Course code ETeh3014

Credit points 2.25

Repair of Electrical Equipment

Total Hours in Course60

Date of course confirmation16.03.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author lect.

Imants Plūme

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

Students in course acquires knowledge on classification of faults of electric equipment, its diagnostics and choice of repair technology. Knowledge was obtained on pre-repair calculations of electrical equipment, compilation of repair chart, providing of post-repair test and installation of electric equipment. Students acknowledge with criteria and methods of assessment of repair technologies.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge on faults of electrical equipment and its repair techniques. Skills in diagnostics methods and in selection of adequate repair technology for electrical equipment. Competence in electrical equipment diagnostics, repair and in evaluation of effectiveness of repair technology.

Compulsory reading

1. Baltiņš A, Kanbergs A. S.Miesniece. Zemsprieguma elektriskie aparāti. Māc. līdz.:Rīga: Jumava, 2003. 331. lpp.
2. Plūme I. Elektroiekārtu ekspluatācija un remonts: Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 59. lpp.
3. Krišāns Z. Elektroenerģētisko uzņēmumu vadības pamati. Lekciju konspekts. RTU.Rīga,1997. 52 lpp.
4. Standarts LEK 002, Elektrostaciju, tīklu un lietotāju elektroietaišu tehniskā ekspluatācija, Latvijas Elektrotehnikas komisija. 2001. 140.lpp.

Further reading

1. Baltiņš A., Kanbergs A., Miesniece S. Zemsprieguma elektriskie aparāti. Māc. līdz.:Rīga: Jumava, 2007. 345 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Enerģija un Pasaule: E & P. Rīga : Briga Plus. ISSN 1407-5911.
2. Electricity Journal, Elsevier science, no 07.01.1997, ISSN 1040-6190.
3. Промышленная теплотехника, Kijeva no 1979, ISSN 0204-3602.