Код курса LauZ3022
Кредитные пункты 6
Общее количество часов162
Kоличество часов лекций32
æоличество лабораторных работ32
Количество часов самостоятельной работы студента98
Дата утвеждения курса08.12.2019
1. Misiņa M., Loža V. Ģenētika ar selekcijas pamatiem. Rīga, 1991. 397 lpp.
2. Raipulis J. Ģenētikas pamati. Rīga: RaKa, 2002. 250 lpp.
3. Āboliņš M. Ģenētikas praktikums. Jelgava: LLU. 1997. 225 lpp.
4. Fruit Breeding. Vol. I: Tree and Tropical Fruit. Ed. by J. Janic and J. Moore. New York etc. : John Wiley and Sons, 1996. 616 p.
1. Brown J., Caligari P. An Introduction to Plant Breeding. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 2009. 209 p
2.Plant Breeding. J.Brown., P.Caligari, H.Campos. Wiley Blackwell, 2014. 278 p.
3.Fruit Breeding. Vol. I: Tree and Tropical Fruit. Ed. by J. Janic and J. Moore. New York etc.: John Wiley and Sons, 1996. 616 p.
4.Plant Biotechnology and Genetics. C. Neal Stewart Jr., Wiley. 2008.
Pieejams LLU FB abonētajā datubāzē eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=233078&site=ehost-live&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C1
5.Biotechnology. Applying the Genetic Revolution. David P. Clark, Nanette J. Pazdernik. Elsevier, 2009.
1. Acta Horticulturae ISSN 0567-7572.
2. Plant Breeding. Published by John Wiley and Sons. ISSN (printed): 0179-9541. ISSN (electronic): 1439-0523. 2. Euphytica Published by Springer. ISSN (printed): 0014-2336. ISSN (electronic): 1573-5060. Pieejams LLU FB abonētajā datubāze SpringerLink http://www.springerlink.com/content/0014-2336/