Course code LauZ4258

Credit points 4.50

Agricultural Machinery I

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for laboratory classes24

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation14.02.2017

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author prof.

Jānis Palabinskis

Dr. sc. ing.

author prof.

Kaspars Vārtukapteinis

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

LauZ2038, Basics in Agronomy I

LauZ4066, Hydraulics and Hidraulic Drive I

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to gain knowledge about two groups of agricultural machines - tillage and spreading machines: environment and object of the work of agricultural machinery: soil, stalked, liquid, pouring, absorbent, biologically active, chemically aggressive materials; technologies of agricultural operations: regimes, energetic and costs; conditioning and storing of plant production; constructions of machinery: agritechnical requirements, technological parameters, technological and kinematic scheme.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge of tillage and spreading machines as a tool for the implementation of a complex process, to orientate in the offer of tillage and spreading machines, technologies and applied machines and equipment. Knowledge is assessed in laboratory works and tests.
Skills to evaluate the work to be done with tillage and spreading machines, to choose the technological and technical solutions of the applied equipment. Skills are assessed in laboratory work and their defense, as well as in tests.

Competences to know the issues of tillage and spreading machines, to independently choose appropriate technologies and equipment for their implementation, as well as to manage work with appropriate equipment. Competences are assessed in laboratory work, their defense and tests.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Plows - 4h. Test. Plows and plowing.
2. Stubble cultivators - 3h.
3. Seedbed preparation cultivators - 4h. Test. Cultivators and their application.
4. Power harrows - 3h.
5. Row crop cultivators - 4h. Test. Row spacing and soil compaction.
6. Harrows, rollers, cutters - 3h.
7. Combined tillage units - 3h.
8. Organic manure spreaders - 3h.
9. Fertilizer spreaders - 4h. Test. Fertilizing machines.
10. Cereal seeders - 3h.
11. Single seed drills - 4h. Seeding and planting machines.
12. Planting machines - 3h.
13. Plant chemical protection machine - 3h.

14. Aerosol generators - 4h. Test. Plant chemical protection machines.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test. All laboratory works have been worked out and defended, tests have been successfully written.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Preparation for tests using the literature indicated in the study program and consulting with the lecturer of the study course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The credit of the study course depends on the successful evaluation of the study course tests.

Compulsory reading

1. Kažotnieks J. Arkli. Rīga: [b.i.], 2006. 27 lpp.
2. Pinnis U. Kultivatori un dziļirdinātāji. Ulbroka: Alfa Lukss, 2006. 56 lpp.
3. Organiskā mēslojuma izkliedēšanas tehnoloģijas / K.Tamm, R.Vettik, P.Viil, T.Võsa, J.Kažotnieks. - [B.v.]: Biedrība Zemnieku saeima, 2017 - 31 lpp. Pieejams:

4. Pinnis U. Minerālmēslu izkliedētāji. Ulbroka: Madonas Poligrāfists, 2003. 24 lpp.

Further reading

1. Kažotnieks J. Arkli un aršana. Ozolnieki: LLKC, 1998. 32 lpp.
2. Kažotnieks J. Smidzinātāji. Rīgas, 2006. 32 lpp.
3. Kažotnieks J. Sējmašīnas. LLKC, Ozolnieki, 2006. 26 lpp.

4. Palabinskis J. Organisko mēslu izkliedētāji. Jelgava, 2004. 64 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls Landtechnik-Agricultural Engineering, Pieejams:
2. Žurnāls Agro Tops. Pieejams:
3. Žurnāls Saimnieks LV. Pieejams:

4. Mans lauksaimniecības tehnikas parks. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla “AgroTops” bibliotēka 2019. – 65 lpp. (Aršanas smalkumi, kā izvēlēties smidzinātāju, smidzinātāja regulēšana, minerālmēslu izkliedētāja izvēle, kā samazināt degvielas patēriņu lauksaimniecības darbos).


Compulsory course for the subprogram "Agricultural Machinery" of the Academic Bachelor's study program "Agricultural Engineering"