Course code Soci6011

Credit points 3

Sociology in Latvia

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures12

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation30.09.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities

Course developer

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Līga Paula

Dr. sc. soc.

Prior knowledge

Soci5032, The Principles of Scientific Research

Soci5041, Social Research Methods

Soci5043, Sociological Theory

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to deepen knowledge about establishment of sociology as a science discipline in Latvia and its development, the most significant research institutions and research streams, notable Latvian sociologists and their international contributions. The study course focuses also on issues related to future development perspectives of sociology as a science discipline in Latvia as well as in the international context. The role of sociologists in both academic and public spheres is also emphasized.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge. In-depth knowledge of the formation and development of sociology in Latvia (presentation); knowledge of the most important Latvian sociologists and their contribution to the study of social processes (group work, report); knowledge of sociological organizations in Latvia and their research directions (group work).
Skills. To evaluate the preconditions and contextual conditions of the development of sociology in different periods in Latvia (presentation); to identify the role of a sociologist in the analysis and explanation of the processes taking place in the public sphere in society, in the formation of policy and in closer co-operation with other fields of science in Latvia (report, its presentation); ability to perform tasks responsibly, within time, as well as to explain opinion in a reasonable, critical and argumentative way, ability to participate in group work and discussions (report and its presentation).
Competence. Ability to see the areas of contact between sociology and other disciplines, identifying opportunities for interdisciplinary research; ability to evaluate and substantiate priority research directions in sociology in Latvia, taking into account national contextual conditions and EU settings for social sciences (report and its presentation).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The place and role of sociology among other social sciences in Latvia. - 1 hour
2. Protosociology period. - 1 hour
3. Development of social ideas in Latvia in the interwar period. - 1 hour
4. Sociology in Latvia during the Soviet era: 50s - 80s of the 20th century. - 1 hour
5. Sociology in Latvia after the restoration of Latvia’s independence: the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. - 1 hour
6. Sociological organizations in Latvia, the most important sociologists and their contribution. – 3 hours
7. Sociological research in Latvia in the context of European social science priorities. - 2 hours
8. Challenges and development perspectives of sociology in Latvia. - 1 hour
9. Perspectives of sociology in Latvia in the context of international cooperation. – 1 hour
List of seminar topics (12 hours)
1. Formation of sociology as a science in Latvia: the contribution of P. Birkerts, P. Dāle, P. Jurevičs and T. Celms to Latvian sociology. - 2 hours
2. Marxist sociology in Latvia during the Soviet era. - 1 hour
3. Group work: professional sociological organizations in Latvia and in the world. - 1 hour
4. Sociology in Latvia in the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century: the most prominent sociologists and their contribution to research. – 2 hours
5. Priority research directions in social sciences in Europe and their topicality in Latvia. - 1 hour
6. New theoretical and methodological approaches in Latvian sociology. - 1 hour
7. The role of sociology in solving interdisciplinary problems. - 1 hour
8. Group work: a sociologist in a public space in modern Latvia. - 1 hour
9. Overview of research conducted in Latvia: presentations and discussions of master students’ reports. - 2 hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Formal test with a grade. The final assessment is cumulative on the following topics and tasks: 1) Contribution of P. Birkerts, P. Dāle, P. Jurevičs and T. Celms to Latvian sociology (presentation - 20%); 2) Professional sociological organizations in Latvia (group work - 20%), 3) Sociologist in public space in modern Latvia (group work - 10%), 4) Review of research conducted in Latvia (50%).

Study process in part-time distance learning is organised in accordance with the Order of the Vice-Rector of Studies No. 2.4.-5/59 On distance learning procedures at LBTU. Study courses are scheduled for each semester according to the study plan. The students learn the topics included in the study course independently, using the materials created and placed by the lecturer in the e-studies (Moodle). Feedback on the learning of lecture and seminar topics in distance learning is organised in the form of self-assessment tests, discussion forums and independent work, as well as in face-to-face or online consultations, lectures and final examinations according to the timetable.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Literature studies, preparation of presentation, preparation of a report on research conducted in Latvia.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Master students must prepare a presentation (20%), two group works (30%), prepare and present a report on research conducted in Latvia (50%). 10% corresponds to one point on the 10-point assessment scale.

Compulsory reading

1. Kilis E. (2016). The Ambiguity of Hybridity and Encounter between Constructivism and Latvian Sociology (PhD thesis). Pieejams:
2. Kūle M., Muižniece L., Vēgners U. (2009). Teodors Celms: fenomenoloģiskie meklējumi. Rīga: Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 328 lpp.
3. Leikuma I. (2016). Pēteris Birkerts: es laižu savus darbus pasaulē. Jelgava: LLU, 2016, 296 lpp.
4. Tisenkopfs T. ( (2010). Socioloģija Latvijā. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 535 lpp.
5. Tabuns A. Sociology – Latvia. Pieejams:
6. Tabuns A. (red.) (1998). Sabiedrības pārmaiņas Latvijā. Rīga: Jumava, 277 lpp.
7. Vilks A. (2008). Filozofiskā socioloģija Latvijā. Antoloģija studentiem. Rīga: Drukātava, 167 lpp.

Further reading

1. Birkerts P. (1921). Zocioloģija. Skolām un pašmācībai. 1.sējums. Zociālā statika. Rīga: Kultūras balss, 281 lpp.
2. Celms T. (1939). Patiesība un šķitums: filozofisku, psichologisku und sociologisku rakstu krājums. Rīga; Valters un Rapa, 371 lpp.
3. European Commission. Emerging trends in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe. The METRIS report. – Brussels: European Commission, 2009, 143 p. Pieejams:
4. Stradiņš J. (2009). Zinātnes un augstskolu sākotne Latvijā. Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds, 639 lpp.
5. Tisenkopfs T., Bela B., Kunda I. ( (2011). Augstskolas reģionos: zināšanu un prakses mijiedarbe. Rīga: Zinātne, 495 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Latvijas Zinātnes padomes mājas lapa:
2. Pētniecība LU SZF:
3. Pētniecība RSU. Pieejams:
4. Baltijas Sociālo zinātņu institūts. Pieejams:,
Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts: Pieejams:,
5. LLU sociālās zinātnes. Pieejams:
6. Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia. - Riga: University of Latvia, Institute of economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 1022-4483 Pieejams:
7. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Socioloģija. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte. ISSN 1407-2157
8. Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas vēstis. A daļa. Sociālās un humanitārā zinātnes. – Rīga: LZA. ISSN 1407-0081 Pieejams:
9. Sociālo zinātņu vēstnesis. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitāte. ISSN 1691-1881 Pieejams:
10. RSU zinātniskie raksti. Pieejams:,


Elective study course in the ESAF academic master study programme “Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration”.