Course code BūvZ3093
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ2007, Building Materials I
BūvZ2040, Structural Analysis I
BūvZ3078, Structural Analysis II
The course introduces students to action effects to be foreseen and evaluated starting structural projects. The general understanding on multiform and varied loads acting to structure during service life is gained, as well as the practice of load calculations for persistent situations are mastered in accordance with Eurocode 1 conditions. The response of structure- internal forces and displacements are analysed induced by actions. The knowledge and skills acquired will be useful for elaboration of course projects and diploma ones as well.
Knowledge: on types of actions and causal relationships, on problems with definition of characteristic values, design values, as well as an extremes; - Attendance of lectures • Skills: to acquire the skills for determination of permanent and variable (imposed, snow, wind, crane induced etc.) actions;- Practical class, two tests, and one homework • Competence: ability to evaluate the more significant effects of actions for design of plane frame structures (beams or trusses supported by columns, portalframes etc.); - Test- conversation
1 General conception on actions and environmental factors’ effects on buildings contextual to Eurocode (1 h)
2 Classification of actions (loads) regarding their effects (duration, vibration etc) on properties of materials and structures (1 h)
3 Representative characteristics of actions, concepts and methods of statistical data analysis applied for determination. (1 h)
4 Determination of permanent and imposed loads on floors. Additional action effects on columns due to eccentrically connected beams (1 h) Practical work. (3 h)
5 Determination of snow loads on roofs of complicated shapes (1 h) Practical work. (1 h)
6 Wind effects on buildings. Static and dynamic components. Territory categories and factors. Pressure coefficients (1 h) Practical work. (3 h)
7 Models of wind load on buildings regarding wind direction and component position (1hr)
Practical work. (1 h)
8 Actions induced by cranes and machinery (1 h) Practical work. (1 h)
9 Actions during execution of structures and building components (1 h)
10 Actions on structures exposed to fire (1 h)
11 Thermal actions. Indirect actions induced by settlement of foundations (1 h) Practical work (2h)
12 Accidental actions, prognosis of values (1 h)
13 Combination rules of permanent and variable actions for use in limit state calculations (2hr)
Practical work. (1 h)
14 Analysis of action effects by FEM tools- internal forces (1 h) Practical work. (2 h)
15 Analysis of action effects by FEM tools- displacemtents. (1 h) Practical work. (2 h)
Credit test is passed if: • at least 85 percents of class hours are attended; • two classroom tests are assessed positively; • one homework is self-executed and student is able to discuss on course content.
Topic of homework: “Calculation of loads on building components”. Instructor provides the student with an individual task, specifying the deadline of submitting the report of calculations executed. It is good option for student to take tutorials and discussion with instructor during semester in time.
The positive assessment of test works will be given if at least 50 percents of calculation records are correct.
Homework is assessed basing on two criteria: 1) conformity of load values determined with data specified for building
2) ability to discuss on methods and results of load calculations.
1. Gulvanessian H. Designers' guide to Eurocode 1: actions on buildings: EN 1991-1-1 and -1-3 to -1-7. H. Gulvanessian, P. Formichi, J.A. Calgaro. London: Thomas Telford, 2009. 294 p. 2. Нагрузки и воздействия на здания и сооружения. В.Н.Гордеев и др. Москва: Изд-во Ассоциации строительных вузов, 2007. 482 c. 3. Cook N. Designers' guide to EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1: actions on structures, general actions. Part 1-4, Wind actions. London: Thomas Telford Publishing, 2007. 81 p. 4. Holmes J.D. Wind loading of structures. London; New York: Spon Press, 2001.
1. Blast effects on buildings. Edited by D.Cormie, G.Mays and P.Smith. 2nd ed. London: Thomas Telford, 2009. 338 p. 2. Designers' guide to EN 1991-1-2,1992-1-2, 1993-1-2 and 1994-1-2: Handbook for the fire design of steel, composite and concrete structures to the Eurocodes. T. Lennon ... [et al.]. London: Thomas Telford, 2007. 131 p. 3. LVS EN 1990:2006 L. Eirokodekss. Konstrukciju projektēšanas pamatprincipi. EN 1990. Eurocode - Basis of structural design 4. Eirokodeksi: LVS EN 1991-1-1;LVS EN 1991-1-2; LVS EN 1991-1-3; LVS EN 1991-1-4; LVS EN 1991-1-5;LVS EN 1991-1-6; LVS EN 1991-1-7
1. Būvinženieris: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienības izdevums. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība. ISSN 1691-9262. 2. The Structural Engineer. London: The institution of structural engineers. ISSN 1466-5123 3. Bauingenieur: die richtungweisende Zeitschrift im Bauingenieurwesen. Published by Springer VDI Verlag, Baden-Baden. ISSN: 1436-4867.
Compulsory Course for the Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering” and for the Second level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”