Course code ValoP275

Credit points 2.25

Professional German III

Total Hours in Course60

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Date of course confirmation18.10.2011

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developers

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Ina Gode

Dr. paed.

author lect.

Oksana Mališeva

Mg. philol.

Prior knowledge

ValoP273, Professional German I

ValoP274, Professional German II

Course abstract

The study course includes coverage of the knowledge and skills needed for future specialists to succeed in their professional careers, whilst working in the field of catering and hotel entrepreneurship and developing business communication in German with foreign guests, colleagues and cooperation partners. It focuses on professional vocabulary building; the operational activities of catering enterprises, hotels and travel companies; customers’ needs. The study process is based on the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students know terms from the field of catering and hotel entrepreneurship:
(Test No 1);
Students are able to apply professional terminology and skills: in writing essays, business letters; orally in discussions, dialogues, role plays, giving a presentation.
The assessment according to the 10 point scale.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Food safety and personal hygiene.
2. Types of food contamination.
3. Bacterial Food Poisoning.
4. Foodborne Illnesses. Symptoms.
5. Viruses.
6. Parasites.
7. (Test I).
8. Food Additives.
9. Food Safety.
10. Safeness in Food Handling Process.
11. Personal Hygiene of Catering Practitioners.
12. Fire Safety.
13. Veterinary Drugs.
14. Annotation.
15. Studentu individuāli sagatavotas prezentācijas.
16. Studentu individuāli sagatavotas prezentācijas.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment: Test (pass / fail).
It is made up of cumulative assessment.

Successfully written 1 test, the glossary of terms for each topic, timely completed home works, completed individual work (reading of professional texts, presentation on a selected topic, the glossary of terms). Tests and home works are with a positive evaluation. The number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20%.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Individual work:
1. Reading of the independently chosen professional texts (the amount: 10 000 characters);
2. Prepared PPoint presentation and oral presentation (5-10 minutes) in front of the class;
3. Submitted glossary of terms (30 terms, 30 translations, 20 definitions).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The cumulative assessment (pass / fail) is composed of the grades in tests, home assignments, assessment during classes and a presentation of the individual work. The grade in tests is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct.

Compulsory reading

1. Ebermann, R. Lehrbuch Lebensmittelchemie und Ernährung. Springer-Verlaag KG. 2008. 600 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-211-48649-6.
2. Krämer, J. Lebensmittel-Mikrobiologie. 5. Aufl. Verlag Utb GmbH. 2007. 406 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-8252-1421-4.
3. Kurzhals, H.-A. Kühlen und Gefrieren von Lebensmitteln. Lebensmitteltechnologie in der Praxis, Band 1. Behrs Verlag. 2007. 200 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-89947-357-4.
4. Burchard, J.-E. Die Vereinbarkeit der europäischen Vorschriften zur Kennzeichnung gentechnisch veränderter Lebensmittel mit dem Welthandelsrecht. Rechtsfragen der Globalisierung (RFG), Band 14. 1. Aufl.Verlag Duncher&Humlot GmbH. 2007. 459 Seiten, ISBN-10:3.

Further reading

1. Bogenreiter, M. Der Konsum biologischer Lebensmittel in Österreich. Einfluss sozioökonomischer Faktoren. VDM Verlag. 2009. 128 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-639-14596-8.
2. Elmadfa, I., Fritzsche, D.: Unsere Lebensmittel. Tabellen mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, essentiellen Fettsäuren, Kalorien, Eiweißs, Fett und Kohlenhydraten. Ulmer Eugen Verlag, 2005. 208 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-8001-4648-7.
3. Ternes, W., Tunger, L. Lexikon der Lebensmittel und der Lebensmittelchemie. 4. Aufl. Stuttgart : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. 2007. 2134 Seiten, ISBN-10:3-8047-2275-X.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -Technologie. : lwt ; internat. Zeitschr. für Chemie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie u. Technologie d. Lebensmittelverarbeitung ; offiz. Organ d. Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -Technologie = Food science and technology = Science et technologie alimentaire / Agrikulturchemisches Institut, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -Technologie. - Küssnacht : Forster [1.]1967; 2.1973 - ISSN 0023-6438.
2. Ernährungs-Umschau : Praxis & Forschung. Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE), des Verbandes der Diätassistenten, Deutscher Bundesverband e.V. (VDD), der Gütegemeinschaft Diät und Vollkost e.V. (GDV), des Verbandes der Oecotrophologen e.V. (VDOE), des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Ernährungsmediziner e.V. (BDEM). - Sulzbach, Ts. : Umschau-Zeitschr.-Verl. 1.1954,1(Juni)-4; 2.1955 - ISSN: 0174-0008, 0014-021X, 0340-2341.
3. Wissenschaftsmanagement: Zeitschrift für Innovation. - Bonn : Lemmens Verlags- &Mediengesellschaft. 1.1995 -.ISSN: 0947-9546.


Professional German for catering and hotel entrepreneurship I, II