Course code Vete4113
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes52
Independent study hours60
Date of course confirmation04.04.2018
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
First-cycle professional higher education(līm.)
Vete2015, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
Vete4110, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics I
Vete4112, Surgery Techniques and Topographical Anatomy I
Vete6023, Physiology II
VeteB024 [GVETB024] Surgery Techniques and Topographical Anatomy II
The Surgery techniques section investigates the basic principles of general surgery and the rules and techniques of surgical intervention in order to renew the productivity and working abilities of sick animals, or to increase the productivity of healthy animals. The surgery techniques section inspects topics, such as the prevention of surgical infection, basic principles of surgical work, animal fixation, anesthesia, elements of infections, traumas and traumatism. The topographical anatomy is the science about location of the animal tissue and organs accordingly conventional topographical parts of the body.
In the topographical anatomy sections students improve their ability to identify, as well as determine the position of bones, connective tissue, muscles, blood vessels, nerves and internal organs in the respective area.
Knowledge: Knowledge of surgical disease diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options. Knowledge on body areas, the position of muscles, blood vessels, nerves and internal organs of various species of domestic animals – 8 tests (Operative Surgery - 4 tests and Topographic Anatomy - 4 tests).
Skills: Students will gain practical skills associated with performing surgical manipulations, skills to practically determine the position of specific muscles, blood vessels, nerves and internal organs of the bodies of domestic animals- from practicals.
Competency: Students will be competent at preventive measures, to prevent the development of surgical complications and diseases. In addition, students will gain the ability to assess the topography of the organs, analyze possible deviations and disturbances, to precisely identify and describe the localization site of the medical manipulation – Clinical Case Reports and Analysis (CCRA).
Course plan for subsection – Operative surgery:
1. Bone diseases, fractures – lecture: one academic hour, practical work: two academic hours
2. Joint diseases – lecture: one academic hour, practical works: two academic hours.
3. Basics of neurology, neurological examination – lecture: one academic hour, practical work: two academic hours. The first test (16th topic of the first part of the study course – 2nd topic of the second part)
4. Surgery of the head area- lecture: one academic hour, practical works: two academic hours.
5. Hernias – lecture: one academic hour, practical works: two academic hours. The second test (topic No.3.-4)
6. Surgery of the chest area – lecture: one academic hour, practical work: two academic hours. The third test (topic 5.-6.)
7. Surgery of the intestines – lecture: one academic hour, practical works: two academic hours. The fourth test (7.-8. topic).
8. Surgery of the stomach and bladder – lecture: one academic hour, practical works: two academic hours
Course plan for subsection - Topographical anatomy:
1. Thoracic limb/forelimb area (scapula, shoulder, brachium-humerus, antebrachium- ulna and radius, carpal, metacarpal and manus), pelvic limb/hindlimb area (hip, thigh, stifle, crus region- tibia and fibula, tarsal, metatarsal and digits), topography of bones, muscles, arteries, veins, lymph centers, lymph nodes and nerves - 6 hours (1st Test).
2. The head area (parts of the face and brain) - muscles, blood vessels, lymph nodes, lymph centers, nerves, salivary glands. Sinuses – 6 hours (2nd test)
3. Topography of the thorax cavity organs. Neck and chest area muscles, arteries, veins, lymph nodes, lymph centers and nerves - 4 hours (3rd test).
4. Areas of the stomach topography of abdominal organs, blood supply and innervation. Topography of pelvic cavity organs blood supply and innervation – 4 hours (4th test).
No more than two unexcused absences from lectures and practical work during the semester in the operative surgery part. In topographical anatomy, no more than four practical lessons or 20% of the number of academic hours can be missed without an excuse.
Successfully completed four theoretical tests in operative surgery and four in topographical anatomy by the beginning of the spring examination period.
A successfully written Clinical Case Report and Analysis (CCRA) with a presentation of results at the end of the course.
At the end of the sixth semester, the student receives a cumulative grade by successfully fulfilling the course conditions based on accumulated points or by taking an oral exam consisting of a clinical case analysis and theory questions from the material studied in parts I and II of the whole study course.
Development of a Clinical Case Reports and Analysis (CCRA) theoretical work using the topics offered by the lecturers or the topic chosen by the student, in coordination with the subject's manager. At least five literature sources should be used in the work and presented in the 6th semester. The design of CCRA should be done in accordance with the standards adopted by the VMF Methodology Commission.
The work is evaluated with points (from 1 to 10). In order for the student to be admitted to the final exam of the study course, student must submit and present the CCRA work. If the work is evaluated with at least 7 points, the student can apply for the cumulative exam. If the thesis is not written and presented by the end of the sixth semester and the beginning of the spring session, the student is not allowed to take the final exam.
1. completed practical lessons,
2. the number of missed lectures or practical lessons does not exceed above mentioned;
3. passed all tests,
4. passed the topographical anatomy test at the end of the 6th semester, which consists of 4 tests.
5. Completed and presented work of CCRA.
It is possible to pass the exam in a cumulative way - by working successfully throughout the semester, showing good knowledge and practical skills, doing independent work.
In order to obtain the cumulative grade, it is necessary to accumulate the needed amount of points in the total sum of all tests by the end of the sixth semester before the spring session starts. Students are informed about the amount of points necessary and course requirements in the first practical lesson of the course "Operative surgery and topographical anatomy I".
Only those students are allowed to work with live animals as part of the study course, who have successfully passed the ongoing tests and have proven their knowledge within the course, have prepared for work before the lesson and have shown a high sense of responsibility.
A student who has not been able to fulfill the course requirements within the allotted time must repeat the course in full the following year.
1. Auer J.A., Stick J. (2011) Equine surgery. Fourth Edition. ELSVIER.1536 p.
2. Colville T.P., Bassert J.M. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd Revised edition. Mosby: Elsevier-Heatth Sciences Division, 2015.
3. Fossum T. W. Small Animal Surgery. 4th Edition. Mosby, 2013. 1618 p.
4. Fubini L. S., Ducharme N. (2004). Farm Animal Surgery. Second Edition. ELSVIER. 662 p.
5. Gardiner A. Dog Anatomy Workbook:a guide to the canine body. London: J.A.Allen, 2014. 200 p.
6. Tobias K.M., Johnston S.A. Veterinary Surgery Small Animal. 2 Volume. Philadelphia: Saunders comp. 2012. 2128 p.
1. Colville T.P., Bassert J.M. (2015) Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinaty Technicians 3rd Revised edition. published by Elsevier-Heatth Sciences Division.
2. Muir W.W., Hubbell J.A.E., Skarda R.T., Bednarski R.M. Handbook of Veterinary Anestesia. Third edition. Mosby. 2000. 574 lpp.
3. Raynor M. Horse Anatomy Workbook: A Learning Aid for Students. 2006. 144 p.
4. The Merck Veterinary Manual. (2010) 10th Ed. Merck * Co., Inc. Rahway. N.J., V.S.A. p.1832.
5. Wayne C.M., Frisbie D.D., Kawcak C.E., Weeren P.R. (2016) Joint disease in the horse. Second edition.352p.
1. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233.
2. Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, ISSN 2357-0504.
3. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc; JAVMA). 2000-2016, USA: American Medical Assoc., ISSN 0003-1488.
4. Journal of Small Animal Practice (J Small Anim Pract). 2000-2016, UK: British Small Animal Veterinarian Association, ISSN 0022-4510.