Course code BūvZ5050

Credit points 4.50

Calculation and Preparation of Geoinformation Possibilities for Crisis Management Measures

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for laboratory classes24

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation19.01.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author lect.

Miks Brinkmanis-Brimanis

Mg. sc. ing.

Replaced course

BūvZM005 [GBUVM005] Calculation and Preparation of Geoinformation Possibilities for Crisis Management Measures

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to provide a theoretical and practical insight into the basics, factors, planning principles and results of the preparation of geospatial support for various crisis management. Students are introduced to the general experience and practice of organizing and planning geoinformation support for different types of crisis forecasting and management organizations - preparing for successful crisis management, including timely preparation of various types of geoinformation products and demonstration kits - standard products. The laboratory acquires initial practical skills in forecasting and planning geoinformation support for crisis development of various scales, taking into account the limiting factors of support planning and the basics of their implementation calculations according to the origin and development of specific crises.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Manages the planning of geoinformation support according to the types of crises, the origins of their consequences, as well as based on the specific available spatial planning support organization and resources for crisis management and prevention, focusing on planning theory and practice - tests
2. Is able to orientate in the basics of planning and implementation of crisis management geoinformation provision, is able to correctly identify the need for geoinformation support and opportunities to support specific types of crisis management organization - tests and laboratory works
3. Is able to define the necessary geoinformation support, its tasks, product development deadlines and plan the need, possibilities and scope of spatial support measures and products in accordance with the crisis development forecasts, rationally evaluating the possible threats and development of the crisis. Define the quality criteria for support products, the raw materials to be used, the technological and technical solutions to be used, the capabilities of the available geo-information resources and the adequacy to meet the time constraints, volumes and specific needs of the products to be delivered according to crisis management tasks. - laboratory works

Course Content(Calendar)

1. History of crisis and their overcoming development and planning of geoinformation support; (1h)
2. What is meant by the wording “Calculation and preparation of geoinformation capabilities for crisis management measures”, its essence, content, objectives, tasks and implementation procedures in case of state threats and military crisis; (1h)
3. Crisis management principles, organization and preparation of geoinformation provision; (1h)
4. Understanding of crisis management geoinformation support resources; (1h)
5. Crisis management work cycles and Geoinformation support planning; (1h)
6. Organization of crisis management structures and provision of geoinformation support - structures, division of competencies, principles, international experience; (1h)
7. Understanding of crisis management and management scales, their relation to the planning and scope of geoinformation support; (1h)
8. Crisis forecasting and planning processes and geoinformation support planning, its role in supporting optimal crisis management; (1h)
9. Crisis Management Geoinformation Planning in Support of Military Crises and Civil Defense Systems; (1h)
Test -1 (1h)
10. Phases of crisis management work cycles, their geoinformation support plans; (1h)
11. Crisis management geoinformation provision structure, assessment of their capabilities and application planning; (1h)
12. Types, structure, standards and development norms of crisis management geoinformation products; (1h)
13. Planning the preparation of geoinformation spatial planning products and support capabilities for the crisis management period; (1h)
14. Crisis management geoinformation support plan as a part of the crisis management plan; (1h)
15. Military crisis planning documents and geoinformation support planning; (1h)
16. Military crisis management geoinformation support structures - their capability planning parameters; (1h)
17. Types and structure of geoinformation products for military crisis management, standardization and development norms; (1h)
18. Preparation of military crisis management - geoinformation support capabilities for the crisis period; (1h)
19. Geoinformation support plan as a part of the military crisis management plan; (1h)
20. Reserves for geoinformation materials and data reserves for crisis management; (1h)
21. Establishment of a database for the supply and availability of geoinformation, access to data holders' systems and data from other databases; (1h)
22. Geoinformation support planning organization for work with restricted access and secret spatial information, documents; (1h)
Test -2 (1h)

Laboratory works:
1. Preparation of the base of the geoinformation planning territory; (1h)
2. Calculations of crisis management geoinformation support resources, their availability and application capabilities; (1h)
3. Preparation of the initial Geoinformation Support project in accordance with the Crisis Management work cycles; (1h)
4. Establishment and expansion of the list of possible collateral products and services required for overcoming the crisis by execution deadlines (sequence); (1h)
5. Evaluation of the availability of raw materials and data necessary for the production of security products and services necessary for overcoming the crisis, their compliance with the implementation of the intended tasks - analysis and the possibility of delivery deadlines shall be evaluated; (2h)
6. Definitions of the need for new or missing spatial information and formation of order-request possibilities; (1h)
7. Calculation of the need for obtaining spatial situation monitoring information and support possibilities - demand; (1h)
8. Compilation of the list of structural units and personnel intended for supply planning and the necessary support products - the schedule of the initial planning; (1h)
9. Calculations of the volume of supply of finished available spatial products (maps and their data sets) for issuance to crisis management personnel and structures; (2h)
10. Calculations of the production and reproduction of spatial products (maps and their data sets) for issuance to crisis management personnel and structures; (1h)
11. Available assessment of the possibilities of production and reproduction of spatial products, calculations of their sales possibilities (planning) and comparison with the calculations of needs; (2h)
12. Development of the scope and time schedule of the development and delivery of available and ordered (confirmation of execution and delivery) products and services; (1h)
13. Development of the basis for the military crisis management geoinformation planning map; (1h)
14. Planning of the amount of military geoinformation, time limits for deliveries and distribution to users; (1h)
15. Planning for the use of military geoinformation support units - tasks, products, services, their types and production deadlines; (1h)
16. Preparation of a request for support for the supply of new and updated geoinformation; (1h)
17. Final development (on the map) of the provision of geo-information support support for the military operation for approval and approval; (1h)
18. Development of geoinformation products and reserve plans based on crisis modeling results; (2h)
19. Defense of laboratory works. (2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The independent work is developed in connection with and in coordination with the schedule of laboratory work.
- to identify the positions of the disaster (crisis) geoinformation organization, the scope of specifications, to form and display the result both in the spatial (map) document and in the formats of tables and lists;
- To make forecasts of the possibilities of providing crisis management geoinformation during their execution times and according to the territories and display it in a spatial document;
- To determine the calculations of geoinformation provision resources and materials, to prepare their delivery plan, i. sk. also on the map;
- To develop requests for types of crisis management geoinformation support in addition to the development of crisis management spatial products, new geoinformation acquisition and monitoring activities with remote sensing methods, as well as other products.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. Laboratory work must be completed, handed over and defended;
2. Positively evaluated test results.
Test with a mark, written and oral in a 10-point system.
The mark will be adjusted taking into account the evaluations of the tests and the evaluation of the defense of the laboratory work.

Compulsory reading

Likumi LV
Nacionālās drošības likums: LR Likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.12.2000. Stājas spēkā 12.01.2001. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
MK noteikumi
Krīzes vadības padomes nolikums: MK noteikumi Nr. 42 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 18.01.2011. Stājas spēkā 21.01.2011. Pieejams:;

Further reading

Politikas dokumenti:
- Valsts civilās aizsardzības plāns
Par Valsts civilās aizsardzības plānu: MK rīkojums Nr. 476 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 26.08.2020. Stājas spēkā 26.08.2020. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Valsts aizsardzības plāns [tiešsaiste]. Spēkā ar 2020. g. 26. augustu. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Nacionālās drošības koncepcija. Pieņemts: 02.11.2001. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Nacionālās drošības plāns.
Normatīvie akti:
- Nacionālās drošības likums: LR Likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.12.2000. Stājas spēkā 12.01.2001. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Civilās aizsardzības un katastrofas pārvaldīšanas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 05.05.2016. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2016. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Par ārkārtējo situāciju un izņēmuma stāvokli: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 07.03.2013. Stājas spēkā 10.04.2013. [Skatīts 31.01.2022.]. Pieejams:
- Likumprojekts „Par ārkārtējo situāciju un izņēmuma stāvokli”

Periodicals and other sources

Eiropas Padomes 2008.gada 8.decembra direktīvas 2008/114/EK lai apzinātu un noteiktu Eiropas Kritiskās infrastruktūras un novērtētu vajadzību uzlabot to aizsardzību. Pieejams:


Academic higher education master's study programme “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” full-time studies