Course code ETeh1001

Credit points 3

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation22.01.2013

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Raimunds Šeļegovskis

Dr. sc. ing.


Ilmārs-Žanis Klegeris

Dr. paed.

Prior knowledge

Fizi2016, Physics

Mate4019, Mathematics I

Mate4020, Mathematics II

Course abstract

In course students acquire basic laws of electrical circuits, basic rules and characters of direct and alternative current as well as magnetic circuits, the systems of electric measuring instruments and methods for measuring. During study course there is obtained principles of design and operation, working conditions, modifications and choice of transformers, induction engine, DC engine, electric lighting sources. The separate chapter is devoted to electric control devices and to choice of protection’ equipment, conception about lighting calculation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Acquires theoretical and practical knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering, is familiar with electrical measurement methods, knows the principles of electrical equipment, construction, operation and selection used in food production - laboratory work, tests.

Able to make a simplified selection of electrical equipment and it’s operating parameters; to choose the type of power supply and lighting type and the main parameters – laboratory works, tests.

Competences – to evaluate type and working parameters compliance to necessary conditions – the performance and defense of laboratory works, tests.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Direct current electrical circuits. The operating modes of the electrical circuits. (Lecture – 1h)
2. Magnetic circuits. (Lecture – 1h)
3. Concept and characteristics of alternating electrical circuits. (Lecture – 2h)
4. Electrical energy and power. (Lecture – 1h)
5. Three-phase systems. (Lecture – 1h)
6. Star and delta systems. (Lecture – 1h)
7. Measurement of electrical parameters. Test 1. Basic electrical engineering laws, characteristics and relationships. (Lecture – 2h)
8. Laboratory works – Alternating current 1-phase and 3-phase circuits, their parameters. (Laboratory works – 7h)
9. Electrical safety. (Lecture – 1h)
10. Transformer and electricity supply. (Lecture – 1h)
11. Structure and operation of the asynchronous machine. (Lecture – 1h)
12. Characteristics, control and protection of asynchronous engines. (Lecture – 1h)
13. Construction and operation of direct current machines. (Lecture – 1h)
14. Electric light sources. (Lecture – 1h)
15. Electric heating devices. Test 2. Fundamentals for the construction and operation of electrical engineering equipment. Lighting technique. (Lecture – 1h)
16. Laboratory works – Transformer, asynchronous motor, electric drive. (Laboratory works – 9h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test without mark (pass or fail).

Both tests have to be passed, all laboratory works have to be worked out and defended.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students independently perform calculations for laboratory works reports, prepare for laboratory work defense and tests.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The course of study shall be passed if the student has acquired a course of study in sufficient size and quality, as evidenced by the laboratory works defended and the tests successfully written.

Compulsory reading

1. Klegeris I. Ž. Lietišķā elektrotehnika: studiju materiāli. Lekciju konspekts. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 81 lpp. 2. Lagzdiņš Ģ. E. Pamatkurss elektrotehnikā. Rīga: Jumava, 2004. 220 lpp.

Further reading

1. Dirba J., Ketners K. Elektriskās mašīnas. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2007. 517 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Enerģētika & Automatizācija. Ikmēneša žurnāls. Izdevējs SIA Biznesa Portāls.ISSN 1407-8589


Compulsory study course for students of the professional study program "Food Product technology" of the Faculty of Food Technology