Course code VidZ5032

Credit points 3

Preparation of Research Work

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures5

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes19

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation16.03.2022

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts

Kristīne Valujeva


author lect.

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to strengthen and apply theoretical and practical knowledge about the development of research work by gradually developing the topic of self-chosen theme. In the study course, master students will apply the previously acquired basic principles of scientific research work development, searching for literature sources on the specific topic, creating a literature review, describing the applied methods, performing data analysis and describing the obtained results.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

The master student will acquire knowledge: 1) about the structure of research work for a specific topic; 2) on the role of separate chapters in the development of the topic (practical work and seminar).
The master student will acquire skills to: 1) select scientific literature in databases on a specific topic; 2) to create descriptions of materials and methods, results and discussion, to create tables, figures according to the specific topic; 4) to form a scientific discussion and formulate conclusions based on data analysis (practical work).
The master student will be competent: to use scientific literature for research of a specific topic, to critically evaluate the correspondence of literature to research and to create reports of research work in the form of text, tables, pictures (practical works).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Basic principles of creating an introduction, design of the aim, tasks of the study and description of the actuality of the research work (1h)
2. Practical work: Preparation of the research work introduction 1-1.5 pages (3h)
3. Use of scientific literature, structured and scientifically based development of literature review (1h)
4. Practical work: Analysis of the literature used in the research (3h)
5. Development of materials and methods description (1h)
6. Practical work: Description of materials and methods used in the research (3h)
7. Graphical representation of results, basic principles of creating tables, description of results and formation of discussion (1h)
8. Practical work: Analysis, interpretation and graphical representation of the research data (3h)
9. Design of research text, figures and tables, design of annexes and references, basic principles of writing annotation (1h);
10. Practical work: Creating an annotation for research work, design of figures and tables (3h)
11. Practical work: Design of references and their styles in research works (3h)
12. Closing seminar on the basic preparation principles of research work (1h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

All practical works have been successfully completed and the closing test has been successfully passed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

According to the instructions of the lecturer, each master student independently performs practical work on the topic of his / her research work.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Student performance is assessed cumulatively. The evaluation of the final seminar is 25%, but the evaluation of practical work is 75% of the final rate. At least 50 points must be cumulatively obtained in the study course.

Maximum points:
• Practical work - 75 points
• In the seminar - 25 points

Rating scale:
• mark is 4 if 50 ... 54 points are obtained;
• mark is 5 if 55 ... 59 points are obtained;
• mark is 6 if 60 ... 69 points are obtained;
• mark is 7 if 70 ... 79 points are obtained;
• mark is 8 if 80 ... 89 points are obtained;
• mark is 9 if 90 ... 94 points are obtained;
• mark is 10 if 95 ... 100 points are obtained.

Compulsory reading

1. Valujeva K., Metodiskie norādījumi maģistra darbu izstrādāšanai un aizstāvēšanai LBTU LBTU Meža un vides zinātņu fakultātes akadēmiskās maģistra studiju programmas “Vides, ūdens un zemes inženierzinātnes” studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2023.
2. Zinātniskā rakstīšana un pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšana . Red. K. Martinsone un A. Pipere. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2019. 311 lpp.
3. Zinātniskās darbības metodoloģija: starpdisciplināra perspektīva . Red. K. Martinsone un A. Pipere. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2021. 607 lpp.

Further reading

1. Mitra B.K.Effective Technical Communication. A Guide for Scientists and Engineers. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India, 2006. 224 p.
2. Day A. How to Get Research Published in Journals. 2nd Edition. Gower, Farnham, Surrey, England; Burlington, VT, 2010. 140 p.
3. Bloch J. Plagiarism, Intellectual Property and the Teaching of L2 Writing. New Perspectives on Language and Education. Bristol, UK; Buffalo: Multilingual Matters, 2012. 188 p.
4. Hofmann,A.ngelika H. Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 682 p.
5. 5. Van Emden J., Becker L. (2018) Writing for engineers. 4rd ed. London: Palgrawe Macmillan, 2018. 151 pp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development”. [online] Available:


The course of study is mandatory for the LLU VBF Masters Programme Environment, Water and Land Engineering full-time students.