Pirmdiena | Otrdiena | Trešdiena | Ceturtdiena | Piektdiena | Sestdiena | Svētdiena | |
08.30-10.00 |
Citi4016 Labour and Civil Protection A Lecture 03.02.2025-30.03.2025 G0412(PLK) G0413(PLK) G0608(PLK) Brizga Dace 16. aud. (1. floor), MVZF, Akadēmijas iela 11 |
Mate2035 Mathematics IV A Lecture 2nd week Zvirgzdiņa Līga 218. aud. (2. floor), Pils, Lielā iela 2 Mate2035 Mathematics IV A Laboratory works 1st week Zvirgzdiņa Līga 220. aud. (2. floor), Pils, Lielā iela 2 |
LauZ3126 Strength of Materials I A Laboratory works 21.04.2025-18.05.2025 Kaķītis Aivars 405. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
10.30-12.00 |
Ekon4005 Entrepreneurship I A Lecture 2nd week G0413(PLK) Saulāja Inese 305. aud. (3. floor), ESAF, Svētes iela 18 Ekon4005 Entrepreneurship I A Practical works 1st week Saulāja Inese 305. aud. (3. floor), ESAF, Svētes iela 18 |
Ener2003 Heat Engineering A Lecture 2nd week Šeļegovskis Raimunds 316. aud. (3. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 Ener2003 Heat Engineering A Practical works 1st week pr.d./lab.d. Kanceviča Liene 316. aud. (3. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
Mmeh3001 Mechatronics I A Lecture 2nd week Kaķītis Aivars 403. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 Mmeh3001 Mechatronics I A Practical works 1st week-03.02.2025-30.03.2025 Kaķītis Aivars 403. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
12.30-14.00 |
LauZ3126 Strength of Materials I A Lecture Kaķītis Aivars 402. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
LauZ4066 Hydraulics and Hidraulic Drive I A Lecture 2nd week Kjakste Jānis 403. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 LauZ4066 Hydraulics and Hidraulic Drive I A Practical works 1st week pr.d/lab.d. Kjakste Jānis 403. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5, 427. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
ETeh2002 Automation A Lecture 03.02.2025-27.04.2025 Laizāns Aigars 212. aud. (2. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
14.30-16.00 |
LauZ4190 Theoretical Mechanics II A Lecture 03.02.2025-30.03.2025 G0413(PLK) Dauvarts Mārtiņš 402. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
ETeh2002 Automation A Laboratory works 1st week Straume Indulis 321. aud. (3. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 LauZ4190 Theoretical Mechanics II A Practical works 2nd week Dauvarts Mārtiņš 402. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
16.30-18.00 |
TraZ3023 Basics of Vehicle Diagnostics C Lecture 24.02.2025-20.04.2025 BISK G0412(PLK) G0327(PLK) G0413(PLK) G0506(PLK) G0330(PLK) G0419(PLK) G0335(PLK) G0336(PLK) G0507(PLK) G0903(PLK) G0907(PLK) Birkavs Aivars 212. aud. (2. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
Citi4016 Labour and Civil Protection A Practical works 2nd week Brizga Dace 14. aud. (1. floor), MVZF, Akadēmijas iela 11 |
Mmeh3001 Mechatronics I A Laboratory works 1st week-31.03.2025-25.05.2025 Gailums Guntis 405. aud. (4. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |
18.30-20.00 |
TraZ3023 Basics of Vehicle Diagnostics C Laboratory works 24.02.2025-20.04.2025 BISK G0412(PLK) G0907(PLK) Birkavs Aivars 225. aud. (2. floor), IITF, J. Čakstes bulvāris 5 |