Course code Citi3059
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation26.02.2020
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Ķīmi3017, Cleaning Technology
PārZ2052, Hospitality Businesses
Students acquire knowledge about types of accommodation establishments and operating framework. The course content includes an explanation about hospitality service and quality of service. The students get knowledge’s about hotel classification tasks and guiding principles. Students acquire knowledge about hotel services management, responsibilities and duties.
Knowledge about hotel operations processes, 1st, 2nd test;
skills to plan, coordinate, manage and to model the hotel services operation and technological processes, independent work and tasks;
competences of hotel services development and process rationalization, homework tasks, case studies.
1. Introduction to the study course. Course content and requirements. Hospitality trends and innovations in the context of the tourism industry.
2. Hotel product, service. Tangible and intangible services of hotel.
3. Hotel guests types. Creating a service for specific target groups. Hotel choices, guest structure.
4. Guest cycle on hotel. Analysis of cycle stages, guest and staff interaction.
5. Organizational structure of the hotel. Types of hotel management and structures. Hotel services types and their responsibilities. Chain Hotels.
6. Front office and back office services. Duties and responsibilities of employees. Technological processes of Front office department.
7. Hotel reservation process. Reservation types and stages.
8. Guest registration process. Work with different guests, VIP guests.
9. Test work.
10. Guest checkout stages. Settlement procedure and control.
11. The structure of the Housekeeping department, duties and responsibilities of employees.
12. Technological processes of the Housekeeping.
13. Hotel laundry management.
14. Organization of the Food and Beverage Service. Duties and responsibilities of employees. Breakfast types at the hotel. Room service.
15. Conference and seminar centre management. Hotel security.
16. Test work.
The final evaluation of the study course consisting of: assessment of practical work, assessment of independent work and the results of two tests.
Independent work includes individual and group work, which students present and defend. The presentations include lecture topics, analyse of the latest industry, scientific literature and student creative ideas.
During practical work students analyse various case studies, work with various examples of hotel internal documents.
The overall assessment of the study course consists of:
• assessment of the independent work 40%
• assessment of the practical work 20%
• test results 40%
1. Hotel management and operations. Edited by M. J. O'Fallon, D. G. Rutherford. 5th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. 494 p.
Hotel management and operations. Ed. by D. G. Rutherford. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2002. 536 p.
2. Hotel accommodation management. Edited by R. C. Wood. London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. 209 p.
3. Morrison A. M. Hospitality and travel marketing. 4th ed. Clifton Park: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2010. 786 p.
4. Īriste S., Platace M., Riekstiņa-Dolģe R. (2020). Viesu izmitināšanas pakalpojumu organizēšana. Rīga: VISC.
5. Platace M. Viesu uzņemšanas dienesta darbības pamatprincipi. Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2000. 175 lpp.
1. Penner R. H. Adams L., Robson K.A. Hotel design, planning and development. 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 2013. 444 p.
2. Raudive A. Viesu uzņemšana un apkalpošana: mācību materiāli IP "Viesnīcu pakalpojumi". Rēzekne: Rēzeknes tehnikums, 2011. 117 lpp. tiešsaistes resurss Pieejams:
3. Utināne-Suharevska I. Viesnīcu uzņemšanas dienestu darba organizācija: tālmācības studiju kurss. Rīga: Biznesa vadības koledža, 2009. 267 lpp.
E- žurnāli:;
Гостиница и ресторан: бизнес и управление = Hotel & restaurant : business and management : журнал для профессионалов. Москва : Международная ассоциация гостиниц и ресторанов (IH&RA).
The course is planned on the compulsory part for Bachelor study program “Catering and Hotel Management” for full and part-time students