Course code ETeh4049

Credit points 3


Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation05.01.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author lect.

Indulis Straume

Mg. sc. ing.

author reserch

Genādijs Moskvins

Dr. habil. sc. ing.

Course abstract

Automation - a branch of science and technology that covers the theory, practice and design principles of automated control systems. It consists of automation technical means and automation control theory. The study program prepares highly qualified, competitive and competent specialists for the analysis, control, regulation and management of food automated technological processes (TP) in accordance with the requirements of automated industrial engineering. During the study process, students acquire knowledge, skills and competencies that correspond to the paradigms of modern engineering and management science. During the study process, students get acquainted with the principles of computer control of food production TA, learn the principles of TP quality and efficiency evaluation and management, which include the methods used by the world's leading industrial companies.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - the student knows the elements of automation and their application in food production, technological processes and the specifics of production automation, methods of analysis, synthesis, design and calculation of automation equipment and processes - lectures and theoretical test.

Skills - able to apply food production (PR) technological processes (TP) and product conformity assessment methods is able to evaluate, substantiate and select the required level of TP automation and reasonably select the components of food production technological processes, optimal operating modes, compile, connect and experimentally test automation and electric drive circuits, perform calculations and evaluate process quality - laboratory work.

Competence - selection of the principle and optimal modes of automated process and equipment management, evaluation of performance quality and justification of improvement solutions - developed and defended independent work, test.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Basic concepts of automation. Intellectualization of production and technological processes. Automated and automatic control systems in food production technologies. The main directions of automation development. (Lecture - 1h)
2. Types and level of automation. TP management system paradigm. Classifications of automation elements and DUS. (Lecture - 1h)
3. Basic electrical and TP functional circuits. Graphical designations of automation elements. Synthesis of TP functional circuits in EDrawMax computer program environment. (Lecture - 1h)
4. Principles of automated process and system design. Feedback. (Lecture - 1h)
5. Automation input elements, intermediate elements and output elements. (Lecture - 1h)
6. Sensor signal types, amplifiers and converters. Enforcement mechanisms. Relays and starters. Light sensitive elements. DC electromagnetic relays. AC electromagnetic relays. Time relays. Control test 1. (Lecture - 2h, laboratory works - 6h)
7. Sensors for control of physical parameters of food TP. Automatic maintenance of food production technological process parameters in a given range. PID adjustment. (Lecture - 1h)
8. Intelligent devices for measuring and dosing. (Lecture - 1h)
9. Mathematical model of automated technological process control. TP physical and virtual modeling. Temperature transducers. Thermocouples. Thermoresistors. Conveyor with limit switches. (Lecture - 1h, laboratory work - 4h)
10 Automation circuits and their applications in food technologies. Programmable logic controller (PLC). (Lecture - 1h)
11. Fuzzy logic. “Black box” W.R Ashby principle. Application examples. (Lecture - 1h)
12. Intelligent devices for food quality, safety and compliance control. Electronic "nose" and electronic "tongue". E-code and mobile applications. (Lecture - 1h)
13. Production TP visualization system SCADA, TRACE MODE 6. (Lecture - 1h)
14. Evaluation of economic effect and efficiency of automation. Automatic control of electric motors. Dynamic braking of electric motors with their reversal. Dynamic braking of electric motors with direct voltage. (Lecture - 1h, laboratory works - 4h)

15. Control test 2. Defence of laboratory works. (Lecture - 1h, laboratory works - 2h))

Requirements for awarding credit points

Theoretical test consists of three questions:
1. The question of automation theory;
2. The question of practical work.
3. The question of the working principle of operation of a given automation scheme.
The student is admitted to the test only if the laboratory works has been worked out, control tests №1 and №2 is approved and independent work is accepted.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student prepares a report (10-15 pages) or a presentation in the amount of 8-12 slides on a freely chosen topic of food technology automation, including in independent work management schemes, diagrams and examples of engineering calculations. Independent work can be performed in the amount of 8-10 slides using computer programs EDrawMax, SCADA, TRACE MODE 6.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course “test” is formed for each correct answer to the test question. The correct answer may be with slight imperfections or insignificant errors.
- Correct, comprehensive answer to each question: 3 points,
- Correct answer with minor deficiencies or errors: 2 points,
- Answer containing only basic concepts without explanation or with material errors: 1 point,
- No answer, wrong answer, very serious material errors in the answer: 0 points.
Obtaining 5 points out of 9, the student receives a course evaluation "test".

Compulsory reading

1. Moskvins G.. Automatizācija. Mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 120 lpp.
2. Šnīders A., Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Tehnoloģisko iekārtu automatizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 60 lpp.
3. Kaķītis A., Galiņš A., Leščevics P. Sensori un mērīšanas sistēmas. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 395 lpp.

Further reading

1. Moskvins G. Intelektuālās sistēmas un tehnoloģijas. Mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 136 lpp.
2. Šnīders A. Tehnoloģisko procesu automatizācijas teorētiskie pamati. Jelgava: LLA, 1986. 67 lpp.
3. Oded Goldreich. Computational Complexity: a Conceptual Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 606 p.
4. Suematsu, Y. Itroduction to Personal Computer Based Controllers. Tokyo: Ohmsha,Ltd., 2002.
256 p.
5.Hopgood A. A. (2011). Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists, CRC Press, 451 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Enerģētika un automatizācija. Profesionāls žurnāls par enerģētiku un automatizācijas risinājumiem. Pieejams:http://;
2. Literature for Process Automation. Pieejams:;
3. Process Automation.;


The mandatory course is intended for the second level professional higher education study program “Food technology” full and part time students.