Course code Ekon2112
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation18.09.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Dr. oec.
Students get theoretical knowledge of creative economics and practical skills in the implementation of creative and innovative ideas in traditional entrepreneurship. During the course, students learn how to create new ideas and arose interest in and attract attention to the ideas, how to make their ideas profitable as well as how to find new and prospective economic areas. During the course, role models, discussions, good-practice analysis and case studies are used.
Students will be able to demonstrate:
1) economic trends, creative industries, the concept of creativity and innovation. Discussions, group work, independent work.
2) the role of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. Group work, discussions, a study trip.
3) intellectual property (copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs) as well as technology and knowledge transfer. Study trip, discussions.
Professional skills to
1) identify new and prospective economic areas. Discussions in classes, group work and a presentation
2) integrate and independently use the acquired theoretical knowledge to create, develop and legally protect new (innovative) products in both conventional and creative industries. Discussions in classes, group work and a presentation.
Soft skills to
1) plan their time to complete the assignments given. Independent and group work.
2) cooperate with group members. Group assignments and the final assignment in a group.
3) practically apply the theoretical knowledge acquired. Study trip.
1) apply the findings of creative economics as well as associate them with the latest developments in the global economy. Discussions in classes, group work and a presentation.
2) come up with and present innovative and creative solutions (products, services, processes). Discussions in classes, group work.
1. Development of a modern economy. Economic directions.
Modern economic development trends, the directions in which the economy has historically developed and the directions determined by the current market situation. A knowledge-based economy and value generation. The role of creativity in economic development. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical)
2. Creative economy, creative goods and services. Creative industries.
The creative economy and its relevance in the modern world and in Latvia, the history of its development. Creative economy industries, their features and classification. Creative goods and services. Creative goods and services produced in Latvia. Creative industries, their division. The emergence of creative industries, creative industries in the world, examples of successful creative entrepreneurship. (2h - lectures, 5h - practicals)
3. Innovation.
Creativity as a prerequisite for innovation. Innovation, its importance in business, the role of innovation in increasing competitiveness and economic development. (2h - lectures, 4h - practicals)
4. Creativity in traditional business.
Changes in the traditional economy in the 21st century. The introduction of new ideas in traditional business. The need to create new ideas, the effects of demand, competition and technological progress on business development. Tools for helping convince your idea: argumentation and technical solutions. The understanding and comprehensible presentation of ideas, an assessment of potential profitability, opportunities and threats. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical)
5. Application of a creative business approach, the creation of an image for the company.
The creation of information about the company in accordance with the requirements of the modern market, the creation and design of a website, an innovative approach to designing informative materials, the importance of the interior design of a room. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical)
6. International trade in creative goods and services.
The proportion of creative goods and services in total international trade, trade in creative goods and services. Imports and exports of Latvian creative goods. The export capacity of creative industries and exportable products. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical)
7. Intellectual property. Copyright. (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals)
The need for copyrights and patents, the procedure for obtaining them, the international fight against counterfeiting (TRIPS, ACTA), intellectual property protection in Latvia.
8. Contribution to the development of creativity and creative industries. (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals)
The United Nations strategy for creativity, European experience in promoting innovation and creativity, the innovation link between science and business. The national strategy of Latvia and support for the creative economy and innovation, support instruments.
The student must do two pieces of independent work on creative industries and products in the world and in Latvia and intellectual property protection, two pieces of group work on innovation and inventions in history and today and creativity and innovation in companies in the world and Latvia, as well as the final piece of work – the development of a new product, which involves all the stages of its development; the result is presented in practicals.
1) The student gets acquainted with and searches for information about creative industries and products in the world and in Latvia.
2) The student independently makes a presentation on intellectual property protection.
3) The student obtains information and builds up an understanding of the topics of discussions and presentations for practicals.
The final mark consists of the following pieces of assessment: independent work on creative industries and products in the world and in Latvia 20%; group work on innovation and inventions in history and today 20%; group work on creativity and innovation in companies in the world and Latvia 20%; independent work on intellectual property protection and a study trip 20%; the final work and a presentation on the development of a new product, which involves all the stages of its development 20%.
1. Inovatīvās darbības pamatelementi: rokasgrāmata maziem un vidējiem uzņēmumiem. Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra. 2007., 276 lpp.
2. Furseth Peder I. Innovation in an advanced consumer society: value-driven service innovation. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016., 190 lpp.
3. Creative Economy Outlook: Trends in international trade in creative industries. United Nations, 2018., 445 lpp. Pieejams: ditcted2018d3_en.pdf
1. Howkins J. The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin Global, 2013, 304 lpp
2. Edeirs Dž. Radošas domāšanas māksla. Rīga, Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008, 119 lpp.
3. Inovatīva domāšana (Harvard Business Rewiew on Breakthrough Thinking). Rīga, Lietišķās informācijas dienasts, 2007, 203 lpp.
4. Grīns E. Radošas sabiedriskās attiecības. Rīga, Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008, 269 lpp.
1. Latvijas Republikas Patentu valde:
2. European Patent office:
3. Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra / Latvijas Autoru apvienība:
4. Latvijas Izpildītāju un producentu apvienība:
5. Ekonomikas ministrija
6. Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra:
7. Latvijas Republikas Kultūras ministrija:
Elective course for LLU bachelor programmes