Course code MežZ4082
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures44
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes20
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation02.02.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
Mg. oec.
Students become acquainted with structure and organization of the Forest production process, forest policy of Republic of Latvia, entrepreneurship forms and its introduction in forestry and forest exploitation, forest industry organization and planning in free market economy, working time research methods and application.
After the course, the student will have:
• knowledge - to make starting up a commercial activity, ensuring it effectively and evaluating final results; (control vork)
• skills –to make to perform the necessary calculations, analysis of situations to ensure efficient economic activity; (practical work)
• Competency - is able to find the most beneficial and appropriate compromise between the company's expectations and practical capabilities when preparing a business plan (practical work)
1 Latvian forest policy, its association with forest legislation. Factors affecting Latvian forest legislation. (lecture 44 h)
2 Business spheres, types, environment, start-up. The laws and regulations of the Republic. Practical work. 2 h
3 Forest management plan. Logging organisation. Regulatory enactments of the LR. Practical work 2 h.
4 Risks, logging production and financial risks, risk analysis. Economic assessment. Practical work. 2 h
5 Labour and recreational organisation in the logging company. Practical work. 2 h.
6 Labour pay organisation in the logging company, its special features. Practical work. 2 h.
7 Work process. Methods for investigating the use of working time and their application. Economic assessment. Practical work. 1 h.
8 Certification. Certification of products of forest origin. Regulatory enactments of the LR. Practical work. 1 h.
9 Purchase-sale agreement. Contract for the provision of services. Dispute settlement. Practical work. 1 h.
10 Organisation for the marketing of wood products. Choice of markets for sale. Creating a price policy. Practical work. 1 h.
11 Violations and their types. The regulatory enactments of the LR for the calculation of losses caused by forest offences. Practical work. 1 h.
12 Business Plan and its purpose. Basic principles for development. Practical work. 1 h.
13 The transaction and its statements. Types of transaction payment. Practical work. 1 h.
14 Assessment of economic activity. Groups of indicators to be used for evaluation. Calculation of the indicators. Practical work. 2 h.
15 Crisis and management of the economic activities of an undertaking (firm). Regulatory enactments of the LR. Practical work. 1 h. 16 Forest Land Transformation. Regulatory enactments governing this process. Practical work. 1 h
There must be: (1) four quizzes written and credited; (2) completed and defended practical work; (3) passed examination.
Own-initiative work on drawing up a business plan. (to be submitted electronically)
Quizzes, practical works, permanent work, and a passed exam. The examination mark depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester; Conrolwork 1, 20 points, quiz 2 20 points, quiz 3 20 points, test test test test 40 points.
1. Sarmulis Z., Saveļjrevs A. Meža darbi un tehnoloģijas.Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava, 2015. 146 lpp.
2. Purvgalis A. Darba laika izlietojuma izpēte. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 49 lpp.
3. Pettere G., Voronova I. Riski uzņēmējdarbībā un to vadība. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Banku augstskola, 2004. 176 lpp.
4. Živitere M. Komercdarbības (biznesa) plāns. Rīga: KIF "Biznesa komplekss", 2000. 100 lpp.
1. Buongiorno J., Gilles J. Forest management and economics. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 2001. 285 p.
2. Barovs P. Biznesa plāni: kā tos uzrakstīt un īstenot. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 213 lpp.
3. Handbook of forest resource economics. Edited by S. Kant and R.R. Janaki. Alavalapati. 2014. 559 p.
1. Žurnāls "Baltijas Koks". ISSN 1407-6667
2. Žurnāls „Kapitāls”. ISSN 1407-2505
3. Laikraksts "Meža Avīze". ISSN 1407-6187
The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Faculty of Forestry.