Kurs-Code BūvZ5039

Kreditpunkte 6

Stundenzahl insgesamt (im Auditorium)162

Vorlesungen (Stundenzahl)16

Arbeit im Labor (Stundenzahl)32

Selbststandige Arbeit des Studenten (Stunden)114

Bestätigt am (Datum)19.01.2022

Kurs ausgearbeitet von (Lehrkraft)


Grigorijs Goldbergs

Zur einfŅhrenden LektŅre empfohlen

1. Vanags V. Fotogrammetrija. VZD. Rīga, 2003. 275 lpp.
2. Kraus K. Photogrammetry: geometry from images and laser scans. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
3. Lillesand T et al. Remote sensing and image interpretation. Wiley & Sons, 2015.
4. Štrauhmanis J. Ģeomātikas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2006. ācijas sistēmas. Jelgava: LLU, 2006.
5. Stūrmanis E. Ģeoinformācijas sistēmas. Jelgava: LLU, 2006.

Weiterfuhrende Literatur

1. Konecny G. Geoinformation: remote sensing, photogrammetry and geographic information systems. CRC Press, 2014.
2. Luhmann T., Robson S., Kyle S., J. Close-range photogrammetry and 3D imaging. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. E-book pieejams LLUFB datubāzē eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) ar LLU IS lietotājkonta parolēm (e-studiju). Pieejams: https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.llu.lv/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=674390&site=ehost-live&scope=site
3. Vosselman G., and Maas H.G., Airborne and terrestrial laser scanning. CRC press. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2010. E-book pieejams LLUFB datubāzē eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) ar LLU IS lietotājkonta parolēm (e-studiju). Pieejams: https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.llu.lv/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=691970&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Zur LektŅre vorgeschlagene Zeitschriften

1. Copernicus Open Access Hub (Sentinel 1-2 data). Pieejams: https://scihub.copernicus.eu/;
2. The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: http://www.isprs.org
3. EuroSDR National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies with Research Institutes and Universities in Europe [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: http://www.eurosdr.net