Course code ETeh5003

Credit points 3

Conformity and Certification of Electrical Equipment

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures18

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes6

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation12.03.2013

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers

author lect.

Imants Plūme

Mg. sc. ing.


Andris Šnīders

Dr. habil. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to get acquainted with conformity and safety assessment procedures, modules and standards, with the attestation and certification of conformity of electrical equipment in the European Union (EU). Students gain knowledge about the procedure for awarding the CE mark, preparation of the technical file, its structure and its circulation rules. In practical work, students acquire skills in applying certification procedures to electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of EU directives and legislation of the Republic of Latvia.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowladge - knows the conformity and quality directives and standards of electrical equipment, conformity assessment modules, technical file structure and certification procedures - Test 1, practical work.
2. Skills - is able to prepare a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of EU directives and ESD requirements certification modules for attestation and certification of electrical equipment conformity, CE marking, is able to evaluate electrical equipment user instructions - Test 2, practical work.

3. Competence - in the conditions of creation and use of the content and structure of the technical file, in the application of EU electrical safety standards, in the conformity assessment of electrical equipment - Test 3, homework.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Basic principles of conformity and quality assessment in the European Union. Global concept of compliance (lecture - 2 h).
2. Conformity assessment in the regulated and non-regulated sphere, conformity assessment modules in the EU (lecture - 2 h).
3. Conformity assessment procedure, CE conformity mark, its form, content and installation procedure (lecture - 2 h).
4. Practical work - 2 h. Hierarchy and selection of applicable EU and LR legislation for conformity assessment of a specific electrical equipment.
5. Notified institutions, goals and principles of their establishment, main tasks and notification procedure (lecture - 2 h).
6. Notified bodies and responsibilities of the manufacturer in modules A + B + C. Procedure for attesting conformity (lecture - 2 h).
7. Quality assurance modules and main standards, their scope and application rules (lecture - 2 h).
8. Practical work - 2 h. Hierarchy and selection of applicable EU and LR electrical safety standards and regulations for conformity assessment of a specific electrical equipment.
9. Low Voltage Directive (LVD), its main requirements, products included in the scope, safety clause (lecture - 2 h).
10. Low Voltage Directive requirements certification modules, regulations for placing electrical equipment on the market (lecture - 2 h).
11. Test 1. LVD main requirements for electrical equipment and conditions for placing electrical equipment on the market.
12. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive products included in its scope (lecture - 2 h). 13.
13. Practical work - 2 h. Procedures for assessing the electromagnetic compatibility and quality requirements for specific electrical equipment.
14. Modules for certification of ESD requirements, procedure, documents and CE marking (lecture - 1 h).
15. Test 2. ESD main requirements for electrical equipment and electromagnetic interference assessment procedures
16. Conformity attestation procedure and placing on the market of local electrotechnical products (lecture - 1 h).
17. Safety Directive for Equipment in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (DSPV), equipment categories (conformity assessment and attestation modules, lecture -1 h).
18. Machinery Directive, machinery subject to its requirements with electric drive and electrotechnical equipment (lecture - 1 h).
19. Internal and external technical documentation of the EU declaration of conformity. User instruction (lecture - 2 h).
20. Test 3. Technical file, purpose of its creation, content, structure, availability and confidentiality.

21. Practical work - 2 h. Development of a technical file structure for the conformity assessment of a specific regulated sphere electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of EU and Latvian legislation.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Must have performed and credited all practical works, home works and passed all tests.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. In the elaboration of practical work students are guided by the requirements defined in lectures and laboratory work.
2. Homework no. 1. Evaluation of electrical equipment instructions. Vol: 3-4 p.

3. Homework no. 2. Description of the conformity assessment procedures and institutions of the selected regulated electrical equipment, vol: 4-6 p.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Assessment (Test with a mark) takes place in a 10-point system, summing up the assessments of tests (max. 30%), homeworks (max. 40%) and practical works (max. 30%), taking into account the level and quality of acquired knowledge.

Compulsory reading

1. Šnīders A. Elektroiekārtu atbilstība un sertifikācija [tiešsaiste]: Mācību līdzeklis maģistrantiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2011. 175 lpp. [Skatīts 17.04.2013.]. Pieejams: E-grāmata.
2. Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 12 December 2006 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits [tiešsaiste] [skatīts17.04.2013.]. Pieejams: (Zemsprieguma direktīva).
3. Eiropas parlamenta un padomes Direktīva 2004/108/EK: (2004. gada 15. decembris) par to, kā tuvināt dalībvalstu tiesību aktus, kas attiecas uz elektromagnētisko savietojamību. Pieejams: (Elektromagnētiskās savietojamības direktīva).

4. Eiropas parlamenta un padomes Direktīva 2006/42/EK [tiešsaiste]: (2006. gada 17. maijs) par mašīnām, un ar kuru groza Direktīvu 95/16/EK [skatīts 17.04.2013.].

Further reading

1. ES “Jaunās pieejas” direktīvu ietekme uz produktu un pakalpojumu drošumu. (skatīts 20.09.2020.).

2. MK Nr. 673 (2019. gada 17. decembrī). Atbilstības novērtēšanas institūciju novērtēšanas, akreditācijas un uzraudzības noteikumi; (skatīts 20.09.2020.).

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls Enerģija un pasaule, Izd.: VAS LATENERGO un Latvijas Elektroenerģētiķu biedrība. ISSN: 1407-5911,
2. Enerģētika un automatizācija. ISSN 1407- 8580. Profesionāls žurnāls par enerģētiku un automatizācijas risinājumiem/ EU

3. Commission to Adopt a Regulation on Batteries, Energy Storage, and Electric Vehicle Batteries:


Compulsory course in the sub-program “Energy” of the master's program "Agricultural Engineering"