Course code LauZ4266

Credit points 6

Plant Mineral Nutrition

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation17.09.2019

Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science

Prior knowledge

Biol3014, Plant Physiology I

LauZ3177, Fundamentals of Soil Science

LauZ3185, Plant Physiology II and Biotechnology

Course abstract

Students acquire knowledge of the basic principles of plant nutrition and the ability to provide plant nutrients with fertilizers. They are able to planning crops fertilization, justifying the choice of fertilizers, familiar with the use of different fertilizers, their effects on crops and the environment. The agrochemical properties of the soil and its fertility can be evaluated and solutions for its optimization can be recommended.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Students know the history of the development of agrochemical science, the agrochemical properties of soil, their importance in plant nutrition, basic principles and technologies of soil liming – test No 1
2. Students know the units used in agro chemistry and able to compare its - practical work
3. Students know the principles of determination of soil agrochemical properties and able to assess soil agrochemical properties - laboratory work
4. Students can evaluate soil reaction and choose appropriate liming material and its application rate by various methods - practical work
5. Students understand the basic principles of plant nutrition and know plant nutrients functions in the plant, have knowledge of fertilizer production technologies. Students know fertilizers of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and understand complex fertilizers and able to evaluate the need for the use of micronutrient fertilizers – test No. 2
6. The basic principles of plant analysis are recognized. Students able to evaluate the chemical composition of plants - laboratory work
7. Students have knowledge of commonly used fertilizers, can characterize its physical and chemical properties and application - laboratory work
8. Students know different types of organic fertilizers, and principles of using in agriculture. Students are educated in technologies of mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers using- Test No 3
9. Students able to calculate the amount of organic fertilizers using different calculation methods, determine the capacity of the manure storage. Students can to evaluate and determine the need and amount of organic fertilizer based crop specifics and environmental requirements - practical work
10. Students calculate the required amount of fertilizers for different crops - practical work
11. Students understand the principles of plant nutrient balance calculation - practical work
12. Students are able to determine agronomic and economic efficiency of used fertilizers - practical work
13. Students is able to make a fertilizer plan for crop rotation and substantiated fertilizers choice - practical work
14. Students can to make presentation of one common crop fertilization and argue fertilizers choose - practical work

15. Students are able to choose mineral fertilizers for crop fertilization, can to plan the use of fertilizers, know the mineral and organic fertilizers using requirements. Students are able to evaluate soil fertility Test No 4

Course Content(Calendar)

Lectures (24 h)
1. Introduction. Theories of plant nutrition and their development. Soil as a plant nutrient medium
2. Soil agrochemical properties - 2 h
3. Soil reaction and its optimization.
4. Soil liming.
Test 1: Introduction to agro chemistry. Soil agrochemical properties, their role in plant nutrition. Soil liming, principles and technologies
5. Plant nutrition, its role in plant growth and crop quality
6. Plant nutrients and their functions in the plant. Nutrient availability in soil. 2h
7. Fertilizers classification and production.
8. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
9. Complex fertilizers. Trace element fertilizers
Test 2: Basic principles of plant nutrition. Plant nutrient functions in the plant. Nutrient availability in soil. Fertilizer production technologies. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, calcium fertilizers. Complex fertilizers. Trace element fertilizers
10. Organic fertilizer, production and used 3 h
11. Technology of fertilizers using and application 2 h
12. Fertilization in greenhouse.
Test 3 Organic fertilizers, production and use in agricultural production. Technology of fertilizers using and application
13. Fertilizer systems 2 h
14. Agronomic and economic issues of fertilizer application
15. Soil fertility management 2h
16. Environmental impact of fertilizer application 2h
Test 4: Criteria for selecting fertilizers for different crops. Fertilizer using planning. Requirements for use of fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Management of soil fertility.

Practical works 24 h
1. Units of measurement used in agro chemistry. 2h
2. Calculation of liming material using. 2h
3. Fertilizers rates calculation. 2h
4. Calculations of organic fertilizer production. Calculation of required storage space. 2h
5. Fertilizers rates optimizing. 2h
6. Selection of fertilizers for different crops 2 h
7. Nutrient management for field crops 2 h
8. Nutrient balance. 2h
9. Calculation of agronomic and economic efficiency of used fertilizers. 2h
10. Fertilization in greenhouse. 2h
11. Soil agrochemical research materials and their evaluation -2 h
12. Calculation of humus balance 2 h

Laboratory works (16 h):
1. Determination of soil agrochemical properties - 4 h
2. Determination of plant nutrients in plants - 4 h
3. Determination of nutrients in fertilizers - 6 h
4. Determination of physical and chemical properties of fertilizers - 2 h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Conditions for passing the exam.
1. all laboratory works have done and passed;
2. all practical work topics get;
3. homeworks should have positive evaluation;
4. all tests should have positive evaluation;
5. mineral fertilizer collection are acquired and passed
6. prepared and presented topic of crop fertilization
Written exam.
The exam mark consists of:
 Theoretical questions about the subject acquired during the course; (50%)
 Practical tasks on the topics studied during the course (50%)

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Homework No.1: Evaluation of soil agrochemical properties. Carry out an assessment of the specific situation, giving the necessary corrections to the agrochemical properties of the soil (provide an assessment of the situation, the measures to be taken and, if necessary, calculate the liming, submitted electronically).
Homework No.2: Fertilization principles of most important corps. Major crop fertilization. Preparation of presentation about fertilization for one crop; choose of fertilizers have to be substantiated. (public presentation)
Homework No.3: Fertilization plan. Preparation of crop fertilization plan in crop rotation or it stage, calculating the required amount of fertilizers (creates crop fertilization plan, electronically)

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

If all the requirements for passing the exam are fulfilled and get an average grade of at least 7 point in the 4 tests on the defined topics, students can automatically match the grade on the theoretical part of the exam.
Exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the theoretical questions of the exam (50%) and practical tasks on the topics studied during the course (50%).
Obtained points in tests do not exclude the possibility of passing an exam to improve grades. The final grade is the results of the exam.

Compulsory reading

1. Havlin J.L. et al. Soil fertility and fertilizers: an introduction to nutrient management. 8th edition. Pearson, 2013. 516 p. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.
2. Foth H. D.,Ellis B. G. Soil fertility. 2nd ed. Boca Raton ... [etc.]: CRC Press: Lewis, 1997. Lewis Publishers 209 p.
3. Tisdale S.L. et al. Soil fertility and fertilizers, 5th edition. Ed. [S.l.]: Prentice Hall, 1993. 634 p.
Soil fertility and fertilizers: an introduction to nutrient management. J.L. Havlin et al. 8th edition. Upper Sadle River, New Jersey: Pearson, 2013. 516 p. .
4. Plant nutrition manual. Ed. By J.J. Benton. Boca Raton etc.: CRC Press, 1998. 143 p.

Further reading

1. Soil condition and plant growth. Ed. By P.J. Gregory, S. Nortcliff. Hoboken [N.J.]: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. 461 p.
2. Plant nutrition for food security. A guide nutrient for food security. Ed. Roy R.N. et al. Rome; FAO, 2006. 349 p.
3. Fertilizer technology and soil fertility. Ed. by V. Munn. New York: Laser and Keller, 2018. 206 p.
4. Fertilizer use by crop. Rome: FAO, 2006. 108 p.


Restricted elective course in plant sciences academical bachelor's program Sustainable Agriculture