Course code EkonB006
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation25.09.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Dr. oec.
Ekon4062 [GEKO4062] Strategy Analysis and Planning
The course provides students with knowledge of the nature and methods of enterprise strategic management. Applying various worldwide popular methods and models of strategic planning, students will learn how to practically apply strategic management in order to perform a strategic analysis of the performance of an enterprise as well as do strategic planning and strategic management for the enterprise.
The aim of the study course is to acquire knowledge about business strategy, its types and levels, its planning, implementation and control.
Students will be able to:
1)Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the nature and concepts of strategic management – discussions in classes;
2) Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of instruments for strategy implementation - discussions in classes;
3)Demonstrate the knowledge of how to apply portfolio analysis for enterprises - practical assignments;
4) Independently perform an assessment of the internal and external environments of an enterprise - practical assignments, group work;
5) Independently analyse the elements of a value chain for an enterprise - discussions in classes, practical assignments;
6) Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - group work;
7) Engage in team work, express and argue their opinions - group work;
8) Present a plan developed and analysis results – presentation;
9) Competence in analysing competitive advantages – an examination;
10) Competence in drawing up strategic plans - practical assignments, an examination;
11) Competence in designing and applying a balanced scorecard system (plan) - practical assignments, a test, an examination.
1.The nature of strategy and strategic management. Historical aspects of strategic management. (lectures – 2 hours).
2. Strategic management process. Classification of strategic analysis methods. Elements of strategic management. (lectures – 2 hours)
3. Stages of the strategic management process. Vision, mission, goals, values in strategic planning. (lectures – 3 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
4. Analysis of external environment factors of an enterprise. (lectures – 3 hours, practical assignments – 3 hours).
5. Analysis of internal factors of an enterprise. (lectures – 4 hours, practical assignments – 3 hours)
6. Strategic planning at the functional, business and corporate level. Business level strategies. Functional level strategies. Corporate level strategies. (lectures – 3 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours).
Test 1. (an assessment of the internal and external environments of an enterprise) (practical assignments - 1 hour)
7. Strategic analysis of competitive advantages and competitiveness. Factors of sustainable competitiveness. (lectures – 3 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours).
8. Company Portfolio analysis. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours).
9. An assessment and analysis of the company's strategic alternatives. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
10. Strategy creation methodology. Administrative approaches of strategic management. Elements of a strategy structure. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignment – 1 hour)
11. Content elements of the strategy. Elements of the strategy implementation process. (lectures – 2 hours)
12. Balance Scorecard. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignments – 2 hours)
13. Strategic plan, its implementation, control and evaluation. (lectures – 2 hours, practical assignment – 1 hour)
Test 2. (company portfolio analysis, balance scorecard, strategic plan) (practical assignment - 1 hour)
Presentations of practical assignments. (practical assignments - 2 hours)
The course ends with an examination on the topics covered during the course.
The assessment of the student’s performance consists of:
completed practical assignments, tests and the examination.
The student must independently prepare for the tests, the presentation of results of practical assignments and the examination.
The maximum scores for the assessment are as follows:
Tests – 10 points;
Practicals – 30 points;
Presentation of results of practical assignments – 10 points;
Examination – 50 points.
The student is not allowed a retake of any test.
A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
1. Caune J., Dzedons A. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. 2.izd. Rīga: Lidojošā zivs, 2009, 384 lpp.
2. Volkova T., Aneraude B. Bizness pāri robežām. Praktisks ceļvedis jaunu tirgu apgūšanā. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2010, 184 lpp.
3. Parnell J.A. Strategic management. Theory and practice. SAGE Publication, 2014, 641 p.
4. Butuner H. Case Studies in Startegic Planning. CRC Press, Taylor & Fransis Group, 2020, 201 p.
5. Jenkins W. And Williamson D. Strategic Management and Business Analysis. Routledge, 2nd ed., 2016, 297 p.
6. Grant R. Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Wiley, 9th ed., 2017, 458 p.
7. Kasahara E. Practical Strategic Management. How to Apply Strategic Thinking in Business. Rikkyo University, Japan, 2015, 139 p.
1. Lunch R. Strategic Management. Pearson, 7th ed., 2015, 766 p.
2. Leiks N. Startēģiskā plānošana. Multineo, 2008.
1. International Strategic Management Review. Pieejams:
2. Journal of Family Business Strategy. Pieejams:
Branch professional specialization course for the ESAF professional Bachelor programme Entrepreneurship and Business Management (part B3)