Course code DatZ2013

Credit points 4.50

WWW Technologies

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation25.10.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science

Course developer

author lect.

Inga Viļumsone

Mg. sc. ing.

Replaced course

DatZB001 [GDATB001] WWW Technologies

Course abstract

The aim of study course is to provide students with knowledge about client-side oriented technologies in the development of web pages, the basic principles of web page construction and development, as well as about usable programs. Students learn the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as well as JavaScript basics. Knowledge gained within the course is used to develop an individual course work. The purpose of course work is to develop a Web page for specific target audience.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

As a result of the study course students:
• know about customer-side oriented technologies in development of Web pages and the possibilities their usage, basic construction principles of web page – practical assignments and exam;
• are able to use HTML language, CSS and Java script, W3C pointers for development of Web pages, create and process user forms, use DOM objects, design code according to good programming style, as well as analyze it – practical assignments and tests;
• are able independently to find solution for realization of certain task, to justify own point of view, to use standards of presenting information on the Internet – practical assignments and tests.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Creating the basic structure of an HTML document. HTML tags. Text formatting tags. HTML – 2h.
2. Styles (CSS). CSS selectors, classes, identifiers. CSS rules and their priority. CSS definition methods and style in an HTML document - 4h.
3. Basic page settings. Creating and styling text, images, lines, background, links in an HTML document using CSS - 2h.
4. Creating and designing lists, tables with HTML and CSS - 4h.
5. Structuring a web page with layers. Element positioning methods. Color models. The units of measurement used to define sizes in the development of Web pages. – 4h.
6. Basic elements for responsive design. Defining breakpoints of screen resolutions in CSS responsive design development - 2h.
7. Dynamic Structure Elements for Responsive Design – 4h.
8. Test 1: Creating a responsive web page using HTML and CSS. Page element design – 2h.
9. Overview of website frameworks. Using the Bootstrap framework - 4h.
10. CSS variables and code preprocessing frameworks CSS and HTML – 2h.
11. Document object model (DOM) and its use. Creation and design of form elements in HTML and data input processing of data fields using the JavaScript scripting language. – 4h.
12. JavaScript functions and events – 2h.
13. Javascript variables, loops, classes. Assigning values to variables. Data entry techniques. Data output techniques – 4h.
14. Using objects and arrays in JavaScript – 2h.
15. Adding and using JavaScript library jQuery in web pages - 4h.
16. Test 2: Using JavaScript in web pages - 2h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Student must complete and defende practical works.
Written exam. The exam task includes:
• theory test on the theoretical material considered in the study course;
• practical task on the topics considered in the practical works of the study course.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The practical task must be started during the lesson, completed independently and submitted within 2 weeks from the moment of assignment. Independent study of literature and online tutorials to strengthen knowledge.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The exam grade consists of practical works - 40% (out of total score), two tests - 20% and exam - 40%. Knowledge assessment takes place in a 10-point system.
• Developed and defended practical works (each practical work must be submitted within 2 weeks from the moment of submission and assessed with 2-6 points for the correct execution, half of points for the partially completed) (total 40%).
• Test 1: Designing an HTML document using CSS (10%).
• Test 2: HTML, CSS and Javascript collaboration for web page development (10%).Exam - theory test and practical part (40%).

Compulsory reading

• W3schools - WEB: izstrādes mācību vietne tiešsaistē, kas balstīta uz jaunākajiem standartiem [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• Bootstrap: satvara mājaslapa [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• Vektoru ikonu lapa [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• Minnick J. Responsive Web Design with HTML 5 & CSS. 9th edition. Cengage Learning, 2020. 640 p.
• Scott A., Powers S., MacDonald M. JavaScript Cookbook: Programming the Web 3rd edition. O'Reilly Media, 2021. 650 p. (pieejams fakultātē 35.kab.)
• Carey P.M. New Perspectives on HTML 5 and CSS. 8th edition. Cengage Learning, 2020. 936 p. (pieejams fakultātē 35.kab.)
• Nixon R. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites. 6th New edition. O'Reilly Media, 2021. 825 pp. (pieejams fakultātē 35.kab.)
• Code Quickly. Learn JavaScript Quickly: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Learning JavaScript, Even If You're New to Programming. Drip Digital, 2020. 172 p. (pieejams fakultātē 35.kab.)

Further reading

• Scott A.D. JavaScript Everywhere: Building Cross-Platform Applications with GraphQL, React, React Native, and Electron. Beijing : O'Reilly Media, 2020. 344 p.
• McFedries P. Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS the Interactive Way. Manning, 2019. 440 p.
• Brown T.B. CSS Master. SitePoint. 3rd edition, 2021. 524 p.
• Kamars A. Tīmekļa lapu veidošana. HTML un CSS. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 320 lpp.


Professional Bachelor Study Program “Information Technologies for Sustainable Development”.