Course code HidZ4012

Credit points 3

Land Reclamation

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation05.06.2018

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer


Uldis Kļaviņš

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

LauZ2040, Soils and Fertilizers

LauZ2042, Soil Science

Course abstract

In this course tasks, functions and methods of land drainage to remove excess soil water providing necessary conditions for intensive farming has been presented. Course provides advanced knowledge on the drainage planning, parameters and their calculation methods, design of drainage structures, construction works, materials. Tasks and the necessary measures during the implementation of land reclamation works is discussed.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• The course develops knowledge and understanding on the soil water balance and how to develop suitable conditions for crops depending on agricultural practice and technology. An exam.
• The course enables students with an ability to evaluate soil moisture balance and use of water resources with the scope of land reclamation systems and agricultural use of land. Two test.

• The course elaborates competence to evaluate technical conditions of land reclamation systems and structures and to find out imperfections and failures and necessity of repair work. Development five practical jobs.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Soil. Structure and division. Water division in the soil and hydro-physical characteristics. Water balance, excessive soil moisture and its division. (1h)

2. The impact of artificial drainage systems on soil physical conditions. Artificial drainage systems, its components and working principles. (1h)

3. Hydrology, its application in practice. The methodology for discharge assessment of open diches and tile drain systems. (1h)

4. Hydraulics. Hydrodynamics and hydrostatics. The assessment of dimensions for the building structures in the water bodies. Flow velocity, water levels and its application for the assessment of stability of stream beds as well as the methodology for the application of appropriate materials for the strengthen stream bed and embankments. (2h)

5. Land reclamation systems its division and the set of measures that belongs to work complex of land reclamation systems. The methods of optimising the soil moisture by the artificial drainage systems within the territories of different causes of excessive soil moisture. (1h)

6. The technique for the soil moisture reduction, collection of overland flow and deepening of groundwater levels. (1h)

1st test. (1 – 6. lectures themes)

7. Artificial drainage systems consisting of open waterbodies. Assessment of the utility and weak points of those systems. Designing principles and dimensions of artificial drainage systems consisting of open waterbodies. (1h)

8. Subsurface drainage systems. The principles for designing the coverage of the tile drains and the distance between tiles over the fields, tile depth and the diameters of the appropriate tile drain pipe materials. The parameters of collectors and its working principles. (2h)

9. Building structures in the artificial drainage systems, drainage outlets, wells for controlling drainage system, wells for collection of the overland flow and springs. (1h)

10. “Green structures” in the artificial drainage systems. The building for the increase of biodiversity and the purification of the agricultural runoff. (1h)

11. Irrigation. The deficit of the water consumption and the necessity of irrigation. The regime of irrigation, irrigation norms and doses for water supply. (1h)

12. The system of Irrigation and its constructive elements. Techniques and methods for field irrigation. The sources of the water appropriate for irrigation. (1h)

13. The exploitation and maintenance of land management systems. The reconstruction and renovation measures. (1h)

14. The tasks for preservation of the land management systems. Controlled drainage with drainage and irrigation functions and its maintenance. (1h)

2nd test. (7 – 14. lectures themes)

Topics for practical works:
1. Reading of the topography and drainage project plans (3h)
2. Planning of renewal or new drainage systems consisting of open waterbodies (3 h)
3. Hydrological and hydraulic calculations of diches (3h)
4. Calculation of distance between subsurface drains (3h)

5. Solutions of rebuilding of subsurface drainage system (4h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam:
• questions about theoretical course;

• tasks based on questions similar to practical works that was carried out during the semester, solution can be gained through calculations or graphically achieved.
During the semester, two tests and five practical works should be accomplished.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Every student must prepper independently for two tests. In the tests there will be question based on the topics of lectures.
2. Practical works will be worked out in the auditorium. Descriptive part and graphical design should be done in accordance with task, guidelines for student works and lecturers directions during practical work.

3. For the exam student should prepare independently.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

General rules. The results of exam will be assessed according to sum of points earned in written exam, tests during the semester as well as points earned in practical works will be added. 100 points can be potentially earned in total, that corresponds to the mark of 10.
2. Tasks to be done:
2.1. two tests where it is possible to earn 10 points in each of tests (20 points in total);
2.2. five practical works where it is possible to earn 5 points in each of practical works (25 points in total);
2.3. written exam where it is possible to earn 20 points in the part of theoretical questions while practical tasks provide the possibility to earn 35 points (55 points in total).
3. The assessment of total rating. The learning outcomes of the student will be rated in the conditions when in each of tests, practical works and in written exam will be earned not less than 50% of the potential amount of points was possible to earn. However, exception is allowed according to procedure explained in section 3.2..
3.1. The final mark of the overall student achievements will be rated according to total amount of points earned by carrying out the works described in section 2. as well as the conditions described in sections of 1 and 3. will be considered in the assessment:
• mark 3 if less than 50 % of points will be earned in written exam:
• mark 4 if 50...54 points earned;
• mark 5 if 55...60 points earned;
• mark 6 if 60...69 points earned;
• mark 7 if 70...79 points earned;
• mark 8 if 80...89 points earned;
• mark 9 if 90...95 points earned;
• mark 10 if 95...100 points earned.
3.2. If student was able to earn not less than 36 points within the tests and practical works during the semester, then it is allowed for the student to skip the written exam. In that conditions the outcomes of student will be rated as follows:
• mark 8 if 36…39 points earned;
• mark 9 if 40…42 points earned;

• mark 10 if 43…45 points earned.

Compulsory reading

1. Kļaviņš U., Sudārs R. Meliorācija: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2016. 239 lpp.

2. Strūbergs J. Meliorācijas sistēmu uzturēšana. Rokasgrāmata. Jelgava, 2005. 31 lpp.

Further reading

1. Uzņēmumu tehniskie noteikumi (nozares standarts) „Meliorācijas sistēmas”. Rīga, 2009. 174 lpp. [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 26.03.2014.]. Pieejams:

2. Zīverts A. Ievads hidroloģijā. Jelgava, LLU, 1997. 111 lpp.
3.MK noteikumi Nr. 329. Rīga: 30.06.2015. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224 – 15 „Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrauliskās būves”: MK noteikumi Nr. 329. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.06.2015. Stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. [Skatīts 07.06.2018.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

Agro Tops. Zinātniski praktisks žurnāls zinātniekiem, agronomiem, zemniekiem. ISSN 1417-5164


The course is dedicated for the students of Faculty of Agriculture that are studying for the bachelor degree.