Course code MežZ1016

Credit points 3

Forest Work and Machinery II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation16.02.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developers


Aleksandrs Saveļjevs

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Māris Davidāns

Mg. sc. ing.

author Mežsaimniecības institūts

Ziedonis Sarmulis

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

During the study course students are get acquainted with multi functional forest machines and their operational technology, timber primary transport vehicles and corresponding technological equipment, technological maps, logging process design.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students get:
Knowledge of technology and the corresponding means of work in tree felling, wood pruning and sapling, delivery to the transport road; understanding and could explain the technological design of the development of felling areas; (quiz)
Skill - to analyse the technological development of logging operations and to calculate characterisation indicators in specified conditions of performance; to check the appropriateness of the technological design for use in specified conditions of logging; (laboratory work)
Competence - responsible justification of proposals to improve the technological developments of logging operations or the results to be obtained; the usefulness of the implementation of the technological plan for developing an independently prepared felling area could be justified. (Seminar)

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Goal of logging technology, process structure, general description. (1 Lecture, 1 Practical Work)
2. Conditions affecting logging, nature of their effects. (1 lecture, 1 practical work)
3. Indicators for describing the logging process and its components. (1 Lecture, 1 Practical Work).
4. Wood cutting as a technological activity in the logging process. (1 lecture, 1 practical work)
5. The purpose of felling trees, technological quality requirements, means of work. (1 lecture, 1 practical work)
6. Technological progress and evaluation of the results of the tree felling operation (1 lecture, 1 practical work)
7. Wood pruning target, technological quality requirements, work features. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
8. Technological progress of the pruning operation and evaluation of results. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
9. Wood harvesting purpose, quality requirements, working means. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
10. Wood harvesting with harvester. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
11. Purpose of primary timber transport, quality requirements, means of work. technology. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
12. Technological development of primary timber transport using tractors (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
13. Planning roads, preparation requirements and characteristics. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
14. Transfer of primary transport cableway systems and timber by air. (1 lecture, 1 laboratory work)
15. Objective, objectives and content of the technological planning for the development of the felling area. (1 lectures, 1 workshop)
16. Technological schemes for the development of a column under different conditions characterising felling areas (1 lecture, 1 seminar)

Requirements for awarding credit points

All practical and laboratory work, workshops, quiz completed. A successful final evaluation can be obtained automatically if all laboratories, practical works and workshops are completed, the quiz rating is not lower than 7 (“good”).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent preparation for the control of knowledge by studying special literature and using the learning resources available in the e-study environment within the study course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

All laboratory works (25% of the total score), quiz completed (75% of the total score). A successful final evaluation can be obtained automatically if all laboratories, practical works and workshops are completed, the quiz rating is not lower than 7 (“good”).

Compulsory reading

1. Sarmulis Z., Saveļjevs A. Meža darbi un tehnoloģijas. Mācību līdzeklis. 2015. 175 lpp.
2. Drēska A. Kokmateriālu sagatavošana ar hārvesteru: metodiski norādījumi. Jelgava: LLU Meža izmantošanas katedra, 2006. 40 lpp.
3.Rokasgrāmata mežizstrādes operatoriem un kokvedēju vadītājiem. AS Latvijas valsts meži. 2012. 46 lpp.
4.Kopšanas ciršu rokasgrāmata. AS Latvijas valsts meži. 2008. 108 lpp.
5.Davidāns M., Saveļjevs A., Strūbergs A., Traktortehnika meža darbos. Jelgava, 2019, Studentu biedrība Šalkone, 140 lpp.

Further reading

1. Harvesteru kalibrēšanas un kontrolmērījumu vadlīnijas. AS Latvijas valsts meži. 2010. 16 lpp.
2.Pēšons P.Ē. Mežizstrādes darbi komandā. 1. daļa. Tulkojums Staņa K. CO Print EU. 2012. 253 lpp.
3. Pēšons P.Ē. Mežizstrādes darbi komandā. 2. daļa. Tulkojums Staņa K. CO Print EU. 2012. 337 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Baltijas Koks. ISSN 1407-6667
2. Meža Avīze, ISSN 1407-6187
3. SkogForsk Results, ISSN 1103-6222


The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Faculty of Forestry.