Course code VadZ2015
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.04.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Dr. oec.
A study course gives an idea of the multifaceted nature of the stress phenomenon, both theoretical and practical. As part of the course, when looking at stress management techniques, tools and techniques, students understand the progress of stress management processes, are able to identify stress and its manifestations, determine the level of stress, and are able to find the best methods and techniques for their individuality to develop and apply a stress management strategy.
The aim of the study course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in stress identification, stress management methods, in order to promote their professional and personal skills and to develop their capacity to independently develop and apply a stress management strategy to the professional environment and their personality.
Knowledge and understanding of the concepts of stress, forms of expression, factors affecting stress and the effects on the private and working life and well-being of the person (own-initiative work).
Knowledge and understanding of the development of stress management strategies, stress management methods and techniques and their application (quiz).
Professional skills
Capable of self-analysis and evaluation (own-initiative works, workshop discussion).
Capable of identifying stress, measuring stress levels and being able to find an appropriate solution for stress assessment (works in practice, discussions in lessons, paper).
Capable of obtaining, collecting and analysing information and developing a personal stress management strategy (own-initiative work, report).
General skills
Able to perform tasks responsibly within time (paper, presentation, own-initiative work, group work).
Be able to work effectively on a team, delegate and coordinate the performance of duties. Able to take responsibility for the results of the teams' work (working in a group).
Able to present the results of the works carried out and to base their views (own-initiative work, paper, presentation).
Capable of self-formulating and critical analysis of stress management processes, stress causes and awareness of the consequences, capable of independently developing a stress management strategy (own-initiative work, paper and presentation).
Full-time studies:
Program expanded content (16 hours)
1. Stress management as a component of self-management. Concept of subjective well-being. (1 hour)
2. The nature of the concept of stress understanding. Stress types. Stress identification. (1 hour)
3. Stress as a hallmark of the era. Stress in the professional and private lives of individuals. (1 hour)
4. Urgency and occupancy as hallmarks of the era. (1 hour)
5. Stressors. Causes of stress. (1 hour)
6. Stress levels and developmental stages. (1 hour)
7. Burn-out phenomenon. Internal resources of the individual and their assessment. (1 hour)
8. Stress management and management: methods, techniques and strategies (1 hour)
9. Stress management and management: case analysis. (1 hour)
10. Stress prevention and prevention: methods, techniques and strategies. (1 hour)
11. Stress prevention and prevention: case analysis. (1 hour)
12. Analysis of the individual social support network. (1 hour)
13. Constructive and destructive approaches to stress management processes. (1 hour)
14. Lifestyle. Balance between work and private life. Capacity and promotion. (1 hour)
15. Needs and basic principles for setting up an individual stress management strategy (1 hour)
16. Identification of their capabilities and capabilities. Analysis of the current position of the personality. (1 hour)
List of practical works (16 hours)
1. Assessment of subjective well-being. Defining the life position of an individual. Identifying basic areas of life. (1 hour)
2. Self-evaluation system. Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses (1 hour).
3. Identification of stress and detection of stress types. (1 hour)
4. Analysis of stressors. Determination of individual stress rate. (1 hour)
5. Analysis of the risk of burning. Self-help methods. (1 hour)
6. Basic skills for stress management. (1 hour)
7. Practical learning of stress management techniques (2 hours)
8. Analysis of stress management experience. Prospective modelling of stress management. (1 hour)
9. Analysis of the individual time budget and time use. Prioritisation (2 hours)
10. Analysis of the individual social support network. (1 hour)
11. Analysis of lifestyle and lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle components. Personal capacity analysis (1 hour)
12. Quiz: Conditions for setting up stress management strategies, impact of stress on the private and working life of a person, stress management methods and techniques and their application. (1 hour)
13. Development of a basic framework for the individual stress management strategy (1 hour)
14. Presentation of an individual stress management strategy (1 hour).
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.
You can receive a positive rating (tag-clearing) if you have attended lectures, performed and positively evaluated your own work, group jobs, paper and quiz.
Assigned own-initiative and group tasks, research tasks or other tasks have been performed according to the questions in the lesson and a collection has been obtained.
The netting rating shall consist of:
Own-initiative work “Self-evaluation system”. Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses': 15%;
Quiz: “Themes: Conditions for setting up stress management strategies, impact of stress on the private and working life of the person, stress management methods and techniques and their application.” - 30%;
Own-initiative work on “Stress Management Methods” - 20%;
Individual stress management strategy - Review (25%) and presentation (10%).
1. Allens D. Mērķa sasniegšana. Jelgava: Zoldnera izdevniecība, 2017. 256 lpp.
2. Darbiņa R. Stress un hronisks nogurums. Rīga: Avots, 2010. 77 lpp.
3. Grīns A. Iekšējā spēka avoti. Rīga: Jumava, 2010. 135 lpp.
4. Kovejs, Stīvens R. Ļoti veiksmīgu cilvēku 7 paradumi: efektīvi personības pārmaiņu principi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2013. 367 lpp.
5. Losons K. Sekmīga darba laika pārvaldība. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. 120 lpp.
6. Psiholoģija 2. 2. grāmata. Personība, grupa, sabiedrība, kultūra. Zin. red. un autores: K. Mārtinsone, A. Miltuze. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2015. 304 lpp.
7. Selje H. Mana mūža stress. Rīga: Jumava, 2012. 253 lpp.
8. Sons T. Successful Stress Management. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 06.04.2021.]. Pieejams:
9. McIntosh D., Horowitz J. Stress the psychology of managing pressure. London: Penguin Random House, Dorling Kindersley, 2018. 224 p.
1. Breitberga N. Ceļš uz emocionālo veselību. Rīga: Avots, 2011. 126 lpp.
2. Dispenza Dž. Atbrīvojies no ieradumu spēka! Rīga: Lietusdārzs, 2015. 286 lpp.
3. Drukers P.F. Efektīvs vadītājs. Jelgava: Zoldnera izdevniecība, 2011. 220 lpp.
4. Džordžs M. Septiņi AHĀ! pret stresu. Rīga: Vieda, 2017. 137 lpp.
5. Heigs M. Piezīmes par nervozu planētu. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2019. 287 lpp.
6. Losons K. Sekmīga darba laika pārvaldība. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. 120 lpp.
7. Psihosociālā darba vide. Latvijas Brīvo arodbiedrību savienība. Rīga, 2010. 155 lpp.
8. Rība A. Laika menedžments: veiksmīgai darbībai un savas dzīves kontrolei. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2020. 127 lpp.
9. Roja Ž. Stress un vardarbība darbā. Ko darīt? Latvijas Ergonomikas biedrība. Rīga, 2016. 94 lpp.
10. Šahs N. 10 soļi stresa mazināšanai. Rīga: J.L.V., 2013. 174 lpp.
11. Šeinovs V. Saki “nē” un nejūties vainīgs. Rīga: Avots, 2015. 301 lpp.
12. Veselības psiholoģija:teorijas un prakses starpdisciplinārā perspektīva. K. Mārtinsones un V. Sudrabas zin. red. Rīga: RSU, 2019. 415 lpp.
1. Annas Psiholoģija: iepazīsti sevi un dzīvo labāk! Rīga: Žurnāls Santa, 2011. ISSN: 2243-688X
2. Biznesa Psiholoģija. Ikšķile: Saules Bite, 2006-2014. ISSN 1691-3183. Pieejams:
3. Psiholoģija: žurnāls. Rīga: Northen European Ecology, 2017. ISSN 2501-0174
Free-choice course for LLU basic study programmes.