Course code VeteB003

Credit points 6

Anatomy of the Domestic Animals II

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes64

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours82

Date of course confirmation20.12.2023

Responsible UnitPreclinical Institute

Course developers

author Preklīniskais institūts

Astra Ārne


author lect.

Anete Freiberga

Second-cycle professional higher education(līm.)

Prior knowledge

VeteB001, Latin Language in Veterinary Medicine

VeteB002, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals I

Course abstract

Purpose of the study course: Learn and recognize the internal organs of animals, the location and differences between species and what functions they perform in an animals’ body. Anatomy is the foundation for all biological knowledge. Anatomy of Domestic Animals is the science of the structure of animal bodies. Anatomy of the Domestic Animals is very closely connected with cell biology, histology, microscopically anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is the basis of clinical sciences.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: students are able to describe and explain the anatomical structure of organ systems and apparatuses of the domestic animals.
Skills: students are able to identify the organs of horses, ruminants, swine, carnivores and describe them. Skills are acquired and evaluated in practical work during the preparation of study material and in response to colloquiums.
Competency: ability to analyse, compare and differentiate the body structure of domestic animals, its peculiarities in different animal species, applying it to the clinical practice. Competences will be assessed in practical work with 7 oral colloquiums on the study material.

Course Content(Calendar)

16 lectures and 64 practical works:
Lecture 1 - Internal organs. Body cavities.
Lecture 2 - Development of the digestive apparatus.
Lecture 3 - Oral cavity. Pharynx.
Lecture 4 - Anterior intestine (esophagus, stomach)
Lecture 5 - Middle intestine (small intestine), posterior intestine (colon)
Lecture 6 - Liver, pancreas.
Lecture 7 - Development of the respiratory apparatus.
Lecture 8 - Peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory apparatus.
Lecture 9 - Urogenital apparatus, development.
Lecture 10 - Urinary organs.
Lecture 11 - Male genital organs: development, structure, topography, functions, species characteristics.
Lecture 12 - Female genital organs: development, structure, topography, functions, species features.
Lecture 13 - Classification of sense organs. Organum visus.
Lecture 14 – Organum vestibulocohleare.
Lecture 15 - Morphofunctional characteristics of skin and its formations, phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Skin, hair, glands, pads, nail structure.
Lecture 16 - Digital solutions for improving anatomy (computer vision: image classification method).
Practical works:
1. Mouth, throat, abdominal cavity, esophagus - 8 hours of practical work (1st colloquium)
2. Stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, pancreas, peritoneal formations - 12 hours of practical work (2nd colloquium)
3. Nasal cavity, larynx, thoracic cavity and thoracic membrane, lungs - 8 hours of practical work (3rd colloquium)
4. Pelvic cavity. Urinary organs. - 8 hours of practical work (4th colloquium).
5. Male and female genital organs - 12 hours of practical work (5th colloquium)
6. Organum visus. Organum vestibulocohleare - 8 hours of practical work (6th colloquium)
7. Skin and its formations - 8 hours of practical work (7th colloquium)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully completed 7 colloquiums and final examination.
If the colloquiums are not passed by the 4th week of the next study semester and/or unjustified absences are more than 30% of the total number of academic hours, then the study course must be re-acquired in the next study year, following the study course plan.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The tasks of homework are assessed in accordance with the tasks specified in the practical work.
Students independently acquire and strengthen their knowledge in the structures of domestic animals and anatomical differences in domestic animal species. Independently learns new anatomical terminology, following the content of the course plan.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Colloquiums are evaluated on the 10-point scale, the score is scored from 4 to 10 points. Evaluation of a colloquium depends on the presentation of the practical and theoretical knowledge.
The answers to the colloquiums take place sequentially according to the course plan and the study material.
Each wet material of the colloquium is stored for 30 days from the moment of its production.
After completing the colloquium plan student must take an oral examination and answer to 3 questions in the ticket.
Students who have at least 7 points and above in colloquiums, in agreement with the lecturer may skip the exam, but instead prepare a presentation material for the study course. As a final mark, average arithmetic score from the evaluation of the colloquiums taken by the study course is given.

Compulsory reading

1. Brūveris, Z., Baumane, S., Dūrītis, I. (2018). Mājdzīvnieku praktiskā anatomija. Rīga: Medicīnas apgāds.
2. Brūveris, Z. (2007). Mājdzīvnieku anatomija. Rīga: Medicīnas apgāds.
3. König, H.E., Lieblich, H.G. (2014).Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals (6th edition). Germany: Schattauer.
4. Done, S.H., Goody, P.C., Stickland, N.C. (2007). Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy (Volume 3), The Dog and Cat. Philadelphia: Elsevier Helt.
5. Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., Wensing, C.J. (2010) Textbook of veterinary anatomy (4th edition). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders company.
6. World Association of Veterinary Anatomists (2017) Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (6th edition), from

Further reading

1. Brūveris, Z., Baumane, S. (1987). Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku morfoloģija un fizioloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne.
2. Sisson, S., Grosman, J. (1973). The anatomy of the domestic animals (10. Edition). Philadelphia and London: W.B.Saunders Company.
3. Nickel, R., Schummer, A, Seiferle, E. (1973-1992). Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere (Band I-IV). Berlin, Hamburg: Verlag Paul Parey.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Kainer, R.A., McCracken, Th.O. (2003). Dog anatomy: A Coloring Atlas. U.S.A.: TetonNewMedia.
2. Latshaw, W.K. (1987). Veterinary Developmental Anatomy: A Clinically Oriented Approach. Toronto, Ontario: B.C. Decker Inc.
3. Aspinall, V., Capello, M. (2009). Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Phisiology. Textbook (Second edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier.
4. Howard, E.E., de Lahunta, A. (2013). Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog (4th edition). Missouri: Elsevier
5. Hudson, L.C., Hamilton, W.P. (2010). Atlas of Feline Anatomy for Veterinarians (second edition). U.S.A.: Teton New Media.
6. Budras, K.D., McCarthy, P.H., Horowitz, A., Betg, R. (2007). Anatomy of Dog (5th edition). Hannover: Schlütersche.


Compulsory course in the 2nd second cycle professional higher education study program Veterinary Medicine