Course code InfTB009
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes48
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation24.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Mg. sc. ing.
Bc. sc. ing.
InfT3024, Computer Graphics
InfT3035 [GINT3035] Multimedia Technologies
The aim of the study course is to learn the multimedia materials – text, image, video, sound – development types and application, practically learn hardware and software to create multimedia materials. Students acquire theoretical knowledge of the basic components of multimedia and their fields of application.
As a result of the study course students:
• knows the software and equipment necessary for the development of multimedia materials, the use of composition and colors, as well as their areas of application;
• knows how to use specialized applications that are intended for the development of multimedia materials and the use of their results. As well as to learn the necessary technical skills in the use of equipment. Practical works developed and defended during practical lessons;
• is able to independently obtain, select and analyze information and use it for the performance of a specific task, as well as to argue his opinion in the course of defending the development of practical work. Practical works were developed and defended during practical lessons.
1. Introduction to multimedia technologies. Fields of application of multimedia material. Field analysis and classification (1h)
2. Operating principles and main parameters of digital cameras. Shooting modes and options (4h)
3. Image editing. Factors affecting image quality and size. Elimination of image defects in raster graphics processing programs (4h)
4. Infographic basics. Recommendations for composition, scenario, color effects, duration of material - to achieve the best result for the target audience (4h)
5. Methods and types of data visualization. The logic and structure of big data visualization. Psychological perception of the target audience (4h)
6. Development of advertising material with images, video, audio and text. Analysis of the target audience of the advertising video, creation of a scenario, preparation and application of images, video and audio in the development of the work (4h)
7. Online Advertising Standards. Advertising development sites, software. Types and size of publishing files (7h)
8. Audio recording capabilities, audio recording bots, audio players. Principles of audio coding and decoding (1h)
9. Principles of operation of digital video cameras and their main parameters. High-quality video material scenario planning. The compositional layout of the video material. Sound usage during recording (1h)
10. Types of virtual tours and their areas of application. Obtaining and preparing 360-degree images, choosing software, creating a virtual tour (7h)
11. The principle of operation of the 3D scanner. Types of 3D scanning, post-processing and correction of the scanned work (4h)
12. Principles of operation of 3D printing equipment, variety of materials and application. 3D model blank for printing (4h)
13. Types and principles of CNC machining. CNC template designing (4h)
14. Operating principles of augmented reality. Creation of informative material for an augmented reality application (11h)
15. Data compression, main compression methods and algorithms (4h)
Exam. In order to pass the course, all practical assignments must be developed and defended and theory test must be passed.
During the semester, the student must complete the practical work using the assignment descriptions and in consultation with the teaching staff. Completed practical works must be defended within the deadline specified by the teaching staff.
The student should independently study literature and online tutorials to consolidate knowledge.
Evaluation of works takes place in a 10-point system.
If the student is not satisfied with the semester's cumulative grade, the student can write a test.
The assessment task consists of:
• Test on the subject learned in the study course (20% of the grade);
• Practical tasks on the topics learned in the practical work of the study course (80% of the grade).
Phillips J. B., Eliasson H. Camera image quality benchmarking. Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley&Sons, 2018.
Blokdyk G. UX UI Design A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition, 5STARCooks, 2020.
Chaffey D., Ellis-Chadwick F., Digital Marketing, Pearson, 2022.
Boldiševica M., Mācību video izmantošana pieaugušo interešu izglītībā, LLU, Jelgava, 2018. (
Einscan 3D skenera ražotāja mājas lapa un pamācības. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
Google Web Designer ražotāja pamācības. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• Virtual reality society [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
• Standards, Guidelines & Best Practices [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
Academic bachelor study program “Computer Management and Computer Science”.