Course code LauZM022

Credit points 7

Technology of Milk and Meat Production

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures30

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours133

Date of course confirmation20.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science

Course developers

author Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts

Lilija Degola

Dr. agr.

author Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts

Aiga Nolberga-Trūpa

Dr. agr.

author Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts

Daina Kairiša

Dr. agr.

author Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts

Diāna Ruska

Dr. agr.

Prior knowledge

Ekon5123, Investments for Rural Development

LauZ5143, Biological Basis of Animal Husbandry

LauZ5160, Animal Genetics and Breeding

LauZM015, Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Animal Nutrition

Course abstract

During the study course Master students get acquainted with animal species used for milk and meat production, production technologies, factors influencing milk and meat quality. Acquaintance with existing legislation on milk and meat quality control, measures to ensure the composition and quality of livestock raw materials. Evaluate milk and meat production costs, explains the basic principles of their formation. The aim of the study course is to learn in depth the factors affecting milk and meat production, to analyze the indicators characterizing the quality of the obtained production, the basic principles of production cost formation, and their optimization possibilities.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students acquire knowledge about animal species used for milk and meat production in Latvia, milk and meat production technologies, chemical composition and quality of milk and meat, methods of their determination and factors influencing it, about milk and meat production costs for processing (presentations prepared, successfully passed the theory test).
Skills to choose the milk and meat producing varieties most suitable for production, to justify the choice of technologies used for production, to evaluate the changes in the chemical composition and quality of milk and meat, and the factors influencing them, to estimate milk and meat production costs (prepared presentations, successfully passed the theory test).
Competent to decide on the choice of dairy and meat production technology to independently carry out scientific research, study and analyse scientific and professional literature in dairy and meat farming.
Prepared and presented presentations on the topic of the seminar, material of the lectures of the course. Successfully passed the theory test.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The economic importance of milk production, used species and varieties, crosses. International Committee for Animal Control (ICAR) requirements and their implementation in Latvia. (1 h L, 1 h P)
2. Effect of balanced feeding of dairy animals on variation in yield, milk composition and quality. Diet-related metabolic disorders in dairy animals. (1 h L, 1 h P)
Seminar: Factors influencing the variability of milk yield, milk composition and quality. (1 h P)
3. Technologies for keeping dairy animals, welfare and udder health. (1 h L, 2 h P)
4. Chemical composition and quality indicators of milk, legislation. Methods and equipment for determining the chemical composition and quality parameters of milk. Changes in milk composition and quality during pre-treatment and storage of milk on the farm. (1 h L, 2 h P)
5. Visit to milk testing laboratory and milk processing company. (1 h L, 1 h P)
Seminar: Choice of milk quality and composition testing method, its rationale. (1 h P)
6. Milk production costs, their optimization possibilities for dairy animals. (1 h L, 1 h P)
7. Use of different species of farm animals and birds for meat production. Characteristics characterizing meat productivity, their evaluation and analysis. (4 h L)
8. Factors affecting meat productivity: genetic, physiological and environmental. (4 h L)
9. Animal husbandry technologies, their importance in obtaining quality production. (4 h L)
10. Animal fattening technologies: intensive, semi-intensive, extensive. (4 h L)
11. Factors affecting carcass quality: genetic, physiological and environmental. Carcass quality characteristics, their evaluation. (4 h L, 4 h P)
12. Composition and quality of meat, factors affecting it. Meat production costs, their optimization. (4 h L, 4 h P)
Seminar: pork quality, factors affecting it (2 h P).
Seminar: beef quality, factors affecting it (2 h P).
Seminar: quality of sheep and goat meat, factors affecting it (2 h P).
Seminar: quality of poultry meat, factors affecting it (2 h P).

Requirements for awarding credit points

Prepared presentations for seminars, mastered study course lecture material, passed theory test Successful cumulative exam evaluation.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The organization of independent work during the semester takes place by studying literature independently, using the advice of the teaching staff. Participation in seminars, prepared and publicly defended planned presentations.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course depends on the cumulative evaluation of theory tests and seminars of the study course.
A student gets a passing grade in the exam if the planned seminar and exam score is at least 4.
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of two, the theory test score (50%) and the average grade for the seminars presented (50%).

Compulsory reading

1. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. J.Priekuļa red. Jelgava: LLU, 2013. 240 lpp.
2. Piliena K., Sprūžs J. Kazkopība. Talsi, 2007. 99 lpp.
3. Achieving sustainable production of milk. Volume 1: Milk composition, genetics and breeding. Edited by Dr Nico van Belzen. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited: 2017. 339 p. [LF, Dzīvnieku zinātņu institūts, 1 eks.]
4. Osītis U. Dzīvnieku ēdināšana kompleksā skatījumā. Jelgava: LLKC, 2005. 320 lpp.
5. Ciproviča I., Ozola L. Piena pārstrādes tehnoloģija. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 247 lpp.
6. Dairy science and technology handbook. Edited by Y.H. Hui. [New York etc.] : VCH, 1993. 3 sējumi.
7. Latvijas iedzīvotāju pārtikā lietojamās gaļas raksturojums. [tiešsaiste] Autoru kolektīvs, LLU. Biotehnoloģijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts “Sigra”. Galv. red. A. Jemeļjanovs. Sigulda: "Sigra", 2013. 350 lpp. [skatīts 01.03.209.] Pieejams:
8. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieki un to produkcija bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā. Monogrāfija. Sigulda. Sigra. 2006, 159-213.lpp.
9. Džeimsone A. Videi draudzīgu gaļas liellopu audzēšana. [tiešsaiste] Rīga: SIA"Gandrs", 2013. 55 lp. [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
10. Norvele G., Kairiša D. Rokasgrāmata aitu audzētājiem. [tiešsaiste] Rīga: Biedrība "Latvijas Aitu audzētāju asociācija", 2011. 96 lpp. [skatīts 10.02.2019.].
11. Meat Procesing Technology. [tiešsaiste] Bangkok, Thailand: FAO, 2010. 428 p. [skatīts 13.02.2019.]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Latvijas Nacionālā standartizācijas institūcija „Latvijas standarts” (LVS). Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. Pieejams:
2. Latvijas nacionālais Akreditācijas birojs. Testēšanas laboratorijas. Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. Pieejams:
3. Likumi. Tiešsaites pakalpojums. Pieejams:
4. Cilstsdarba programmas piena šķirņu govkopībā un kazkopībā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 05.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
5. Ilsters A. Aprīkojums un izmaksas cūkkopībā. Rīga: LLU Ulbrokas zinātnes centrs, 2001. 171 lpp.
6. Latvijas aitu audzēšanas nozares attīstības stratēģija līdz 2023. gadam. [tiešsaiste] Sigulda, 2013. 43 lp. [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
7. Ciltsdarba programmas gaļas šķirņu govkopībā, cūkkopībā un aitkopībā [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. International Dairy Journal. Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN: 0958-6946. [Skatīts 05.02.2019.]. Pieejams datubāzē Science Direct:
2. Journal of Small Ruminant Research. Official Journal of the International Goat Association. ISSN:0921-4488 3.
3. Agronomy resaearch, raksti.
4. Zinātniski praktiskās konferences "Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība" raksti.
5. International dairy federation
6. LLKC mājaslapa:
7. Latvijas Piensaimnieku savienība
8. Cūku labturības prasības: MK noteikumi Nr. 743. [Tiešsaiste]. Stājās spēkā no 15.07.2009. [Skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
9. Noteikumi par dējējvistu labturības prasībām un dējējvistu turēšanas uzņēmumu reģistrācijas kārtību: MK noteikumi 744. Stājās spēkā 15.07.2009. [Skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
10. Labturības prasības zosu, pīļu un muskuspīļu turēšanai: MK noteikumi 611. Stājās spēkā 01.01.2011. [Skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams:
11. Practical Poultry. Kelsey publishing Ltd. Issue 117.
12. Poultry Science. Oxford Academic, ISSN: 0032-5791.
13. Poltry International. ISSN:1682-8356.
14. Agronomy Resaearch, žurnāls, [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.02.2019.]. Pieejams
15. Zinātniski praktiskās konferences "Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība" raksti.
16. Saimnieks LV. Rīga: TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691 – 1598.
17. AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407 - 5164.
18. Latvijas Lopkopis. Žurnāls


Part B study course for the LPTF Academic Education master's study program "Agriculture", sub-direction "Animal Sciences"