Course code MežZ5010

Credit points 4.50

Short Rotation Coppice for Energy

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Date of course confirmation08.11.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developers

author prof.

Olga Miezīte

Dr. silv.


Dagnija Lazdiņa

Dr. silv.

Course abstract

Master will improve the knowledge of woody-energy crop plantations and plantation forests in Latvian and in the world, the technologies of establishment and legislation, selection of species and source of planting material for energy wood plantations or plantation forests, planting techniques, maintenance and removal. Course provide an insight into the potential way of biomass and treatment.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students have learned the latest trends and is familiar with the knowledge of fuelwood plantations. Able to choose the site and conditions suitable for current tree species, as have gained knowledge of the necessary growing conditions and agricultural engineering. Are familiar with the latest energy wood plantations management and harvesting technologies, are able to choose the most appropriate. Students knows how to plan and calculate the resources needed, are able to calculate costs and benefits, including the ecological footprint. Understands and is able to argue fuelwood plantations from point of view of sustainable farming.

Compulsory reading

1. SRP Guidelines for farmers/authorities/endusers,
2. Baltalksnis Latvijā / Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava" ; [projekta vad. Māris Daugavietis ; red. Kristiāna Kalniņa]. Salaspils: LVMI "Silava", 2006. 129 lpp.
3. Lazdiņš A., Kāposts V, Kariņš Z, Lazdiņa D,Strazdiņš U., Larsson S. Kārklu plantācijas ierīkošanas un apsaimniekošanas rokasgrāmata. Salaspils: LVMI Silava, 2005.

Further reading

1. Īscirtmeta kārklu plantācijas un to izmantošanas iespējas. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 05.12.2011.] Pieejams:
2. Īscirtmeta papeļu plantācijas bioenerģijas un apaļkoksnes ieguvei. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 05.12.2011.] Pieejams:
3. Kas ir hibrīdā apse. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 05.12.2011.] Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Biomass and bioenergy. [tiešsaiste]. ISSN: 0961-9534 [skatīts 05.12.2011.] Pieejams ScienceDirect datubāzē:
2. Straptautisks zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry" ISSN: 1392-1355.
3. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". [tiešsaiste]. Salaspils: Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava". ISSN: 1407-270X. [skatīts 05.12.2011.] Pieejams: