Course code LauZ4264
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation26.02.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Dr. med. vet.
Dr. agr.
Biol1010, Zoology
LauZ2052, Feedstuffs
Vete2022, Animal Physiology
LauZB029 [GLAUB029] Fish Husbandry
Students get acquainted with anatomy, physiology and biology of fish, aquaculture biotechnology and rearing: keeping conditions for fish and crayfish, principles of proper nutrition. Students get acquainted with the structure of the fish farm and the equipment necessary for the fish farming.
Knowledge of ecological processes in water and the role of fish in them (the practical works are developed, successfully passed the theory exam);
Skills for fish breeding, planning of fish feeding arrangements and feed rations (the practical works are developed, assessment tests successfully are written, in depend work is developed);
Competence in fish herd management and job planning (assessment tests are successfully written, successfully passed the theory exam).
1. Introduction. Development and socio-economic basics of aquaculture (1 h L).
2. Fish and crayfish anatomy, physiology, immunity, stress (1 h L; 1 h PD)
3. Fish biology and ecology (1 h L).
4. Ecological aspects of aquaculture, water quality for aquaculture (1 h L; 1 h PD).
CONTROL TESTS: Anatomy of fish crayfish, physiology, ecological aspects of aquaculture.
5. Fish farming systems (pond farming RAS etc.) L (7 h L; 4 h PD).
6. Feeding of fish, types of fish feed, feed value, compilation of feed rations (2 h L; 1 h PD).
CONTROL TESTS: Fish feeding.
7. Fish farming in the pond (carp, tench, trout, pike-perch, etc.) (6 h L; 4 h PD).
CONTROL TESTS: Fish farming in the pond.
8. Fish breeding RAS (sturgeon, pike-perch, trout) (6 h L; 4 h PD).
CONTROL TESTS: Fish farming in RAS
9. Creation of breeding herd, fish breeding (2 h L; 1 h PD).
10. Transport of fish, risks (2 h L; 1 h PD).
11. Measures for the prevention of fish and crayfish diseases in the fish farm (2 h L).
CONTROL TESTS: Establishment of breeding herd, prevention of diseases, transportation of fish
To get credit points, you must have worked for all practical works and have successfully passed 5 control tests.
In order to obtain the final assessment of the course “exam”, five tests must be successfully completed, as well as working on all practical works and participation in practical work on fish farm.
Working out late hours should be coordinated with the teaching staff.
Independently study the latest scientific articles on fish farming as mentioned by the lecturer, from which questions are included in the test.
The student has to take part in the practical work trip to the fish farm.
Successfully passed five tests. At least 70% of the questions must be answered correctly in each test. Independently studied work is included in the test.
1. Bregnballe J. A. Guide to Recirculation Aquaculture. An introduction to the new environmentally friendly and highly productive closed fish farming systems // Eurofish, Copenhagen, Denmark, - 2010 – 64 pp.
2. Cheng-Sheng L., Chhorn, L. Delbert, M. G. Webster, C. (2015) Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health, Wiley-Blackwell. 376 p.
3. Carp polyculture in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, manual.// FAO Technical Paper 554, Rome - 2010- 73 lp. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 19.03.2019.] Pieejams:
4. Merrifield, D.L., Ringo, E. (2014) Aquaculture Nutrition: Gut Health, Probiotics and Prebiotics Wiley-Blackwell. 488 p.
1. Misuļins A. Eiropas sama audzēšanas perspektīvas Latvijas apstākļos. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2009. -Zivju fonds. - 104.-109. lpp.
2. Misuļins A. Dīķu zivju ziemošana. //Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2010. - Zivju fonds. - 100.-106. lpp.
3. Mitāns A. Zivju mākslīgā barība un barošana.// Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2006. - Zivju fonds. - 116.-120. lpp.
4. Mitāns A. Akvakultūras informācija internetā. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2010. - Zivju fonds. - 116.-119. lpp.
5. Mitāns A, Guntars Dolmanis. Bioloģiskā akvakultūra. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2005. - Zivju fonds. - 157.-160. lpp
6. Mitāns A. Labturība zivkopībā. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2008. - Zivju fonds. - 120.-125. lpp
7. Medne R. Stress zivīm un slimību profilakse zivaudzētavās.// Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2007. Zivju fonds. 134.-136. lpp.
8. Pillay T.V.R., M.N. Kutty. Aquaculture. Principles and Practices // Blackwell Publishing - 2005 – 624 p.
9. Roze A. Alatas mākslīgā atražošana. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2000. Zivju fonds.- 187.-192. lpp.
1. Misuļins A. Eiropas sama audzēšanas perspektīvas Latvijas apstākļos. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2009. -Zivju fonds. - 104.-109. lpp.
2. Misuļins A. Dīķu zivju ziemošana. //Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2010. - Zivju fonds. - 100.-106. lpp.
3. Mitāns A. Zivju mākslīgā barība un barošana.// Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2006. - Zivju fonds. - 116.-120. lpp.
4. Mitāns A. Akvakultūras informācija internetā. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2010. - Zivju fonds. - 116.-119. lpp.
5. Mitāns A, Guntars Dolmanis. Bioloģiskā akvakultūra. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2005. - Zivju fonds. - 157.-160. lpp
6. Mitāns A. Labturība zivkopībā. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2008. - Zivju fonds. - 120.-125. lpp
7. Medne R. Stress zivīm un slimību profilakse zivaudzētavās.// Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2007. Zivju fonds. 134.-136. lpp.
8. Pillay T.V.R., M.N. Kutty. Aquaculture. Principles and Practices // Blackwell Publishing - 2005 – 624 p.
9. Roze A. Alatas mākslīgā atražošana. // Latvijas Zivsaimniecība 2000. Zivju fonds.- 187.-192. lpp.
Professional higher education Bachelor study program “Agriculture”, specialization Zootechnician in Breeding