Course code VidED015

Credit points 9

Research IV

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours243

Date of course confirmation21.05.2024

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course abstract

The course is intended for carrying out research work according to the research plan, summarizing and analyzing the results obtained. The collection and processing of scientific information related to specific studies will be continued. The materials and methods section of the doctoral thesis will be prepared.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

- knows the materials and methods necessary for conducting research;
- knows how to summarize and analyze the results obtained.
Evaluation – in-depth analysis of the materials and methods applied and the results obtained.
- able to conduct research in a planned and independent manner;
- capable critically evaluate the relevance of the methods applied and results obtained in the research.
Evaluation – analysis of the research process.
- conducts the research independently, analyzes the materials and methods, as well as reliability of the results obtained.
Evaluation - discussion with the supervisor.

Course Content(Calendar)

The doctoral student independently:
1. Conducts the research according to the calendar plan.
2. Accumulates and summarizes the research results obtained.
3. Performs processing and analysis of the results obtained.
4. Creates the materials and methods section of the doctoral thesis.
5. Submits the research results obtained and the materials and methods section to the supervisor.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Discussion with the supervisor about the research results and materials and methods section of the doctoral thesis.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The doctoral student independently conducts research, works on the materials and methods section of the doctoral thesis by consulting with the supervisor.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The materials and methods section of the doctoral thesis has been prepared, processing and analysis of the research results is carried out. The number of sources of scientific literature has been supplemented as necessary.

Compulsory reading

1. Promocijas padomē iesniedzamā zinātniskā darba tehniskā noformējuma noteikumi:
2. Literatūras avoti atbilstoši promocijas darba tematikai izvēlētajā zinātnes apakšnozarē.

Compulsory reading

1. The rules of technical presentation for scientific work to be submitted to the Doctoral Council: (the rules will be translated and explained by the supervisor).
2. Literature sources according to the topic of the doctoral thesis in the chosen sub-field of science.


Doctoral study programme “Environmental Engineering”.