Course code LauZ6107

Credit points 7.50


Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures50

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes30

Date of course confirmation18.01.2011

Responsible UnitAgrobiotehnoloģijas institūts

Course developer


Marta Liepniece

Mg. agr.

Course abstract

Graduate students will develop in-depth understanding about history of beekeeping, functional beekeeping equipment and methods of beekeeping in different models of apiary. Entomophilic and anemophilic plants. Nectar, the physiology of nectar production, factors influencing the nectar production. The most important in nature and cultivation of honey plants. Specialisation in beekeeping, the products obtained from bees (honey, pollen propolis, royal jelly, bee venom, beeswax). Beekeeping in conditions of disease (varroa, foulbrood) of bees and entomophilic plant pollination.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After completing the course student will have:
• knowledge of bee apiary model and their suitability beekeeping in the Latvia. Students get knowledge about necessary food base in bees life cycle and ways to provide it. They obtained knowledge about specialisation in beekeeping, the products obtained from bees and cultivated plants pollination;
• skills to use knowledge about specialization in beekeeping. Students know haw to identify natural food base around apiary and calculate the necessary sown area of nectar plants to ensure a regular honey harvest in beekeeping season;
• competence to manage production or consultative work, analyse and formulate scientific problems in the beekeeping sector, to plan and carry out the experiments.

Compulsory reading

1. Ritmanis Z. Medus un citi biškopības produkti. Rīga: Nordik, 2004. 264 lpp.
2. Crane E. The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting. London : Duckworth, 1999. 682 p.
3. The hive and the honey bee. Edited by Joe M. Graham. Printed in the USA by Bookmasters, inc., Manssfield, OHIO, 2003.

Further reading

1. Ruttner F. Zuchttechnik und zuchtauslese bei der Biene. Munchen:Ehrenwirth. 1996. 166 s.
2. Технология производства и переработки продукции пчеловодства Туников Г.М., Кривцов Н.И.[и.д.] Москва: Колос, 2001. 175 c.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Biškopis (ISSN 9771407-221008)
2. Dārzs un Drava (ISSN 0132-6457)
3. Journal of apicultural science (ISSN 0021-8596)