Course code MežZ4100

Credit points 6

Bachelor Thesis I

Total Hours in Course162

Independent study hours162

Date of course confirmation15.10.2019

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author lect.

Edgars Dubrovskis

Mg. silv.

Course abstract

In a bachelor's work, students demonstrate their theoretical and practical preparedness to conduct a scientific study in the selected forest science sub-sector. Students demonstrate the abilities and skills to methodologically properly collect the necessary scientific data for research.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge - in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the problem to be studied, knowledge of the conditions for developing a bachelor's work – Final assessment;
• skills - skills to collect and analyse literature sources, choose an appropriate methodology for conducting the study - Final assessment;
• Competence - students are able to structure a bachelor's work, identify methodologically correct research methods - Final assessment.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Exploring the current research state according to the subject. (Independent work 10 h)
2 Bachelor's thesis subject formulation. (Independent work 5 h)
3 Formulation of the aim and tasks of the thesis. (Independent work 15 h)
4 Preparation of thesis structure (Table of Contents). (Independent work 20 h)
5 Reconciling basic information of thesis with the scientific supervisor. (Independent work 5 h)
6 Preparation of the list of previous studies to be analysed and its analysis. (Independent work 70h)
7 Development/Appropriation of research methodology. (Independent work 30 h)
8 Design of a Bachelor's thesis form. (Independent work 5 h)

Final assessment

Requirements for awarding credit points

All parts of the bachelor's thesis are independently designed and submitted to scientific supervisor following a schedule referred in the course plan.
At the end of the study course, there is a pre-defence of the bachelor's thesis, where the work made during the semester is presented and the draft of the bachelor's thesis is presented (at least 60% of the total amount).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student, in consultation with the thesis scientific supervisor, is working independently on the subject of a bachelor's thesis –a view of the subject, tasks, previous studies and the development of a methodology section.
Bachelor's work pre-defence presentation (15 min) and draft prepared according to the predetermined and dissuading requirements.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final assessment of study course consists of pre-defence success (presenting ability + response to commission questions), which will be assessed with credited/uncredited, depending on the amount and quality of the work done, also taking in account scientific supervisor assessment of work done by student during semester.

Compulsory reading

1. LLU Faculty of Silviculture will develop its own methodological guidelines for bachelor thesis development in Sustainable forestry.
2. How to Write a thesis A Working Guide [online]. Crawley, WA, Australia, 2008. 29 p. [Viewed 23.08.2019.]. Available at:

Periodicals and other sources

1. LLU raksti (Proceedings of LAU,; ISSN 1407-4427
2. Starptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry"; ; ISSN 1392-1355
3. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne" [tiešsaiste]. Salaspils: Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava". ISSN 1407-270X. Pieejams:


For academic bachelor study program “Sustainable forestry” students