Course code Vete3047

Credit points 3

Laboratory Diagnostics of Pathologies

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours41

Date of course confirmation16.10.2022

Responsible UnitPreclinical Institute

Course developer

author reserch

Inese Bērziņa

Dr. med. vet.

Prior knowledge

Vete3026, Special Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine II

Vete4019, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics III

Vete4037, General Pathology II

Vete4078, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I

Vete4098, Small Animal Internal Medicine I

Vete4100, Animal Postmortem Necropsies

Vete6023, Physiology II

Course abstract

Course is intended as interdisciplinary course that aims to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in other courses. Practical laboratory diagnostics course is intended to give in depth practical skills in the areas of hemathology, clinical biochemistry, cytology. Data generation, artefacts and result interpretation based on clinical case discussions will be practiced throughout the course. Course will be based on small animals, but farm animal and exotic animal cases also will be included.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Upon successful completion of this course, students gain in-depth knowledge of clinical pathology areas of hematology, biochemistry and cytology; as well as ability to interpret laboratory test results, form a list of differential diagnoses and guide the subsequent diagnostic workup in the context of a particular clinical case. The gained knowledge is evaluated based om the case analysis
• Upon successful completion of this course, students can interpret complete blood count (analyzer and microscopy) results, serum biochemistry test results (including recognition of the artefactual results). Students will be able to recognize several cytological diagnoses. Skills will be evaluated based on the ability to recognize several microscopical diagnoses (hematology and cytology).
• Upon successful completion of this course, students acquire knowledge and skills to form a list of differential diagnoses, to guide their further diagnostic work-up based on the analysis of the laboratory test results incorporated with the anamnesis and clinical examination data.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Peripheral blood evaluation methods, result interpretation (lectures) 6h
2. Hemtology – microscopy of blood smears (labwork) 8h
3. Bone marrow evaluation, disorders in hematopoiesis (lecture) 2h
4. Diagnostics of neoplasia – flow cytometry, PARR, etc. (lecture) 1h
5. Cytology – microscopy of various pathologies of skin, lymph nodes, liver etc. (practicals) 8h
6. Biochemistry test result integration to diagnose liver, GIT, kidney and other organ pathologies (lectures) 7h
7. Case interpretation (practicals) 8h
8. Individual work 20 h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Lecture, seminar attendance 80%, study
report on the topic for a missed lecture and clinical case report for missed practical lessons.
If more than 20% missed attendance and no
topics prepared, study course needs to be
Clinical case analysis should be successfully passed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The purpose of the clinical case analysis is to learn to interpret laboratory test results in correlation with the findings of clinical examination and anamnesis data.
At the beginning of the work, the student receives a case with history and anamnesis as well as clinical examination and laboratory test results (including analyzer data, microscopy pictures etc). The student must recognize abnormal findings, correlate them with clinical exam/history data, analyze the possible causes for the changes, recognize artefacts. Considering the anamnesis data and the information on the pictures, student must create a list of differential diagnoses and give recommendations for follow-up testing.
The description of the clinical case must be prepared according to the description given at the beginning of the course. After preparing the full description, it must be sent electronically to the responsible lecturer.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Test with a mark.

Compulsory reading

1. Latimer K.S. Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology. , Fifth edition. , 2011.
2. Raskin R. E., Meyer D. J. , Canine and Feline Cytology. , Third edition. , Canada: Elsevier, 2016.
3. Cowell R. L., Tyler R. D. , Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the horse. , Second edition. , Mosby, 2002.

Further reading

1. Villiers E., Ristic J. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Clinical Pathology. Third Edition. United Kingdom: BSAVA, 2016. 614 p.
2. Stockham S. L., Scott M. A. Fundamentals of veterinary clinical pathology. 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa; Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. 908 p.

Periodicals and other sources

eClinPath. | A Resource for Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Pieejams:
2. Wiley Online Library. Pieejams:


Optional course of the study program Veterinary medicine