-level list usage (2 hours).
5. Sorting of data in columns, tables, flowcharts. Tabs spaces usage (3 hours). Homework - Tabs space usage (2 hours).
6. Creating of links, using bookmarks. Usage of references. Index tables (2 hours). Homework - Flowcharts creating (2 hours).
7. Test 1 - Technical formatting of large-volume documents, possibilities for organizing and presenting information (1 hour).
8. Database creation and formatting. Calculations in MS Excel. Percentage calculation. (2 hours)
9. The functions and their application possibilities. IF function. Compound functions. (2 hours)
10. Data sorting and filtering. Subtotals in databases (2 hours).
11. Pivot tables and charts (2 hours). Homework - Tables creating in MS Excel (6 hours).
12. Graphical representation of data (2 hours). Homework - Creating of graphs, diagrams and charts (4 hours).
13. Statistical methods in food science. Statistical processing of research data (3 hours).
14. Test 2 - Data processing, calculations, statistics and graphical representation (1 hour).
15. Basic principles and conditions of presentation preparation. Various presentation tools. Presentation options in MS PowerPoint and online programs (3 hours).
16. Test 3 - presentation tools (1 hour).
The practical works (total 12) and homeworks (total 8) provided in the study course must be completely done. The independent work and all three tests must be with positive assessment (minimum 4) written.
The study course ends with an assessment - a test with a mark. The final test mark obtains by calculation of the arithmetic mean from the independent work mark and from the marks obtained for the tests written during the semester (total 3 marks).
During the semester, students must complete eight homeworks (each volume 1-3 pages) on the topics that are learned at that moment in the study course. In addition, students have to prepare one independent work, it consists of two parts - a small report (pages >=6) on the presentation tool and small presentations created with the presentation tool described in the report. Independent work must done during the semester and submitted at the end of the semester.
During the semester, students must write three tests.
The final test mark of the study course test depends on the cumulative evaluation of the independent work and tests.
A student can obtain a positive grade for independent work and a test if at least 50% of the conditions realized. The final test mark calculates as the arithmetic mean from the independent work mark and from the marks obtained for the tests taken in the study course.
1. Metodiskie norādījumi akadēmiskās studiju programmas “Pārtikas zinības” studiju projekta “Jaunu pārtikas produktu izstrāde” īstenošanai, Jelgava: LLU, 2018., 15 lpp.
2. Klieders J., Datorzinības. Microsoft Office 2013/2016: mācību līdzeklis., Rīga: Juridiskā koledža, 2018., 295 lpp.
3. Jānis Augucēvičs J., Word Microsoft Office 2013., Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2015., 83 lpp.
4. Duffy J., Cram C., Illustrated course guide: Microsoft Word 2013 intermediate., Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2014., 280 p.
5. Bluttman K. ,Excel formulas & functions for dummies. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, 2019., 383 p.
6. Corti L., Van den Eynden V., Libby Bishop & Matthew Woollard, Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice., Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014, 222 p.
7. Matthews M., Carole Matthews C., How to Do Everything: Microsoft Office Online. McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition, 2015., 244 p.
8. Pripp A. H., Statistics in food science and nutrition. New York: Springer, 2013., 66 p.
9. Bower J.A., Statistical Methods for Food Science: introductory procedures for the food practioner. Queen Margaret University, Edinburg, UK: 2013, 318 p.
1.Word palīdzības centrs [tiešaiste] [Skatīts: 21.05.2020.]. Pieejams:
2. Excel palīdzības centrs [tiešaiste] [Skatīts: 21.05.2020.]. Pieejams:
3. PowerPoint palīdzības centrs [tiešaiste] [Skatīts: 21.05.2020.]. Pieejams:
4. Microsoft Office [tiešaiste] [Skatīts: 21.05.2020.]. Pieejams:
5. Trochim W. M., Donnelly J. P., Arora K., Research methods: the essential knowledge base. Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016., 422 p.
1. Scientific peer-reviewed papers' database, SCIENCEDIRECT. Peejams: [Skatīts: 23. janvārī, 2014.]
2. Scientific peer-reviewed papers' database, SCOPUS. Peejams: [Skatīts: 23. janvārī, 2014.]
Compulsory study course in the academic bachelor's study programm “Food Quality and Innovations”.