Course code FiziB006
Credit points 2
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures10
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours32
Date of course confirmation31.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mathematics and Physics
Dr. phys.
Fizi2032, Physics I
Fizi2033 [GFIZ2033] Physics II
Course of Physics consists of two parts and it is mastered within lectures, exercises, laboratory works and individual studies. The knowledge of Physics is essential for understanding of processes in energetics correlations in Physics, forms the basis for new innovations in economy. By solving the exercises in Physics the analytical thinking is developed. Modern specialists should know the basis of Physics for developing the worldview and creative use of physical correlations in practical activities.
After completing the course students will have:
1. knowledge about regularity of essential concepts of physics and critical understanding of how to use it in real-world process description. – The knowledge is assessed in laboratory works and tests.
2. skills to use measurements of physical quantities and apply knowledge in calculation for their branch of research, summarize and analytically describe the results. – The skills are assessed in laboratory works.
3. competence to evaluate results of measurements and calculations, problem solving and understand what influence their professional activities have on environment. – The competence is assessed in laboratory works and tests and exam.
Full time intramural studies:
1. Magnetic field. Sources of magnetic field. (Lectures - 2 h)
2. Magnetic flux. Gauss’s law for magnetism. (Lectures - 1 h)
3. The Bio-Savart law. (Lectures - 2 h)
4. Lorentz force, Ampere’s force law. (Lectures - 1 h)
5. Magnetism in matter. Dia-, para- and ferromagnetic. (Lectures - 2 h)
6. Magnetic induction. Lenz’s law. (Lectures - 3 h)
7. Inductance, self-inductance. (Lectures - 1 h)
8. Maxwell’s equations. Displacement currant. (Lectures - 1 h)
9. Magnetics: Magnetic field of the earth, inductance, transformers. (Labor. works - 4 h, practical classes - 2 h).
10. 1st Test. (Practical classes - 1 h)
11. Oscillations, resonance. (Lectures - 2 h)
12. Travelling waves, superposition. (Lectures - 1 h)
13. Electromagnetic waves. (Lectures - 1 h)
14. Oscillations, pendelum, LC-circuits. (Labor. works - 2 h, practical classes – 2 h)
15. Wave Optics (interference and diffraction). (Lectures - 2 h)
16. Polarization of waves. (Lectures - 1 h)
17. Quantum nature of radiation. Thermal radiation. (Lectures - 3 h)
18. Fundamentals of atomic physics, radioactivity. (Lectures - 1 h)
19. Optics: diffraction gratings, refraction. (Labor. works - 2 h, practical classes – 2 h)
20. 2nd Test. (Practical classes - 1 h)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
1) Laboratory works must be performed and defended, all tests must be written;
2) Passing the written exam.
Each student must process the experimental data obtained during the laboratory work (it is necessary to perform calculations in accordance to the assignment and, if required in the assignment, to plot a graph), and document the results in accordance to the requirements, as well as prepare for the defense of laboratory work by independently studying the study literature.
Knowledge control:
1) Theory and practical tests – 2;
2) Laboratory works (work and defence) - 4.
1. Fizika. Valtera A. red., Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1992. 733 lpp.
2. Serway R. A., Jewett J. W. Physics for scientists and engineers, with modern physics. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2014. 1484 p.
3. Physics for scientists and engineers: an interactive approach. R. Hawkes et al. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2014. 946 p.
4. Tipler P. A., Mosca G. Physics for Scientists and Engineers. 6th edition. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman, 2008. 1172 p.
1. Jansone M., Kalnača A. u.c., Uzdevumu krājums vispārīgajā fizikā. Rīga: RTU, 2000. 247 lpp.
2. Giancoli D. C. Physics Principles with Applications. Sixth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education International/Prentice Hall, 2005. 946 p.
Terra. Rīga: Latvijasuniversitāte. ISSN 977-1407-7191
Compulsory course of TF professional higher education bachelor study programs “Applied Energy Engineering” and “Machine design and production”