Код курса LauZM013
Кредитные пункты 7
Общее количество часов200
Kоличество часов лекций30
Kоличество часов семинаров и практических занятий18
æоличество лабораторных работ8
Количество часов самостоятельной работы студента133
Дата утвеждения курса30.01.2024
LauZ5166 [GLAU5169]
1. Dade H.A. 1994. Anatomy and dissection of the honeybee. Cardiff : International Bee Research Association, p 158
2. The hive and the honey bee : a new book on beekeeping which continues the tradition of “Langstroth on the hive and the honeybee”. 1992. Ed. Graham J.M. Hmilton, Illinois: Dadant & Sons, p 1324
3. Delaplane S.K., Mayer D.F. (2000). Crop pollination by bees. CABI Publising Nev York, 333.lpp
4. Abrol D.P. (2012). Pollination Biology: Biodiversity Conservation and Agricultural Production. Springer. 792 p. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1942-2
5. Delaplane K.S., Mayer D.F. 2000. Crop pollination by bees. Oxon: CABI Publishing, 344 p.
1. Breeding the Honeybee. A Contribution to the Science of Beebreeding. 1987. Brother Adam. Northern bee books. Mytholmroyd : Hebden Bridge. p 118
2. The Hive and the Honey Bee. 2015. Ed. Graham J.M. Hmilton, Illinois: Dadant & Sons. Publisher of the American bee Journal, p 1057
3. Koeniger G., Koeniger N., Ellis J., Connor L. 2014. Mating biology of Honey bees (Apis mellifera). Michigan: Wicwas Press LLC, p 155
4. Stell I. 2012. Understanding Bee Anatomy: a full colour guide. The catford Press, p 199
5. Puusepp L., Koff T. (2014). Pollen analysis of honey from the Baltic region, Estonia. Grana No. 53(1), p. 54-61.
6. Kjohl M., Nielsen A., Stenseth N.Ch. 2011. Potential effects of climate change on crop pollination. Rome: FAO of the United Nations, 38 p.
7. Dimiņš F. (2006). Medus kvalitātes novērtēšanas rādītāji. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums inženierzinātņu zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai pārtikas zinātnē. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Jelgava. 35 lpp.
Apidologie. Official journal of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and Deutschen Imkerbundes e.V. (D.I.B.). (Online). URL: https://link.springer.com/journal/13592
[skatīts 29.11.2019.].