Course code Arhi5037
Credit points 7.50
Total Hours in Course200
Number of hours for lectures48
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours140
Date of course confirmation18.04.2017
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. oec.
Students get acquainted with the real property valuation and the historical development of real property value of regulatory norms. Learning value theory on the condition - the market value of the assessment base. Acquire real property valuation methods applied. Students acquiring knowledge of real property cadastre value and market value.
• Knowledge - the value of real property, their forms, as well as made aware of the real property value of influencing factors and criteria;
• Skills - know how to apply knowledge of the value of influencing factors, methods and criteria for identifying different types of real property values;
• Competence - acquired knowledge and practical skills of assessment methods use different values for different objects. Be able to critically evaluate your own knowledge and skills, be able to respond for your own work quality.
1. Baumane V. Nekustamā īpašuma vērtēšana. Teorētiskie aspekti. LLU, Jelgava: 2010. 65 lpp.
2. Īpašuma vērtēšanas standarti. LVS 401. Rīga: Latvijas standarts, VSIA, 2002.
3. Betts Richard M., Ely Silas J. Basic Real Estate Appraisal. USA, Engllewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Career & Тechnology, 1994. 496 p.
4. Youngman J. Legal Issues in Property Valuation and Taxation Cases: cases and Materials. USA, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy , 2006. 320 p.
1. Edited by Dick Netzer. Land Value Taxation: Can It and Will It Work Today? USA, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1998. 304 p.
2. Тарасевич Е.И. Анализ инвестиций в недвижимость. Санкт Петербург: МКС, 2000. 428 c.
3. Фридман Д., Ордуей Н. Анализ и оценка приносящей доход недвижимости. Москва: Дело, 1997. 461 c.
1. Praktiskais latvietis. Rīga : Lauku Avīze, 1992-. ISSN 1407-3358.
2. Mans īpašums: konsultācijas, skaidrojumi, padomi. palīgs zemkopim, privātuzņēmējam, īpašniekam. Rīga : Mans Īpašums. ISSN 1407-4761.
3. Mērnieks: problēmas, risinājumi, tehnoloģijas. Latvijas Mērnieku biedrība. Rīga: Trinets. ISSN 1407-7124.