Course code VidZ1003
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation03.04.2017
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
The subject implies 1) theoretical basis of general chemistry, including general regularities of chemical process, structure of matter, heterogeneous dispersion systems, solutions, electrolyte water solutions, 2) properties of chemical elements and their coumponds, and their transformations in the environment, 3) The methods for analysis of environmental pollution and composition. The calculation of results and evalution of errors.
After the course students will have:
* About inorganic compounds and their properties - 1st test
* About different ways of expressing the concentrations of solutions-Test 2
* About different physical and chemical methods of analysis and their application - Test 3
* About the environmental fate of various chemical compounds and the influence of these compounds on the environment - Test 4.
* Students can independently perform the calculations required to prepare various solutions - Test 2
* Skills to apply the methods of physical-chemical and chemical analysis acquired in the course - Test 3
* Ability to constantly perform experiments using the acquired knowledge and make conclusions about the obtained results - laboratory works
* Ability to calculate the pH of different solutions and predict its changes depending on the interaction of reagents - homework.
* Independently make conclusions about the impact of various chemical compounds on the environment - Test 4
* Independently judge about the measures, which must be taken to neutralize the pollution of certain compounds in the environment - Test 4
* Independently make conclusions about the choice of a specific method of analysis for the identification and determination of specific chemical compounds. - 3rd test.
1. Classification of inorganic coumpounds and their properties. (3h)
2. Safety rules in the chemistry laboratory. Prac.: Acids, basis and salts. (3h)
3. Test. Classification of inorganic coumpounds and their properties./Types of concentrations of solutions. Calculations. (3h)
4. Prac.: Preparation of solutions./Methods of chemical analysis. (3h)
5. Methods of chemical analysis./Prac.: Determination of hydrochloric acid concentration by acid-base titration. (3h)
6. Physical-chemical methods of analyses./Prac.: Determination of hardness of water. (3h)
7. Physical-chemical methods of analyses./Prac.: determination of chloride by mohr method. (3h)
8. Physical-chemical methods of analyses. Basic principles of chromatography./Prac.: Determination of Ammonium Ion in Water. (3h)
9. Electrochemical methods of analysis.//Prac.: Spectrophotometric determination of iron in water. (3h)
10. Earth systems: atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere./Prac.: gravimetric determination of sulfate. (3h)
11. Atmospheric composition and atmospheric processes. Atmospheric pollutants and their sources. The elements of groop 16. (3h)
12. The elements of groop14 and 15. The biogenic elements. Determination of biogenic elements. (3h)
13. The composition of natural waters. Water pollution and pollution control. (3h)
14. Test. Atmospheric composition and atmospheric processes./ Classification of disperse systems. (3h)
15. Dispersed systems in nature. Their formation and stability./Prac.: potentiometric titration method. (3h)
16. Introduction to modern analytical methods in the "Natural Materials Laboratory" of department of Chemistry. Calculation of final grade. (3h)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number
specified in the calendar
Must be writed successfully all tests, i.e. no lower grade than 4 points. All laboratory reports and home work must be checked.
Home work. Exercizes about various pH calculations. Submit a printed form.
Must be writed successfully all tests, i.e. no lower grade than 4 points. All laboratory reports and home work must be checked. If the average mark of successful written tests is not lower than 6 points and all laboratory reports and home work are checked, then the exam does not have to pass, i.e., an average grade is displayed.
1. Vides zinātne. M. Kļaviņa redakcijā. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. 599 lpp. 2. Kļaviņš M., Cimdiņš P. Ūdeņu kvalitāte un tās aizsardzība. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2004. 204 lpp. 3. Kļaviņš M. u.c. Klimata mainība un globālā sasilšana. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. 173 lpp.
4. Manahan S.E. Environmental chemistry. 7th edition. Boca Raton etc.: Lewis Publishers, 2000. 898 p.
1. Druviete B. Neorganiskie savienojumi, to klasifikācija un vispārīgās ķīmiskās īpašības. LLU. Ķīmijas katedra. Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 59 lpp.
2. Kūka P. Pārtikas produktu analīžu fizikāli ķīmiskās metodes. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 174 lpp.
3. Water treatment principles and design. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, 2005. 1948 p.
4. Druviete B., Dūma. M., Truksne D. Analītiskās ķīmijas uzdevumi ar risinājumiem un vingrinājumiem. LLU Ķīmijas katedra. Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 59 lpp.
1. Vides Vēstis: Vides aizsardzības kluba žurnāls. Rīga: Vides aizsardzības klubs. ISSN 1407-2939.
2. Ilustrētā Zinātne. Rīga: Mediju grupa TOPS. ISSN 1691-256X.
3. Zinātnisko rakstu meklētājs "Google Scholar Beta"