Course code MežZ5061

Credit points 6

Forest Policy

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures36

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Independent study hours114

Date of course confirmation19.01.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author lect.

Ilze Silamiķele

Mg. silv.

Course abstract

The study course provides knowledge on the basic concepts and processes of forest policy. Master students are introduced with the principles of forest policy analysis, policy multiplicity and global and European forest policy, as well as the role and participation of the state and society in policy development and implementation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment


The Master student knows the basic principles of forest policy in the world, Europe and Latvia, has an understanding of the policy-making process and the tools to be used. Type of test - test.


As a result of graduation of course, the master student has improved his / her discussion skills in the group and in the development of a compromise of different opinions. Test - active participation in the seminars.

Master student is competent to independently assess and analyse the theoretical and practical aspects of forest economics and policy, to integrate the acquired knowledge and skills in further professional and scientific activities. Type of test - prepared and presented essay.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction (economic role of the forest sector, structure of the bioeconomy, circular economy and regional economy) - 4h
2. History and development of forest policy - 2h
3. National Forest policy (forest management) - 2h
4. Forest policy instruments - 4h
5. Factors influencing forest policy (sustainability goals) - 2h
6. International and EU organizations (UN, FAO, OECD, Forest Europe, JRC, IUFRO, EFI), EU forest policy (guidelines) - 6h (incl. Seminar)
7. Policy making and understanding of the principles of normative environment development (national and international), formulation, theoretical and practical aspects - 4h
8. Interest groups (representation, interests) - 2h
9. Interests and goals of the state and local governments as forest owners - 4h
10. Forest policy monitoring and evaluation (Pan-European system), criteria and indicators - 4h
11. Summary: Rural Development Plan, Forest and Related Sectors Development Guidelines (seminar) - 2h
12. Forest adaptation policy - EU and LV (national adaptation strategy), climate smart forestry - 4h
13. GHG emission quotas - trade and certification, EU and LV scale - 2h
14. Risks caused by climate change in EU countries, risk diversification (incl. Introduced species) (incl. Seminar) - 4h
15. Balancing the interests of nature protection, bioeconomy and forestry (cultivated and / or in the forest landscape), including EU policy - 2h
16. Introduction to climate policy (UN, EU, Latvia) and EU Green Deal, the role of forests in the context of climate policy, LULUCF objectives, reference level, GHG reduction potential of the forest sector - 4h
17. Climate Law, National Climate and Energy Plan 2030 - 2h
18. Climate policy objectives and GHG reduction potential for the forest sector: GHG calculators (forests) and opportunities to increase removals (1) afforestation & deforestation, (2) forest management, (3) wood products & substitution effect - 4h
19. Modeling of the impact of climate policy implementation alternatives and its results - 2h
20. EU forest policy and old-growth forests at the crossroads of different policies - 4h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Conditions for obtaining the study course:
- must attend at least 85% of classes.
- the test must be passed.
- participate and speak at the seminar.
- prepare and present an essay.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

An essay of ~ 10 pages on the forest policy of a freely chosen country must be prepared. Thematic can be chosen according to Master thesis.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

An essay was prepared and submitted, and presented in seminar classes.

Compulsory reading

Krott M. Forest Policy Analysis. [tiešsaiste]. Dordrecht, Springer, 2005. 323 p. [skatīts 05.09.2014.]. Pieejams:
McDermott C.L., O’Carroll A., Wood P. International Forest Policy – the instruments, agreements and processes that shape it. Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat 2007.

Further reading

LLU raksti (Proceedings of LAU,; ISSN 1407-4427

Periodicals and other sources

Straptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry" ISSN 1392-1355
Forest Policy and Economics ISSN 1389-9341


Study course for students of master study programme “Forest science”