Course code Arhi5056

Credit points 6

Territorial Development and Spatial Planning

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours114

Date of course confirmation19.01.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author lect.

Dace Kadiķe

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The study course aims for students to learn the territory development planning process, methods and their application in solving practical tasks and scientific issues. Students will acquire knowledge of basic terms of territory and development and their interpretation. Students will learn about regional policy in Latvia, as well as an organization of development planning process, environmental impact assessment, development assessment and its main indicators.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knows the territorial development and territorial development planning, regional policy in Latvia and its evolution -1st and 2nd tests, seminars;
• Can explain by arguments and discuss issues as regards development planning process and its content, to perform development evaluation - seminars;

• Is able to work with an issues of territorial development planning and development assessment, to lead and organize elaboration of sustainable development strategies and development programmes as well as to assess their implementation – seminars, presentation of a report .

Course Content(Calendar)

Lectures and seminārs:
1. Land legal relations. Peculiarities of the history of land reforms in Latvia. Land as a part of real estate (3 h).
2. Expropriation of land for public use (3 h).
3. The concept and purpose of an easement, the procedure for establishing and terminating an easement (3 h).
4. Concepts of territory and development, determining elements of territories, features and classification of territories (3 h).
5. Administrative territorial division in Latvia, its reform and description of the current situation (3 h).
6. The main factors to be considered in spatial planning and theoretical aspects of spatial planning (3 h).
7. Levels of development planning and their interaction. Development planning system in Latvia and its operation, regulatory enactments regulating it (3 h).
1st test: Land legal issues. Basic conditions for spatial development planning (1 h).
8.Spatial planning process and its stages. Organizational structure of spatial planning development (3 h).
9. Spatial development planning information system and its content (3 h).
10. Environmental impact assessment and its determination for spatial planning documents (3 h).
11. Spatial development planning at the national level and at the level of planning regions (3 h).
12. Local government sustainable development strategy and development program, their content and development procedure (3 h).
13. Spatial plan and local planning of the local government, their content and development procedure (3 h).
14. Detailed planning and thematic plans, their content and development procedure (3 h).
15. Procedures for Adoption, Entry into Force and Suspension of Local Government Spatial Planning Documents (2 h).
2nd test: Teritorijas attīstības plānošanas process un dokumenti (1 h).
16. Noslēguma seminārs – referātu prezentācija (2 h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

The exam consists of:
- successful assessment in exam questions;
- successful evaluation of seminar results;
- successful evaluation of the course paper defense.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Research of special literature sources on development planning system in Latvia, research of regulatory enactments on development of spatial planning. Selection of literature and normative acts and studies about regional policy in Latvia, organization of the development planning process, environmental impact assessment, development assessment.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester, the percentage distribution of which is as follows:
- written exam – 40%;
- presentation at the seminar – 20%;
- home work-report – 40%.

Compulsory reading

1. Auziņš A. Zemes pārvaldības pamati: mācību grāmata. Rīga: RTU, 2008. 107 lpp.
2. Briņķis J., Buka O. Teritoriālā plānošana un pilsētbūvniecība. Rīga: RTU, 2001. 219 lpp.
3. Reģionu attīstība Latvijā 2010 [tiešsaiste]. Rīga: Valsts reģ. attīst. aģentūra, 2011. 171 lpp. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
4. Guidelines for Land-use Planning [tiešsaiste]. FAO Development Series I. Rome: FAO, 1993 96 p. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
5. Latvijas ilgtspējīgas attīstības stratēģija līdz 2030.gadam [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
6. Teritorijas attīstības plānošanas informācijas sistēmas noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 392 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 08.07.2014. Stājas spēkā 01.08.2014. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
7. Noteikumi par pašvaldību teritorijas attīstības plānošanas dokumentiem: MK noteikumi Nr. 628 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.10.2014. Stājas spēkā 01.05.2015. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
8. Attīstības plānošanas sistēmas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 08.05.2008. Stājas spēkā 01.01.2009. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
9. Teritorijas attīstības plānošanas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 13.10.2011. Stājas spēkā 01.12.2011. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
10. Reģionālās attīstības likums: LR likums [tiešaiste]. Pieņemts 21.03.2002. Stājas spēkā 23.04.2002. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
11. Noteikumi par plānošanas reģionu teritorijas attīstības plānošanas dokumentiem: MK noteikumi Nr. 402 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 16.07.2013. Stājas spēkā 02.08.2013. [Skatīts 08.02.2022.]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Lendi M. Grundriss einer Theorie der Raumplanung: Einleitung in die raumplanerische Problematik. 34 3 Auflage. Zuerich: VDF Hochschulverlag, 1996. 152 p.
2. Cherry G. E., Rogers A. Rural Change and Planning. England and Wales in the Twentieth century. London: E and FN Spon, 1996. 229 p.
3. Planning for sustainable use of land resources [tiešsaiste]. Towards a new approach. Rome: FAO, Rome, 1995. 60 p. [Skatīts 09.02.2022.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Reģionu attīstība Latvijā 2011 [tiešsaiste]. Rīga: VRAA, 2012.172 lpp. [Skatīts 02.03.2017.]. Pieejams:
2. Praktiskais Latvietis. Rīga: Lauku Avīze. 1992-. ISSN 1407-3358.
3. Mans Īpašums: konsultācijas, skaidrojumi, padomi. palīgs zemkopim, privātuzņēmējam, īpašniekam. Rīga: Mans Īpašums. ISSN 1407-4761.
4. Latvijas Architektūra, žurnāls: arhitektūras, dizaina un vides apskats. Rīga: Lilita. Resurss pieejams arī tiešsaistē. ISSN 1407-4923.


The course is compulsory of academic master's study programme "Environmental, Water and Land Engineering" full- time studies