Course code MatZ3028

Credit points 6

Wood Processing Machinery and Tools

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures48

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation13.01.2015

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author lect.

Ulvis Miončinskis

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

MatZ2035, Wood Cutting Processes

MatZ2036, Wood Science

Course abstract

Theoretical foundations of wood processing machines and equipment. Their structures and parameters. Usability, suitability and choice of wood processing machines for marketing different technological processes. Technical calculations of machine machines. Development of wood processing instruments and modern operational requirements. The foundations of the design and selection of instruments. Tool Restoration Techniques. Labour protection guidelines and safe working techniques when working on wood processing machines.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

On the construction and main knots of wood processing machines – in discussion lessons, 4 quiz, exam.
About wood processing instrument structures - in discussion lessons, 4 quiz, exam.
Capable of performing technical and loading calculations of working machines – 4 quiz, exam, independent work.
Capable of making binding calculations of tools - 4 quiz, exam, independent work.
Capable of comparing and evaluating various workshops and instruments according to the technological processes to be carried out - in discussion lessons, 4 quiz, exam, independent work

Course Content(Calendar)

Introduction, general news of wood processing machines. (5 h)
2. General news on wood processing tools. (5 h)
3. Frame saw and frame saw blades. (3 h)
4. Band saw machines and blades. (3 h)
5. Circular saws and sawmilling. (3 h)
6. Saw maintenance and restoration. (4 h)
7. Longitudinal milling machines. (3 h)
8. Milling machines and mills. (5 h)
9. Taper machines. (2 h)
10. Drilling machines and drills. (4 h)
11. Hollow and forging machines. (1 h)
12. Lathes. (2 h)
13. Grinders and slips. (3 h)
14. Peeling machines. (2 h)
15. Veneer peeling and drying machines, veneer scissors. (3 h)
16. Technical calculations of machine machines. (16 h (practical work))

Requirements for awarding credit points

you must successfully write 4 tests, pass the exam successfully, defend your own work.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1 st independent work - Choice and calculations of sawing machines and instruments according to the specified sawing volume. (Individual study and presentation).
2nd Own-initiative work - Choice and calculations of Galinery Equipment and Instruments according to the specified work task. (Individual study and presentation).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Tests - 40%.
Exam - 40%.
Independent work - 20%.

Compulsory reading

1. Tuherm H., Ābele A. Koksnes griešanas procesi. Jelgava. 2014. 90 lpp.
2. Tuherms H. Kokapstrādes instrumenti. - R: Zvaigzne, 1985. - 246 lpp.
3. Глебов И. Т., Неустроев Д. В. Справочник по дереворежущему инструменту. Екатеринбург. УГЛА. 2000. 252 с.

Further reading

1. Grīnberga M. Kokapstrādes tehnoloģija. Rīga: Jumava, 2002. 293 lpp.
2. Ettelt B., Gittel H-J. Sagen Frasen Hobelen Bohren. Berlin. DRW-Verlag. 2004. 290 S.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Starptautiskais žurnāls "Baltijas Koks", ISSN 1407-6667


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education study program Wood Processing realized by Forest Faculty