Course code Vete5015

Credit points 3

Organisation of Veterinary Services II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures30

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10

Independent study hours41

Date of course confirmation21.10.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Course developer

author lect.

Lelde Tītmane

First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)

Prior knowledge

Vete5014, Organisation of Veterinary Services I

Course abstract

Students are got acquainted with Latvian and European Union veterinary legislation. Gets perception of organisation of veterinary official controls, organisation of veterinary practices, the veterinarian's role in society and local and international cooperation. In Ethics sub-program acquires ethical behaviour guiding principles, action in veterinary professional work in various situations and scope.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Sub-programme Organisation of Veterinary Services II:
Knowledge - insight in the legislation related to the veterinary field and its application; elements of the official control; the rights, obligations, responsibilities of veterinary practitioners – 2 tests.
Skills to find and apply the corresponding Latvian or European Union legislative norms according to the performed veterinary activity – practicals.
Competence to know and to apply in a right way the veterinary legislation in force doing veterinary practise; working in the competent authority and performing official duties - Clinical and epidemiological case analysis.
Sub-programme Ethic:
Knowledge – comprehension of the fundamental principles of ethics, related legislation and its application - case analysis.
Skills to find and apply code of ethics according to the situation – case analysis.
Competence to be able to analyse specific ethical cases - Clinical and epidemiological case analysis.

Course Content(Calendar)

Sub-programme Organisation of Veterinary Services II (20h):
1.The international organizations associated with veterinary medicine. 2 h
2. Latvian Association of Veterinarians, it functions. 2 h
3.The veterinary certificate, rights to practice. 2 h
4.Test. Business type. Registration for veterinary practices. 2 h
5.Companion/farm animal veterinary practices. 2 h
6. National veterinary and food supervision, its tasks. 2 h
7.Animal trade (veterinary certificates, certification process). 2 h
8. Agricultural Data Centre 1 h. Veterinarian work in animal shelter. 1 h
9. Administrative responsibility of the veterinarians. 2 h
10.Test. Defense of Clinical and epidemiological Case analysis. 2 h

Sub-programme Ethic (20h):
1. Introduction. Insight into the concepts: ethics, morality, deontology. Fundamental principles of medical ethics. European Veterinary Code of Conduct 2 h
2. Code of Ethics: independence and impartiality, honesty and integrity, professional confidentiality, competence and professionalism 2 h
3. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and the veterinary profession 2 h
4. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and animals 2 h
5. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and clients 2 h
6. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and the veterinary team 2 h
7. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and medicines 2 h
8. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and society, Veterinarians and the environment 2 h
9. Code of Ethics: Veterinarians and Competent Authorities 2 h
10. Latvian Association of Veterinarians Professional Ethics Commission 2 h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Two successfully completed tests, defended Clinical and epidemiological Case analysis and successfully passed exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Clinical and Epidemiological Case Analysis (KEGA) work on the course offered by the supervisor. To make the ethical and legal analysis.
Content of Analysis work: Introduction; Description of the case or description of problem; Case analysis (description of the action based on normative acts, code of ethics). After the submission of the written part of the analysis work, on the end of the course it should be presented orally. The deadline when Analysis work must be submitted and defended is determined by the course supervisor.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Study course tests, exam and clinical and epidemiological analysis work are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10 point system scale indicated in the LLU Study Regulations.
In order to get a successful grade in a test, students have to specify at least 65% of the correct answers.
To be able to take the exam, the student must have successfully completed two tests and defended the clinical and epidemiological analysis work.

Compulsory reading

1.Viljamss J. R. Medicīnas ētikas rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Latvijas ārstu biedrība, 2009. 135 lpp.
2. Latvijas veterinārārstu ētikas kodekss. Pieejams:
3. Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti. Pieejams:
4. EUR-Lex. Eiropas Savienības tiesību akti. Pieejams:

Further reading

1.Mullan S., Fawcett A., Sean Wensley S. Veterinary Ethics: Navigating Tough Cases. 1st edition. UK: 5m Publishing, 2017. 552 p.

2.Rollin B.E. An Introduction to Veterinary Medical Ethics: Theory And Cases. 2nd ed. Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 352 p. N

Periodicals and other sources

1. LR Zemkopības ministrija. Pieejams:
2. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Pieejams:
3. Pārtikas un veterinārais dienests. LR Zemkopības ministrijas nozares portāls. Pieejams:
4. 5.


Compulsory course of study programme Veterinary medicine.