Course code Ekon5123

Credit points 6

Investments for Rural Development

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures12

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes36

Independent study hours114

Date of course confirmation19.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer

author prof.

Irina Pilvere

Dr. oec.

Course abstract

Master students gain an in-depth understanding of agricultural and rural development policy in the EU and its implementation in Latvia. The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is developed, its reforms are taking place, therefore it is important to understand the results of the implementation of these reforms, the theoretical and practical aspects of the support system in Latvia. Master students acquire practical skills in preparing support project applications to develop entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge of agricultural and rural development policy in the EU and its implementation in Latvia (group work, individual independent work, presentations).
2. Knowledge of different financial instruments - EU support and state subsidies, the conditions of their use and the regulatory framework for it (discussions in classes and individual independent work, presentations, exam).
3. In-depth understanding of the investment project development stages and conditions for rural development (discussions in classes, investment project preparation).
1. Ability to orientate and understand the conditions of receiving support, decision-making process in project approval, project implementation, payment receiving and monitoring conditions, is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in the development of investment project application (discussions in classes, investment project preparation, exam).
2. Ability to argue issues on complex aspects of EU policy, be able to find and apply appropriate financial instruments for the implementation of an investment project idea, is able to prepare and present presentations on EU policy support measures (discussions in classes, investment project preparation, presentations).
1. Is able to responsibly formulate, plan, analyse and forecast the company's development opportunities, attracting investments from EU financial instruments for rural development for project implementation, using the provisions of the latest regulatory enactments (investment project development).
2. Is able to independently plan, forecast and organize the company's financial flow for attracting state and EU support in the most advantageous way to independently prepare the necessary documents for attracting support funding (investment project development).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Definition of rural areas and investments, factors affecting rural development (4 h lectures).
2. Rural development policy in the EU (4 h lectures).
3. The strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy, financing and investment attraction opportunities (4 hours of practical work).
4. Horizontal implementation conditions of rural development support (4 hours of practical work).
5. Conditions for receiving investment support (4 hours of practical work).
6. Preparation of the investment project application (4 hours of practical work).
7. Preparation of the investment project application (4 hours of practical work).
8. Preparation of the investment project application (4 hours of practical work).
9. Preparation of presentations on support measures intended for rural development (4 hours of practical work).
10. Direct payment support system, Geographic information system, Land field register (4 h lectures).
11. Normative regulation on direct payments (4 hours of practical work).
12. Presentations on direct payments (4 hours of practical work).

Requirements for awarding credit points

The study course evaluates three main activities:
1. Independent work in the preparation of the investment project application - up to 30%;
2. Prepared two presentations and presented them to the group - up to 20% of the total evaluation.
3. Exam on support for rural development and direct payments - up to 50% of the total assessment.
10% corresponds to one point on the 10-point study results evaluation scale.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students working in small groups and searching publicly available information about Altum support programs in agriculture and rural development and create a presentation (up to 5 slides) and present it in class.
The student independently develops an investment project application, creates all sections of this application (title page, information about the company, project, priority criteria, income, costs, cash flow, documents to be submitted) and submitted it to the lecturer within a certain time.
The student prepares two presentations on support measures (one on the Rural Development Program support measure / measures and the other on one of the types of EU direct payments support or conditions for receiving them), which are presented in a class. The presentation has a maximum of 5 slides each, answering the questions:
1) Who can receive the respective support payment;
2) What are the main conditions for receiving support;
3) What are the results of the implementation of the support measure.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The study course evaluates three main activities:
1. Independent work in the preparation of the investment project application - up to 30%;
2. Prepared two presentations and presented them to the group - up to 20% of the total evaluation.
3. Exam on support for rural development and direct payments - up to 50% of the total assessment.
10% corresponds to one point on the 10-point study results evaluation scale.

Compulsory reading

1. Zemkopības ministrija (2022). Latvijas Kopējās lauksaimniecības politikas stratēģiskais plāns 2023.-2027. gadam un tā grozījumi.
2. 2023. gada 7. marta MK noteikumi Nr. 113 "Valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalsta piešķiršanas, administrēšanas un uzraudzības vispārējā kārtība lauku un zivsaimniecības attīstībai" un to grozījumi.
3. 2023. gada 13. jūnija MK noteikumi Nr. 306 "Valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalsta piešķiršanas kārtība Eiropas Lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai intervencē "Atbalsts ieguldījumiem mazajās lauku saimniecībās" 2023.-2027. gadam" un to grozījumi.
4. 2023. gada 1. jūnija MK noteikumi Nr. 269 "Valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalsta piešķiršanas kārtība Eiropas Lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai intervencē "Atbalsts gados jaunajiem lauksaimniekiem uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanai"" vai tamlīdzīgi par investīciju atbalstu.
5. Ministru kabineta 2023. gada 18.aprīļa noteikumi Nr.198 "Tiešo maksājumu piešķiršanas kārtība lauksaimniekiem" un to grozījumi.

Further reading

1. Zemkopības ministrijas aktuālā informācija:
2. Lauku atbalsta dienesta aktuālā informācijas:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls Agrotops.

2. Žurnāls Saimnieks.


Compulsory course for the Faculty of Agriculture academic and professional master programmes Agriculture.