Course code BiolB009

Credit points 6

Forest Botany

Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures28

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes36

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation12.03.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author prof.

Inga Straupe

Dr. silv.

Replaced course

Biol1012 [GBIO1012] Forest Botany

Course abstract

1.Knowledge - the description of plants, using knowledge in morphology, the explanation of plant’s functions related with its anatomy – 1st and 2nd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums;
2.Skills - the determination and recognition of plants, analysis of their growing conditions – 1st and 3rd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums;
3.Competence - the evaluation of forest growing conditions related to forest vegetation – 3rd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1.Knowledge - the description of plants, using knowledge in morphology, the explanation of plant’s functions related with its anatomy – 1st and 2nd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums;
2.Skills - the determination and recognition of plants, analysis of their growing conditions – 1st and 3rd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums;
3.Competence - the evaluation of forest growing conditions related to forest vegetation – 3rd test, laboratory works, 5 colloquiums.

Course Content(Calendar)

1.The morphology of plants.
2.Plant vegetative organs.
3.Plant vegetative organs.
4.Plant generative organs.
1st test “The morphology of plants”
5.The structure and functions of plant’s cell.
6. The classification and functions of plant’s tissues.
7.The anatomy of plant organs
2nd test “Plants’ cell and tissues”
8. Plants’ systematics and taxons. The term of species. The binary notation. The kingdom of Monera. The characteristics of bacteria and cyanobacteria.
9. The kingdom of Protista. The characteristics and role of algae.
1st colloquium “Flowering plant families”
10. The kingdom of Fungi. The characteristics and role of fungi. Lichenes.
2nd colloquium “Flowering plant families”
11. The kingdom of Plantae, its classification. The mosses, their characteristics, classification and role.
3rd colloquium “Flowering plant families”
12. Pteridophytes, their characteristics, classification and role. Club-mosses, horse-tails, ferns.
4th colloquium “Flowering plant families”
13. The gymnosperms and the angiosperms, their characteristics, classification and role.
14. The flowering plants. The families of dicotyledons.
5th colloquium “Lichenes. Mosses. Pteridophytes”
15. The flowering plants. The families of monocotyledons.
16. The plants of forest ground cover.
3rd test “Systematics of plants”

11. The kingdom of Plantae, its classification. The mosses, their characteristics, classification and role.
3rd colloquium “Flowering plant families”
12. Pteridophytes, their characteristics, classification and role. Club-mosses, horse-tails, ferns.
4th colloquium “Flowering plant families”
13. The gymnosperms and the angiosperms, their characteristics, classification and role.
14. The flowering plants. The families of dicotyledons.
5th colloquium “Lichenes. Mosses. Pteridophytes”
15. The flowering plants. The families of monocotyledons.
16. The plants of forest ground cover.
3rd test “Systematics of plants”

Requirements for awarding credit points

4 colloquiums “Flowering plant families” and 1 colloquium “Lichenes. Mosses. Pteridophytes”: the name of plants in Latvian and Latin, the learning of the growing conditions of plants.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

3 post-field trip colloquiums (vascular plants, lichen and moss of the forests significantly unaffected by people and drained forests) – diagnostic characteristics of taxa, their Latvian and Latin names.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course is based on the cumulative assessment of the tests and the colloquiums. In the case of refinement of the mark, the student answers additional questions.
The test is successful if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The colloquium is evaluated in accordance with the established assessment procedure - all plants must be recognized, their Latin and Latvian names should be known, the role of the plant and its growing conditions should be described.

Compulsory reading

1. Svirževska L.Bioloģija, botānika :jautājumi un atbildes: augu uzbūve, augu klasifikācija, daudzveidība un aizsardzība, ekosistēmas. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. 93 lpp.
2. Raven Peter H. et al. Biology of plants.New York: W.H. Freeman, 2005. 686 p.
3. Priedītis N. Latvijas augi [elektroniskais resurss, CD] Rīga : Gandrs, 2010.
4. Bumbura M., Jaudzeme V., Muižarāja E., Pētersone A. Augu morfoloģija un anatomija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1967. 507 lpp.

Further reading

1. Āboliņa A. Meža sūnas. Rīga: LAK, 1965. 157 lpp.
2. Strazdiņa L., Liepiņa L., Mežaka A., Madžule L. Sūnu ceļvedis dabas pētniekiem. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. 126 lpp.
3. Galeniece M., Tabaka L. Latvijas PSR sfagnu sūnu noteicējs. Rīga: ZAI. 1962. 109 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Priedītis N. Latvijas augi. Rīga: Gandrs. 888 lpp.


Practice within the compulsory academic Bachelor’s degree programme Forest science of Forest faculty. Part 2.