Code du cours Vete3049

Crédits 3

La quantité totale d'heures en classe81

Nombre de conferences16

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires12

Nombre des travaux du laboratoire12

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant41

Date de l'approbation du cours16.11.2022

Auteurs du cours


Līga Kovaļčuka


Aija Ilgaža

Connaissances de base









1. Davies M. Canine and Feline Geriatrics. , Wiley, 1996. , 188 p.
2. Dodman N.H., Good Old Dog: Expert Advice for Keeping Your Aging Dog Happy, Healthy, and Comfortable. , Mariner books, 2012. , 288 p.
3. Hoskins J.D., Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Dog and Cat. 2nd Edition, 2003. , 432 p.
4. Bertone J. Equine geriatric medicine and surgery. St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier, 2006. 263 p.
5. Ed. Maxie G. M. Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3. ,6th ed. , Saunders Ltd, 2016. , 2456 pp.
6. Clarke K.W., Trim C.M., Hall L.W. “Veterinary anaesthesia”. 11th edition. , Edinburgh: Saunders/Elsevier,Saunders, 2014.
7. Duke-Novakovski T., De Vries M., Seymour C., BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline “Anaesthesia and Analgesia”. third edition. , BSAVA, 2016. Pieejams e-grāmatu datubāzē eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Gardner M. It's never long enough: A practical guide to caring for your geriatric (senior) dog, Rolled Toe Publishing, 2022. , 516 p.
2. Ireland J. L., Clegg P. D., McGowan C. M., McKane S. A., Chandler K. J., Pinchbeck G. L. Disease prevalence in geriatric horses in the United Kingdom:Veterinary clinical assessment of 200 cases. Equine Veterinary Journal, 4, 2012.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. The Veterinary Journal. ISSN 1090-0233
2. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. ISSN: 00031488, 1943569X
3. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. ISSN: 2165-8102 (print); 2165-8110 (web)
4. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. ISSN: 19391676, 08916640
5. Journal of Veterinary Pathology, ISSN: 0300-9858.
6. Journal of Comparative Pathology, ISSN 0021-9975.
7. Clinician's Brief provides relevant diagnostic and treatment information for small animal practitioners. Pieejams:
8. Datubāze PubMed. Pieejams: