Course code MašZ5027
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours114
Date of course confirmation29.11.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Dr. sc. ing.
The aim of the study course is to give students knowledge in Modelling of Systems' Dynamic. Students obtain principles of building and solving of differential equations for electrical, mechanical, electromechanical and hydrodynamic systems. Students obtain skills in systems' modelling using Matlab-Simulink tools.
Knowledge - master students gain an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of modelling technical systems, solving differential equations for mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems. Gain knowledge in using Matlab-Simulink software in engineering calculations and system modelling. The knowledge gained serves as a basis for further research and development of creative thinking. Knowledge is evaluated in tests and laboratory works.
Skills - master students are able to use the acquired knowledge creatively to build mathematical models of technical systems using Matlab-Simulink tools. Able to evaluate system modelling results. Assessment - execution of laboratory works.
Competence - master students are able to apply professional knowledge and skills of Modelling of Dynamic Systems in practical work and studies to critically analyse complicated engineering and technical systems, determinate its limits, create and evaluate models of systems. Competences is evaluated in tests and laboratory works.
1. Introduction to system modelling. Importance of modelling in engineering practice - 2h.
2. System definition, parameters and properties. System types and structures - 2h.
3. Static and dynamic systems, their parameters and characteristics - 4h.
4. Test on theoretical part of modelling.
5. Models and their types, properties and evaluation - 2h.
6. Differential equations for different types of physical systems - 2h.
7. Physical system model development - 4h (Practical work).
8. Learning the basics of Matlab-Simulink - 2h.
9. Simulink tool libraries and their application in dynamic system modelling - 4h (Practical work).
10. Mathematical model of electric system - 2h.
11. Development of a mathematical model of an electrical system and practical testing of its operation - 6h (Laboratory work).
12. Laplace transformations - 4h.
13. Solving Differential Equations Using Laplace Transforms - 2h (Practical Work).
14. Modelling of mechanical systems - 4h
15. Differential Equation Compilation and Solving for Mechanical Systems - 2h (Practical Work).
16. Modelling of Oscillating Mechanical Systems and Testing of Model Performance - 4h (Laboratory work).
17. Hydraulic system modelling - 2h.
18. Mathematical Modelling of Electric Motors - 2h.
19. Lagrange’s differential equations and their solution - 2h.
20. Derivation of Lagrange’s differential equations for mechanical systems - 4h (Practical work).
21. Modelling of electromechanical systems using Lagrange’s differential equations - 2h.
22. Modelling and Experimental Testing of Electromechanical System - 6h (Laboratory work).
The course ends with an exam.
In order to pass the exam, must be defended laboratory works and completed homework.
1. Homework. Modeling and Simulation of Electrical System in Simulink Software - 36 h.
2. Homework. Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical System in Simulink Software - 24 h.
3. Homework. Modeling of Electromechanical System Using Lagrange's Second order Differential Equation and Simulation using Simulink Software - 36 h.
The student successfully defends the laboratory works, if he has made the necessary calculations and is able to answer any control question for the job.
Homework is credited if the student is able to explain the calculations done in it and interpret the results.
1. Modeling of dynamic systems with engineering applications / Clarence W. de Silva. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018 – 671 p.
2. Modeling and analysis of dynamic systems / Ramin S. Esfandiari, Bei Lu. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2014 – 548 p.
1. Dynamic systems. Modeling, analysis and simulation // Finn Haugan, Tapir academic press, Trondheim, 2004. – 213 p.
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The study course is included in the Compulsory part of the Master’s study program “Agricultural Engineering”. 1st study year 2nd semester.